discount for Disney Club members


Earning My Ears
Feb 11, 2001
I am thinking of becoming a DC member. What discount would be on a preferred FW campsite about May 24- June 2. I think the regular price is $62.00. Or would there even be a discount?
Hi! There are different discounts offered at different times of the year. Your best bet would be to call CRO (1-407-W-DISNEY) and ask them. Sometimes a discount isn't published, but if you ask for the Disney Club price, they will give it to you.

Usually, the discount is between 10-20%. :D

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
I joined the Disney Club just to make my reservations for June 2-10.
You will get a 10% discount on your total campsite bill(this alone saved me over $50), plus discounts on your park passes, and many other things including a 20% discount on the Hoop De Do Review if you go to that.


Fort Wilderness 85, 87, 92
Disney Village 97
Coranodo Springs 99
Fort Wilderness June 2-10 2001


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