Disboutiquers Part 8 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Well, I've been lurking lots, not sewing so much. It looks like everyone needs a GIANT group hug! There's so much going on. And sadly, I'm in need of a hug too. We were looking to buy a house, found one we liked (that we could afford) and put in an offer, had my Dad do a home inspection, hired an arborist to check out a large tree in the yard, AND put in an offer. Then we waited while the sellers were ON VACATION, and couldn't be reached to present the offer to! Anyhoo, long story short, we lost the house, the sale was almost complete too! Now we have to be out of our present house in 27 days, and we're not able to secure a mortgage in time (thanks to a data entry error at the credit verification company, and that market crash from earlier this week :(). Sooooo, we have to rent a place for a while until this whole mess is sorted out. This just rots! So DH and I surprised the kids by picking them up from school at lunch and driving to the USA, took them to Target and bought them their Hallowe'en costumes, bought some junk food that we can't buy in Canada and ate at the Olive Garden (we don't have those here either). Yum! Love the Bellini iced tea there. A little cross-border retail therapy was all we needed to lift our spirits, but we just didn't have time to go to Joann's :sad2:

I had a question for those of you who sell your creations, feel free to PM me! Do you feel that you make enough money to justify the time spent? Are you able to make a profit - or you do find yourself spending more on fabric for your own kids? Any tips would be great. Here in Canada I NEVER see kids with customs of any kind, so I thought I would look into this!

So here's a GIANT :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for everyone (even if you think you don't need it!)


Oh, I am so sorry about the house. I hope everything works out. I probably do not make enough profit (less than $5/hour), but I am very slow! And I am not too good at marketing. I am sure you will get great advice from others here.


I love that purse: cute dots! Your little einstein stuff is great too!

Megan says, " Wow, she is very cute. Her mom should put all of her pictures right side up though so I can see her better. I like her apple."

It's all about Megan, you know! :lmao:

Anyway, she is very cute and the outfits looks even more adorable on!

Also couple questions.....

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training. She wants to put the poop from her diaper in the toilet, but refuses to even try sitting on the potty herself. She will hold her baby doll over the toilet and play pretend. We have the "Once Upon A Potty" DVD and she's watched that a few times. Any suggestions? Or is it just a time thing and I just have to wait and it will come on it's own? (this is the thought process I have now) We have a mini potty and a seat for the regular commode so she has her choice and we invite her to sit on it before baths, or whenever, but dont force it. If we are awake and I see her "pushing" I suggest going to sit on the potty in a kind and encouraging voice, but she whines "Nooooooo" so I say, it's okay. I never make her feel like I dont want to change her diaper or that she's done anything wrong.
I've read a book that focuses on a whole doll and candy reward thing- but she is not interested. and Im not interested in "training in the nude".
That said- what are your thoughts?

I hope you feel better soon. My OB always said, the worse you feel, the better the baby is doing! I always was so appreciative! :lmao:

1) I actually subscribed to the Heather method of always getting water in their face so they wouldn't be sensitive of it. It wasn't a conscious decision, I am just clumsy! Anyway, when Megan went through that phase I bought an extension for the shower head so I could bring the nozzle down to her and have more control than a cup. It's great for washing the dog too.

2) I know all about control issues and the potty! I agree with you, the less you make it an issue the better. I got a little worried when Megan was supposed to start preschool and wasn't trained so I just did a straight bribe. I took her into the Disney store and told her I would buy her anything in the store if she would use the potty. After a couple of weeks she was ready to get her $40 Cinderella dress so she put on panties and hardly had any accidents ever. I think it is almost better to wait because you know they are ready and you are not constantly hovering over them, do you have to go? Anyway, good luck!

Also- One more thing!!
There is a gal in my MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group. She and her husband have a 1yr old and a 3yr old and he was recently diagnosed with brain cancer- stage 3, he's been given 5 years to live, he's about 37 years old. She has been a stay at home mom since her first child was born and he has been out of work for the last 3 months and money is very very tight. Her neighborhood is doing a tag sale/bake sale/activites day to raise money for them, but more than anything they need prayers. I know many of you pray, and this nice family (Jen and Ken) could use all the prayers they can get.

:hug: Will definitely say a prayer for them.
Here is a purse I made last week. It looks better in person then in this picture.

This is an outfit I made for my nephew. I screwed up and the stretch of the fabric is wrong. UGH! Oh well it is the thought that counts right?

It will match the outfit I made his sister a few weeks ago.

Great job and I LOVE that purse!

I'm glad you posted the modeling photos! Your DD is so cute! I LOVE her hair! princess:
Nicole-I'm sorry to hear about the morning sickness. It will be over soon! As for the hair washing, I always told Jenna to look up and close her eyes and picture birdies flying above her in a really calm voice and then slowly pour the water on her head. This worked like a charm. Sorry to hear about your friends. They will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Teresa-I signed up over on the Disboards for Hank's shirt.
Had some quick things to share before I am off to Wal Mart. Tom took the kids to the beach so I could have a sewing day, isn't he sweet? I am not really a beach girl.

The school is having a bazaar where you pay them $25 and you can set up a table to sell things so I think he wants me to work on that, lol. I am hoping to make at least $25 so I can get my money back!

Here is the corduroy fabric I wanted to make a jumper, but Megan insisted on a jacket instead. I had to lengthen the darn pattern by 3 inches so the buttons look weird. I am going to buy more buttons to add to the top:


Now that I look at it again, I remember what a pain those pockets were! Oh, I hated them! Commercial patterns will never come close to the ease of Carla's I tell you! The collar came out totally wonky on the inside too. Good thing it's just for Megan!

Here is a MAW outfit. I almost feel guilty at how quick the boy stuff is. I feel like I should be doing two outfits to equal the time spent on the girl things!

so cute! The fal one is my fav!

Sorry you aren't feeling well. Keep your eye on the prize as they say:rotfl: In no time you will have a little bundle to hold!

As for the hair wet thing. Yrs ago when Nikki was about your little ones age. (omg that was so long ago! ) I read in Parents mag about cleaning out a squirt catsup bottle and using that. I used a different squirt bottle because I couldn't bring myself to use a catsup one and it worked like a charm! She thought it was the coolest thing too.

As for the potty training. Nikki wasn't too bad. I would let her run around nekked right before ad after a bath and sit her on the potty for a bit . We never used the little potty because I wanted them to realize exactly where they needed to go. Then add to the fact with Nikki I was pg with Kyle so I would get sick at the smell. So I was in no way going to clean it! Every few days I would let her either try big girl undies or run nekked for a bit longer and before i knew it she was potty trained. She also LVED the Bear in the Big Blue house video.
Then there was Kyle! :lmao: He is my stubborn one! With him I had to rib him with m&m and toys!

With Nikki she did get a sticker on the calendar for every day she stayed dry and she thought that was fun getting a sticker and seeing them all up there. With Kyle he had to be bought off! :lmao:

So sad about your friends! I hope he beats all the odds and lives for many many more yrs! They of course are in my thoughts!

Thanks for the compliments on the purse. It is really cute the picture doesn't do it justice if I do say so myself.

Have any of you ever had your needle get suck in your bobbin case???? Last night it was so odd! My needle that I just replaces because it broke. And the machine kept jamming all the sudden. The neddle fell out and i couldn't get it out. So i un screwed the plate and really wiggled the plate off only to find the neddle jammed in the black bobbin case! George had to pull it out:scared1: When I examined it must have been hitting it for awhile because it was all rough.

After the game today I am going to see if my sewing shop where I bought it is open and get a new one if not Monday but for now I think I will see if the one from my old brother machine fits in there.
My needle did the same thing, and it had been hiting for a while. I took the whole thing apart and cleaned throughly. When I took the bobbin casing out i found a big ball of lint way back in the back that I would never have noticed if I hadn't had the plate off and the bobbin case out at the same time. Getting it out fixed the problem.

Those are really cute, much more appropriate than Bratz. Thanks for the link!

No problem! I have never liked bratz and DD has been asking for them so mabye this will work as a sub.
Had some quick things to share before I am off to Wal Mart. Tom took the kids to the beach so I could have a sewing day, isn't he sweet? I am not really a beach girl.

The school is having a bazaar where you pay them $25 and you can set up a table to sell things so I think he wants me to work on that, lol. I am hoping to make at least $25 so I can get my money back!

Here is the corduroy fabric I wanted to make a jumper, but Megan insisted on a jacket instead. I had to lengthen the darn pattern by 3 inches so the buttons look weird. I am going to buy more buttons to add to the top:


Now that I look at it again, I remember what a pain those pockets were! Oh, I hated them! Commercial patterns will never come close to the ease of Carla's I tell you! The collar came out totally wonky on the inside too. Good thing it's just for Megan!

Here is a MAW outfit. I almost feel guilty at how quick the boy stuff is. I feel like I should be doing two outfits to equal the time spent on the girl things!

The jacket is adorable!! Wow!! You have great Talent! Is it hard to work with cordoroy?
Great job and I LOVE that purse!

I'm glad you posted the modeling photos! Your DD is so cute! I LOVE her hair! princess:
Thanks :) That was a quick job, getting her to let me put it up. she is one of those little girls that likes her hair down (all the time) :). Yeah...the outfits just aren't the same without her in them...She makes them! Thanks again!!
Teresa-I signed up over on the Disboards for Hank's shirt.
Thank you, Crystal!!

Had some quick things to share before I am off to Wal Mart. Tom took the kids to the beach so I could have a sewing day, isn't he sweet? I am not really a beach girl.

The school is having a bazaar where you pay them $25 and you can set up a table to sell things so I think he wants me to work on that, lol. I am hoping to make at least $25 so I can get my money back!

Here is the corduroy fabric I wanted to make a jumper, but Megan insisted on a jacket instead. I had to lengthen the darn pattern by 3 inches so the buttons look weird. I am going to buy more buttons to add to the top:


Now that I look at it again, I remember what a pain those pockets were! Oh, I hated them! Commercial patterns will never come close to the ease of Carla's I tell you! The collar came out totally wonky on the inside too. Good thing it's just for Megan!

Here is a MAW outfit. I almost feel guilty at how quick the boy stuff is. I feel like I should be doing two outfits to equal the time spent on the girl things!

I LOVE the jacket, Steph!! Tessa is sticking her tongue out and panting, so I'd say it's a hit with her, too. I can't wait for Megan to outgrow it! :rotfl:
Whenever I try to make rounded pockets, they turn out square. So, I am really admiring those pockets.

Jamahl's outfit turned out great! Thank you!!!

No problem! I have never liked bratz and DD has been asking for them so mabye this will work as a sub.

I have refused to buy any Bratz since my friend showed me her daughter's baby bratz who came dressed in a negligee and thong undies. EW!!!!
Steph!! I love that outfit!!

I agree w/ Teresa. I am always reading but I'm so busy that sometimes I can't quote..even on stuff I LOVE.

Like now for instance I am going to start sewing RIGHT NOW!!!

So I am sitting at my sewing table last night when dh get's home from work and he tells me to come sit down and sends dd7 to her room. :confused3 He starts to tear up and says the store is closing I am losing my job. :scared1: :eek: :scared: :crazy2: :faint: I swear it as if I stop breathing. The store will be closing the first week of december. He has been there 8 years. I am so beside myself with worry right now even though he tells me we will be ok. Not to worry. I am so lost right now I don't know what to do. Thank you for letting me vent. :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:
I have refused to buy any Bratz since my friend showed me her daughter's baby bratz who came dressed in a negligee and thong undies. EW!!!!

Can you believe someone bought the giant baby Bratz doll (complete with thong) as a welcome home gift for Morgan?:scared1: It went back to the store so fast!
Just wanted to send everyone a big fat cyber (((HUG))):hug: - there are so many here in need of it.
So I am sitting at my sewing table last night when dh get's home from work and he tells me to come sit down and sends dd7 to her room. :confused3 He starts to tear up and says the store is closing I am losing my job. :scared1: :eek: :scared: :crazy2: :faint: I swear it as if I stop breathing. The store will be closing the first week of december. He has been there 8 years. I am so beside myself with worry right now even though he tells me we will be ok. Not to worry. I am so lost right now I don't know what to do. Thank you for letting me vent. :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. What an awful thing to happen to you. I know several people on here are looking for new jobs and I hope each and everyone is able to find a better and better paying job. That is an awful time to be out of work, right at Christmas. I will be praying for you and everyone else.

Can you believe someone bought the giant baby Bratz doll (complete with thong) as a welcome home gift for Morgan?:scared1: It went back to the store so fast!

Seriously? They come with a thong? That is wrong in so many different ways. Grace has wanted a bratz doll for forever and I refuse to buy anything named Bratz but I didn't even know about the thong! That truly :scared1: me. Now I'm really glad that I've never bought one!
Hey, who here is on facebook? I joined a couple of months ago and keep meaning to ask if anybody else is on and wanted to be my "friend" but I just remembered! PM me if you are interested in being my "friend"!
So I am sitting at my sewing table last night when dh get's home from work and he tells me to come sit down and sends dd7 to her room. :confused3 He starts to tear up and says the store is closing I am losing my job. :scared1: :eek: :scared: :crazy2: :faint: I swear it as if I stop breathing. The store will be closing the first week of december. He has been there 8 years. I am so beside myself with worry right now even though he tells me we will be ok. Not to worry. I am so lost right now I don't know what to do. Thank you for letting me vent. :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:
:hug:I know how you feel. DH has lost several jobs in the past two years. Somehow we always pull through. This last time has been the hardest though.
Can you believe someone bought the giant baby Bratz doll (complete with thong) as a welcome home gift for Morgan?:scared1: It went back to the store so fast!
That is horrible. I don't like Bratz dolls at all. I have never bought any for Jenna and don't plan on buying her any.
Thank you, Crystal!!

I LOVE the jacket, Steph!! Tessa is sticking her tongue out and panting, so I'd say it's a hit with her, too. I can't wait for Megan to outgrow it! :rotfl:
Whenever I try to make rounded pockets, they turn out square. So, I am really admiring those pockets.

Jamahl's outfit turned out great! Thank you!!!

I have refused to buy any Bratz since my friend showed me her daughter's baby bratz who came dressed in a negligee and thong undies. EW!!!!
EWWW!!!! This is why I don't like them. Like a 5 year old needs that!
Can you believe someone bought the giant baby Bratz doll (complete with thong) as a welcome home gift for Morgan?:scared1: It went back to the store so fast!

So I am sitting at my sewing table last night when dh get's home from work and he tells me to come sit down and sends dd7 to her room. :confused3 He starts to tear up and says the store is closing I am losing my job. :scared1: :eek: :scared: :crazy2: :faint: I swear it as if I stop breathing. The store will be closing the first week of december. He has been there 8 years. I am so beside myself with worry right now even though he tells me we will be ok. Not to worry. I am so lost right now I don't know what to do. Thank you for letting me vent. :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

:grouphug: :grouphug: We went through the same thing with DH about 4 years ago. His bookstore closed. I feel your pain!
So I am sitting at my sewing table last night when dh get's home from work and he tells me to come sit down and sends dd7 to her room. :confused3 He starts to tear up and says the store is closing I am losing my job. :scared1: :eek: :scared: :crazy2: :faint: I swear it as if I stop breathing. The store will be closing the first week of december. He has been there 8 years. I am so beside myself with worry right now even though he tells me we will be ok. Not to worry. I am so lost right now I don't know what to do. Thank you for letting me vent. :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

:grouphug: I hope everything will be ok and your husband can find a fab job to replace his.
So I am sitting at my sewing table last night when dh get's home from work and he tells me to come sit down and sends dd7 to her room. :confused3 He starts to tear up and says the store is closing I am losing my job. :scared1: :eek: :scared: :crazy2: :faint: I swear it as if I stop breathing. The store will be closing the first week of december. He has been there 8 years. I am so beside myself with worry right now even though he tells me we will be ok. Not to worry. I am so lost right now I don't know what to do. Thank you for letting me vent. :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

You will be in my thoughts and prayers!! DH and I are BOTH looking for jobs right now, thankfully we have wonderful parents who are helping til we get on our feet. But I know it must be harder for you b/c of the children. I will be praying that he finds something new SOON. One blessing is knowing in advance, so he can start looking NOW!
Thank you. :hug:

What's weird is that the teacher is spending a lot of time teaching them shapes, colors, letters, and things they all probably already know. But, we're supposed to work with them on reading in the evening. I'd really rather she tried to teach them to read in school! Tessa gets very frustrated when I try to help her!
ryan doesnt want me to help him with anything either and so far i cant get a read on his teacher, she seems pretty nice but we still dont get center time or recess more than 1 time a week max. they are mainly working on letters right now in his class although they have about 6 sight words now. i hope it gets better for you and tessa. i never thought kindergarten could be so stressful.

thats sound like a good idea- like swim googles? Do they make them for toddlers? She is about a size 18-24 m in cloths, so on the petit side. Where do I find those in October!

Also- One more thing!!
There is a gal in my MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group. She and her husband have a 1yr old and a 3yr old and he was recently diagnosed with brain cancer- stage 3, he's been given 5 years to live, he's about 37 years old. She has been a stay at home mom since her first child was born and he has been out of work for the last 3 months and money is very very tight. Her neighborhood is doing a tag sale/bake sale/activites day to raise money for them, but more than anything they need prayers. I know many of you pray, and this nice family (Jen and Ken) could use all the prayers they can get.
prayers said my husbands aunt recently passed away from brain cancer and it is just so sad, especially with such young children at home

Hey ladies. Just thought i would let you guys know about the great deal I just found. Madame Alexander has a line of play dolls similar to the bratz dolls, but the clothing is less "adult" and they don't have all the makeup. anyway www.dollmarket.com has them for $5.00. they are regularly $29.99. I just ordered 4 to put up for christmas presents. Not sewing related, but too good of a deal not to report!

what a steal i wish i had someone to buy them for
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