Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I think that turned out great and Owen is so cute!!

Okay...well...we have a rather large student...nearly 6' 4 and probably 375 pounds....and then some. He's just a great big person. He's profoundly autistic and prone to bouts of violence. He doesn't know his own strength. So imagine a six year old in that body having a temper tantrum. He can snap metal scissors in half like it's cardboard.

He showed up at school yesterday having shredded all of his clothing while on the private van that takes him to and from school. Including his shoes. He also shredded the inside of the van...tore out the ceiling and the seats. Not having a good morning. We were called and I went out to meet him as I know him well and can usually get him back on track. I opened the door to the van and he's nekkid as a jaybird. He says to me...

"hi...I'm naked."


He seems okay though, a little more calm than I was expecting. I called for sheets and stuff to be brought out...along with the very large custodian we have who helps out in situations where we need some heavy backup!

I got him wrapped up and covered and he walked calmly into the building with me all the way to the "calming down room"...(aka Padded room). We got him in there and he sat down. For about ten minutes. Then he wanted out. So he's pounding on the door...that we can't lock by law. So we've got the custodian, two male aides and the consulting psychiatrist holding the door.

He also wee'd all over the floor...wee'd on the observation window. And I can't have him in there with urine on the floor. But we can't open the door. Somehow I manage to get his attention and tell him in my firmest voice that he needs to SIT DOWN in the corner b/c there is a mess we need to have cleaned. So he sat. And stayed sitting while the custodian did a quick mop up and tried to sanitize a little. As soon as the custodian left though, he was pounding on the door again which required four large men to keep it shut and he was still managing to move them.

at this point I think he needs to go to the psychiatric unit. he's a danger to himself and to others and we need a more secure situation.

He actually transferred really smoothly. The paramedics came in. Thankfully they listened to me and let me lead him out and sit on the stretcher with him. He rode nicely in the ambulance. Almost comatose like. But as soon as we got him into a room in the hospital, he throws a chair out of the blue...which hit a nurse in the face...so her nose is bleeding...my "student" is screaming bloody murder as blood freaks him out. He's scratching himself to bits and grabbing at me, so now I'm covered in blood.

it was insanity.

finally he had to be restrained and medicated. It was sad. But in a way it needed to happen for mom to see that it's time to think about permanent placement. He's too volatile...sweet as he can be...but unstable.

it was a long dang day. I have a bruises all over my arms and legs...but I survived!!!

how's THAT for drama?! Would y'all believe that I've had similar situations in the past...eerily similar actually.

just another day in the life!!!


OMG...I am glad that you are OK! I certainly don't have that kind of excitement in my life, nor do I want that kind of excitement. I have seen you mention Texas a few times...but wasn't sure if you are from Texas, or if you live in Texas now?


Love the picture with Eeyore!! Are you doing a trip report?

Love the shorts...I saw that fabric at Joann yesterday. I might to pick some up. The beach outfit looks great too!

I couldn't decide what to make for the kids for the grad. party so we went shopping today!! Here is what we all picked out:


Love the frog fabric!! Too Cute!
I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!

I thnk it looks really cute Amy!
Finally figured it out :lmao: Blonde here :rotfl2:

I think I am going to make this top into a halter too, So they match.

I got this Minnie dress from a lady on the Budget board and I added a Peti under it so it is "fluffy" Mad's words.

Aww your girls are adorable. Love the outfits!

I couldn't decide what to make for the kids for the grad. party so we went shopping today!! Here is what we all picked out:

Aww it looks like you got some good stuff!! :cool1:

Now on the other note. Thank you all for your prayers and hugs. Yesterday was pretty rough. Heres hoping today is easier. I want to call and check on her so badly but I want to give the family time to adjust too before I bug the snot out of them. DH had a really long work day and did not get to take her crib down yesterday which did not make for an easier night. Plus he found something I had forgotten to wash and send in the bathroom hamper (it was the only thing in there). It still smells like her. I sat there thinking this morning I know I can get through this but I cannot imagine those that have lost a child to death. I don't know how you recover from that but I greatly admire those that have and do.

I will be insanely busy thankfully the next few days. I have people in and out of my house all day today and our 4 year is having my best friends daughter who is 5 spend the night. Tomorrow we have an appointment in Dallas for Alex to get his brace fixed and then also for a wheel chair evaluation. I am going to take the kids to the aquarium before we go. We got a set with red whales on it when I had sets made and that is what the little ones are wearing. Hoping to do a tshirt for my little guy today to match his whale shorts. I know you ladies know the material it is the one that castle used to make that precious sailor dress and we all went OMG I have that fabric too lol. I got some really good possible news about them as well yesterday which I needed. I am going to wait till Monday and it is definate before I share though, just praying it all works out this time. Shannon (revrob) I may take you up on that hun thank you for the offer. Anyway that is where we are we appreciate the prayers greatly and we know we will get through it all.
Awww you are totally in my thoughts and prayers sweetie. I am here if you ever need to talk!! :hug:

Any new !!!!!BIG GIVE!!!!!!!! outfits today??? I like to concentrate on the posotiveness going on around here!!!! It makes me happy!!! :goodvibes :goodvibes

Oh my goodness, I am sooo excited...I have to tell you I am about HALF way done with one of my BIG GIVE outfits!!!! Yippeeee....rather than doing some applique (which is still quite a challenge for me), I have been doing some PAINTING!!! You guys will have to be totally honest and tell me the truth....I can take it. Hahahaha!!! :donald: :goofy:

I'm afraid my Big Give outfit won't be done today. And I'm not going to be able to work on it for a week (going to a conference). SO... it'll be a while before you see a pic from me. I'm determined that this is going to get done and look great. This outfit has probably given me more fits than any other outfit I've done. Maybe it's because I'm so nervous about it being perfect. Hopefully, when I get back, I'll have fresh eyes, and a fresh perspective, and it'll fall into place.
Awwww I am sure yours is going to be just as beautiful as all of the other BIG GIVE outfits!!!!

The big give project is certainly an inspiration...it's nice to see people come together and give from their hearts. that's all i wanted to say:goodvibes
I love what you just said....thank you!!! This is a BIG GIVE from the hearts of many generous and kind souls!!!! You guys ROCK!!!!!!!:lovestruc

I don't really know where it is all coming from, but kids w/ high IQ's often have a hard time socializing and I think he has issues about wanting to invite kids to his BD party and he doesn't think they will come. I have tried to offer every possible solution, not having a party, inviting his whole class etc.. but he just thinks noone will want to come. It is a sad thing to watch your baby go through. Especially since I am 30 and I feel the same way most of the time. It is breaking my heart, BUT DH is probably going to have to work so maybe I can get my big give outfit finished up and the kids can get some time w/ my parents. They haven't seen them in a while.

Awww sweetie....you are a good mom! And you are well loved here on the DIS. I am so sorry you little guy is going through a difficult time. I will be praying for you all!!! It is an awful feeling when you know your child is hurting in any kind of way!!! MAJOR hugs to ya!!! :hug:
Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now

Hmmm.... I don't know. Can you take the dress into the store and take a picture of it with the Snow White on it? I think it looks fine as is, but that could be cute too...

Yeah, I'm a big help, huh!?!

How big is the applique?
Oh my goodness, I am sooo excited...I have to tell you I am about HALF way done with one of my BIG GIVE outfits!!!! Yippeeee....rather than doing some applique (which is still quite a challenge for me), I have been doing some PAINTING!!! You guys will have to be totally honest and tell me the truth....I can take it. Hahahaha!!! :donald: :goofy:

I've seen your painted stuff, and it's great!! I'm sure this will be beautiful too!!!

I'm really anxious to get my outfit started. I can't wait for the pattern to get here!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:
I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!
It's really cute. How about some bubbles from the fish's mouth rising up and a little rick rack accents?

Hmmm.... I don't know. Can you take the dress into the store and take a picture of it with the Snow White on it? I think it looks fine as is, but that could be cute too...

Yeah, I'm a big help, huh!?!

How big is the applique?

I really like it the way it is too, but I am wondering how it would look with the big applique. Also, if you took the dress to the store the ladies at the store might give you their opinion. Or you might get to the store and see it and know right away whether to add the applique or not. So I am with Teresa take the dress into the store!::yes::
Finally figured it out :lmao: Blonde here :rotfl2:

I think I am going to make this top into a halter too, So they match.

great job! and beautiful girls!

Taking a break from jobhunting (I work 2 jobs part-time but now that i'm not a student anymore I need more hours..!) I just bought my first YCMT patterns :cool1: I got the Aivilo flapper purse, She loves me she loves me KNOT handbag, Sweet pea versatile handbag and Aivilo pocket messenger bag! Yeah i'll be doing a lot of bagmaking it would seem, they make great gifts though so that's my excuse :rotfl2: I used some money I got from eBay selling so TECHNICALLY they didn't cost me anything, that's my fuzzy logic and i'm sticking to it ;)

Can't wait to see! I finally bought some fusible fleece so I'm one step closer to making a purse of some sort.

I thought they weren't too bad for $25 dollars...I LOVED the purse. I left empty handed though, because the girls don't even know who she is...:lmao:

Purse? Did you say purse? Lily LOOOOVEES purses! :idea: (unless Miss Cammie wants to send her old Coach bags to her little Lily) :rolleyes1

Can't decide what to make. . .

I was going to make a Sailor style outfit from this for DS, using Simplicity 5982

But, since the little hoodie turned out so well I am thinking of making another one of those. But I need to find a coordinating fabric at JoAnn's to make it.

I bought this stuff to make DD something for the Fourth of July. BUt I am not sure if it will turn out cute.


Love the sailor fabric and that is a cute pattern!

I was looking at the YMCT patterns, and wondering if you can only buy one pants pattern - would you buy the easy fit pants, or the ruffled capris?

easy fit pants! They work for girls or boys, pj's...soooooo versatile and easy to "whip up" :thumbsup2

I have a ton of crap going on in my life right now and the DISboutique thread is my one place that I can come and escape it for little while.

:hug: for the "crap" and you too Cindee! This is my happy place too. I come here to de-stress (which is probably why I am here so often) :eek: When things get ugly it just brings me down all day :worried:

OK. If I can knock out the rest of my Togs this week (2 more) I will get to my big give outfit on sat. We were gonna have a weekend w/ just us and the boy, he's been awfully morose lately- he had to write a poem like Andy Warhol (sometimes I am red .....) only his said he was grey like sadness and white when he is invisible... I don't really know where it is all coming from, but kids w/ high IQ's often have a hard time socializing and I think he has issues about wanting to invite kids to his BD party and he doesn't think they will come. I have tried to offer every possible solution, not having a party, inviting his whole class etc.. but he just thinks noone will want to come. It is a sad thing to watch your baby go through. Especially since I am 30 and I feel the same way most of the time. It is breaking my heart, BUT DH is probably going to have to work so maybe I can get my big give outfit finished up and the kids can get some time w/ my parents. They haven't seen them in a while.

:hug: for Mac. My DS9 has issues with self esteem and depression. It is heartbreaking. This year his dad took him on a trip for his birthday to Canada which helped to avoid the whole birthday party issue. He does not have a lot of friends.
And you are a very artsy, creative, wonderful mom with a lot to offer your family. You may not be where you thought you would, but you rock T!

We are all packed and ready to go! DD cannot wait to wear all her new outfits. Thanks for helping along the way! I'll be sure to check in either at WDW or after we get home.

Have fun!

No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


Love the way that turned out!

Last night Lily said she was going to be a pirate.. She said " ...but first I am going to be a princess, when I grow up I will be a pirate" I don't know if I've mentioned that my DH and his cousin had our boys convince (they are 10 now and have caught on;) ) that when men in the Ruck family turn 18 they become pirates??? So it was really funny, my MIL said "well, it's in your blood":rotfl: Anyway that was last night and just now I accidentally ran across this picture


PS. That's my mom w/ her
And just because everyone was saying how she is more of a middle now, I thought I'd post this picture, because I LOVE IT, it is from Thanksgiving 2006


She was soooo cute, I just can't stand the thought of her turning 10 TOO!!!

and in case I have not WHINED enough lately, I just realized I have a wedding to go to on Sat. and I am WAY too fat to go to a wedding!!! UGH!!! I thought it was later in the month. I also have to get clothes for the kids and myself to wear. I guess I could make Little something....that's just insane, fah-get about it!!!

Sorry, not enough Lilys :confused3 Such a cute Little!

Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now

I like it the way it is!

I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?


I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!

It's cute, Parker looks great in that color.

Okay, off to work on DS9's summer self-esteem project...I'm sure I"ll post photos eventually!
I don't have a pic but I'm sending the Snow White costume from the World of Disney.
Awww you are such a sweetheart Julie! I can't wait for Isabelle to get your package!!! Thank you so much for being a part of this BIG GIVE!!! :cloud9:

I hope to have mine done tomorrow or the day after. Just need to add a ruffle to the top and sew up the shorts.

Ohhh I can't wait to see your outfit!!! You are a sweetie too!!! :hug:

We are all packed and ready to go! DD cannot wait to wear all her new outfits. Thanks for helping along the way! I'll be sure to check in either at WDW or after we get home.

Ohh have a fabulous trip!!!!! Be sure to take lots of pictures to share with us!! Hehehe!

No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


Oh that shirt came out adorable!! May I ask where you got the 101 Dalmations panal?? It is so cute!

Last night Lily said she was going to be a pirate.. She said " ...but first I am going to be a princess, when I grow up I will be a pirate" I don't know if I've mentioned that my DH and his cousin had our boys convince (they are 10 now and have caught on;) ) that when men in the Ruck family turn 18 they become pirates??? So it was really funny, my MIL said "well, it's in your blood":rotfl: Anyway that was last night and just now I accidentally ran across this picture


PS. That's my mom w/ her
And just because everyone was saying how she is more of a middle now, I thought I'd post this picture, because I LOVE IT, it is from Thanksgiving 2006

Aww what a lil' cutie-pie!!!!

Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now
I think it is beautiful just the way you made it. :love:

I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!
I think that is really cute and very comfy looking!!! That is a cool idea you have for the eye!!

I've seen your painted stuff, and it's great!! I'm sure this will be beautiful too!!!

I'm really anxious to get my outfit started. I can't wait for the pattern to get here!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:
Awww thanks Teresa, this one is a little different than the one I posted in my TR...lol...well actually WAY different!!! :rotfl2:

I hope you get your pattern soon too!!!!
Here's a picture of my latest custom:


a) Okay, so the only "custom" part is the applique I sewed (okay, okay, ironed) onto the hat. BUT...

b) I *am* exactly 50% responsible for creating the adorable creature wearing the hat. Can't get more custom than that. ;)

In real news, I bought some CarlaC patterns (easy-fit pants, portrait peasant dress) and I think I might actually start sewing this weekend! <GULP>
I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!
I think it is cute.
for your DS's outfit I would just say maybe a matching solid color would look good. I think the fabric you have picked out for your DD will look cute too. I would not be able to buy fabric that said Democrat on it. My grandpa would have a fit. I would have to have some that said republican too. :rotfl2:

:thumbsup2 My granddad would just be fit to be tied if I bought "Democratic" fabric! It's cute though...was there any Republican fabric?:rotfl:

OK. If I can knock out the rest of my Togs this week (2 more) I will get to my big give outfit on sat. We were gonna have a weekend w/ just us and the boy, he's been awfully morose lately- he had to write a poem like Andy Warhol (sometimes I am red .....) only his said he was grey like sadness and white when he is invisible... I don't really know where it is all coming from, but kids w/ high IQ's often have a hard time socializing and I think he has issues about wanting to invite kids to his BD party and he doesn't think they will come. I have tried to offer every possible solution, not having a party, inviting his whole class etc.. but he just thinks noone will want to come. It is a sad thing to watch your baby go through. Especially since I am 30 and I feel the same way most of the time. It is breaking my heart, BUT DH is probably going to have to work so maybe I can get my big give outfit finished up and the kids can get some time w/ my parents. They haven't seen them in a while.

I hope you don't mind my two cents!

Gifted children often times feel isolated from their peers. Especially at this at this age. Does your son have a specific group of friends that you know of? Do large groups often overwhelm him? It may do just to invite a couple of his close friends and do an activity your son enjoys...bowling or mini golf or arcades...something where the kids can be engaged in an activity...that way there won't be pressure on your DS to feel like he has to "make an impression" or entertain anyone. Boys this age do a lot of bonding through preferred activities...as opposed to chit chatting like girls often do.

(sorry I'm at work so I'm in the "psyche" mode!)

I'm sure your son knows that he is loved by his family and that is the most important thing. Just keep encouraging him to get out and be involved while embracing his gifts and being who he is. He'll get through it b/c he has y'all there to support him!!!
Here's a picture of my latest custom:


a) Okay, so the only "custom" part is the applique I sewed (okay, okay, ironed) onto the hat. BUT...

b) I *am* exactly 50% responsible for creating the adorable creature wearing the hat. Can't get more custom than that. ;)

In real news, I bought some CarlaC patterns (easy-fit pants, portrait peasant dress) and I think I might actually start sewing this weekend! <GULP>

You are too cute!!! So is your daughter!!!

Carla's patterns are wonderful! Just make sure you print the pattern at 100%!

Not that I'd ever do such a thing as to print it in "fit to page" mode
but, seeing as how you are new to this, I thought I'd mention it,
yah know,
just incase....

OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?
OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?

I think your DD's is fine like it is. I like your DS's too but something you might could do is make another wave for an overlay of the first one. Then the water will be pretty wavy and then you might not be able to see the whale. But either way, it is cute!!

I hope that made sense.
We are all packed and ready to go! DD cannot wait to wear all her new outfits. Thanks for helping along the way! I'll be sure to check in either at WDW or after we get home.
Have a magical trip!!!!

No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!

That is SO cute! I love how you cut out that panel!

Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now
I like it the way it is.

I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!
So cute! I LOVE simple!
I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:
OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?
CUTE!!! I like them both the way they are now.

I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:
WOW!!! :worship: What to be insecure about with the applique?:confused3 It looks perfect!!!!
I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:
That is so pretty!!! I love the Simba.
Here's a picture of my latest custom:


a) Okay, so the only "custom" part is the applique I sewed (okay, okay, ironed) onto the hat. BUT...

b) I *am* exactly 50% responsible for creating the adorable creature wearing the hat. Can't get more custom than that. ;)

In real news, I bought some CarlaC patterns (easy-fit pants, portrait peasant dress) and I think I might actually start sewing this weekend! <GULP>
Awww you are funny....a totally custom kid for sure. And a dang cute one at that!!!! :goodvibes

I'm intrigued!!!!
Oh great, now I have pressure!!! hahahaha :confused3 :rotfl2:

OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?
I you might could do is make another wave for an overlay of the first one. Then the water will be pretty wavy and then you might not be able to see the whale. But either way, it is cute!!

I hope that made sense.
I think they are both really cute. I do like tadamom's idea of adding another wave though!!!

I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:
"INSECURE"...what in the world are you talking about Heather!!!! Be PROUD..very very proud. You did an awesome job once again. I :worship: to you!!!!! That was so sweet of you to recreate this outfit for Isabelle. Thank you so much for being a part of the BIG GIVE!!!!! :yay: :cloud9: You are a sweetie just like all the others!!!
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