Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

You all rock! Thank you to everyone thaat took the time to complement my 'Ariel' dress and little girl. I'm a slow sewer, but I love how it turned out. :goodvibes

I'm almost done with the Cars dress. It's amazing how fast it made up when I wasn't smocking, rolling roses, etc. LOL The diaper cover that I made for it, took me longer than the dress! :laughing:

You all have made some wonderful items!

I in LOVE with the princess t-shirts and aprons over jeans. What a clever idea. They are wonderful and I can totally see girls falling in love with them. I want one for myself!

Thanks also for the encouragement to make some items for myself. I'm in the process of losing weight and might try it soon.

I totally forgot to quote anything . . .so here goes from my memory!

Great gymnastics outfits! I'd be scared to try outfits like those . . . and you did a fabulous job!

Andrea - so sorry about the baby ducks :( I can't wait to see pictures of your Dorothy outfit! I totally get your DD's "itchy issues" I SOOOOO used to be the same way as a kid!

Everyone should come to Charlotte for the DISmeet! Come one, come all! And if you're on Facebook, friend me and I can add you to the group page for more info :) http://www.facebook.com/marianne.ps.stern

Amy - so sorry to hear your DD is having a setback :( I'll pray she can start a new treatment asap!
Sandi- Don't you applique first and then sew? That's what I usually do. I love the fabric and colors. It is going to be adorable. What kind of top are you going to make to do with it?

I usually applique, then sew, but my appliques are big and I want to be able to play around with placement, so I will stitch them onto white interlock knit and then applique the appliques...

The top will be a sleeveless t-shirt with side gathers (Ottobre pattern).


Christopher's birthday shirt!! Thanks Andrea!! I know they are blurry...

Haven't been around much as Allison has been continuing to not feel well. They have stopped her current treatments as it has been determined it has yet again failed. She is not eating and supposed to be on a pediasure liquid diet. (although I am not always able to get her to drink it all) IF all goes well with her testing in the next week, she will be able to start a new treatment by the end of next week. Please pray for Allison!! It's terrible to see how much pain she is in. I am trying to check in and read, but not able to post as much! Thanks!!!

That is very cute on the little guy! I hope your DD is feeling better soon.

Christopher's birthday shirt!! Thanks Andrea!! I know they are blurry...

Haven't been around much as Allison has been continuing to not feel well.
Your little guy is a real cutie and his shirt is adorable too! Happy birthday to him! I hope that Allison starts to feel better soon.

I usually applique, then sew, but my appliques are big and I want to be able to play around with placement, so I will stitch them onto white interlock knit and then applique the appliques...

The top will be a sleeveless t-shirt with side gathers (Ottobre pattern).

Sandi- why did you choose white interlock knit to applique onto? I know a lot of people have been appliqueing onto felt and then sewing that onto their shirts/dresses/skirts. I've done that and I've appliqued onto muslin quite a bit. I can't wait to see your finished outfit. It is going to be quite different than the usual Animal Kingdom outfits. I've never used an Ottobre pattern. Are they the German company that does the magazine?

Also wanted to tell you that you inspired me and I made myself a dress. It is extremely simple, only had 3 pattern pieces. It turned out better than I thought it would. I ordered a Burda pattern to try next. It came the other day. I have to figure out how to adjust the pattern for my shape. I've only done that once before and it wasn't entirely successful. LOL! I also joined that Sewing Pattern review board so that I could read some reviews. Although I do tend to make the same patterns over and over again.
Sandi... I lost your quote but love all the fabrics you picked out.:goodvibes

Since a lot have been inquiring about the ducks I will post, though I don't want to. Mom and Dad were out all day they were hatching, and the next day there were a couple of discarded shells by the nest. Mom is supposed to stay on the nest, but again both Mom and Dad were out the next day. I even fed them. In the afternoon Dad left and Lily sat in a pot that is in the middle of the pot. She sat there a few hours and when it was dark she disappeared. Yesterday no one was there. I went near the nest and heard nothing. DH checked the nest when he got home because he can see her in it from a certain angle. The nest is empty. Then I found a few eggshells scattered in the yard way back away from the nest toward a wooded lot behind our house. We fear once the ducks started hatching a predator (fox, raccoon or opossum) must have walked off with what it could. Lily must have been sitting in the pot mourning. I bawled :sad1: I'm still teary eyed and upset. We haven't told the kids yet. Not sure if I should just lie to them and tell them she must have taken the ducklings to a new spot for better feeding (which ducks often do according to what we read) or if we should tell them what we found. I kept goin to the pond looking all evening for Lily. And what's really weird is we have a bunch of tiger lilies planted in our yard and they are no where near blooming yet, but among them there is one odd white lily that was bloomed yesterday. OK, now I'm crying again, so let me get to commenting on sewing.

:hug: So sorry to hear about you ducks. :sad2:


Christopher's birthday shirt!! Thanks Andrea!! I know they are blurry...

Haven't been around much as Allison has been continuing to not feel well. They have stopped her current treatments as it has been determined it has yet again failed. She is not eating and supposed to be on a pediasure liquid diet. (although I am not always able to get her to drink it all) IF all goes well with her testing in the next week, she will be able to start a new treatment by the end of next week. Please pray for Allison!! It's terrible to see how much pain she is in. I am trying to check in and read, but not able to post as much! Thanks!!!

Cute picture:goodvibes I hope your DD feels better.
Sandi- why did you choose white interlock knit to applique onto? I know a lot of people have been appliqueing onto felt and then sewing that onto their shirts/dresses/skirts. I've done that and I've appliqued onto muslin quite a bit. I can't wait to see your finished outfit. It is going to be quite different than the usual Animal Kingdom outfits. I've never used an Ottobre pattern. Are they the German company that does the magazine?

Also wanted to tell you that you inspired me and I made myself a dress. It is extremely simple, only had 3 pattern pieces. It turned out better than I thought it would. I ordered a Burda pattern to try next. It came the other day. I have to figure out how to adjust the pattern for my shape. I've only done that once before and it wasn't entirely successful. LOL! I also joined that Sewing Pattern review board so that I could read some reviews. Although I do tend to make the same patterns over and over again.

I chose white interlock b/c the stuff I have is pre-shrunk, it washes well, it's lightweight enough, and I can leave a border of white (to make the colors pop) without worrying about fraying. Also, I have a lot of it I got on sale...

Ottobre is actually from Finland - I get it by subscription for about $66 US per year for 6 issues w/shipping (4 kids, 2 womens) - wonderful magazine!

I have the same screenname at Pattern Review as the Dis - and about 680 reviews I think...yay for sewing for you! Why should the kids get all the products of our sewing? After I finish G's shorts and the Animal Kingdom outfit, I plan to sew my skirt and have something new to wear to work Monday. That might be ambitious though if I don't get off the Dis and FB and actual work on test questions while I stitch out safari appliques.
What is "the Lucy dress " ???

It is the new pattern from SisBoom on youcanmakethis. It's a halter style dress for adults.

I was going to sew up the shorts I had cut, but decided I needed to mess with fabric, so I cut a simple skirt for myself from a couple of really pretty Patty Young/Michael Miller fabrics and then used some of the leftover pieces toward cutting this:

pattern & waistband

the mish-mash strips & squares - after I laid them out, I stacked them in order of use

It's the Pink Fig "Mish Mash" skirt and I plan to make it up then applique some safari-themed characters on it. It's obviously headed into being an Animal Kingdom outfit. :goodvibes

Oh that's a nice assortment of materials! I can't wait to see the finished product!

Since a lot have been inquiring about the ducks I will post, though I don't want to. Mom and Dad were out all day they were hatching, and the next day there were a couple of discarded shells by the nest. Mom is supposed to stay on the nest, but again both Mom and Dad were out the next day. I even fed them. In the afternoon Dad left and Lily sat in a pot that is in the middle of the pot. She sat there a few hours and when it was dark she disappeared. Yesterday no one was there. I went near the nest and heard nothing. DH checked the nest when he got home because he can see her in it from a certain angle. The nest is empty. Then I found a few eggshells scattered in the yard way back away from the nest toward a wooded lot behind our house. We fear once the ducks started hatching a predator (fox, raccoon or opossum) must have walked off with what it could. Lily must have been sitting in the pot mourning. I bawled :sad1: I'm still teary eyed and upset. We haven't told the kids yet. Not sure if I should just lie to them and tell them she must have taken the ducklings to a new spot for better feeding (which ducks often do according to what we read) or if we should tell them what we found. I kept goin to the pond looking all evening for Lily. And what's really weird is we have a bunch of tiger lilies planted in our yard and they are no where near blooming yet, but among them there is one odd white lily that was bloomed yesterday. OK, now I'm crying again, so let me get to commenting on sewing.

Dorothy is hanging in the laundry room -- I really need to snap photos. DD whined for her final fitting b/c we had been given a costume from another mom whose dd outgrew it and when my dd tried it on it itched her to death and she was so fearful it was going to be itchy -- in her little pea brain if one thing itched apparently another would too. Once she got it on she said it felt like she was naked, so maybe I can have her put it back on for a photo. If not I'll get pics May 7 which is dress rehearsal and the teacher asked me if I could help the kids with costuming and such that day so I get a preview of the play -- yay! They are doing the dress rehearsal for one of the preschool classes.

So sorry to hear about the ducklings. Poor ducks!

I can't wait to see pictures of Dorothy. I am sorry that your DD had problems with an itchy costume!

I wish you could make it. You could always just fly to MN where D~ is then hop on the flight with her to Charlotte! :)

As of now, the date for the Dismeet in Charlotte is the weekend of August 18th. Last I counted on facebook there were about 16 planning on coming.

Awww that's too bad. We have already made plans to spend that weekend with our best friends (they live half way across the country so we don't get to spend time together very often). Besides, the airfare is probably going to kill my budget (flying across the boarder = $$$)!

I haven't had much time to sew lately. Still one project and a few finishing touches that need to happen. I realized last night that its pretty much just 2 wks before our trip so I'm starting to stress. I'm plugging away on the skirt today though. I discovered the my brand new rotary cutter is warped or something. It only cuts a bit and I've been having to go back and cut 'blanks' as such that are left in the fabric. Its a pain in the butt. Go figure, it'll slice the finger of my DS4 who managed to figure out how to remove the safety cover on it in the two minutes he was left alone but won't cut freaking fabric. I frayed so much fabric that most of this stripwork skirt ended up being cut by hand. Grrrr.

Until you get a new blade, you can always cut fabric over and over a few times with the rotary cutter. Chances are the "bad" part won't ended up on the same part of the fabric you try to cut if you cut along the line a few times.


Christopher's birthday shirt!! Thanks Andrea!! I know they are blurry...

Haven't been around much as Allison has been continuing to not feel well. They have stopped her current treatments as it has been determined it has yet again failed. She is not eating and supposed to be on a pediasure liquid diet. (although I am not always able to get her to drink it all) IF all goes well with her testing in the next week, she will be able to start a new treatment by the end of next week. Please pray for Allison!! It's terrible to see how much pain she is in. I am trying to check in and read, but not able to post as much! Thanks!!!

Happy belated birthday to Christopher! I am sorry that Alison is not feeling well. I will pray for successful testing and a new treatment that will make a difference for her.
Hmm . . . okay, Sandi, where is the link for that pattern review board? I think I need to check this out :)

I spent the afternoon working on my Trip Report! :woohoo: Woohoo :woohoo:
I did 13 new "pages" to complete Day 4 of our trip!
I am going to talk to G about a quick trip to Charlotte for the meet with J and possibly C.

IT is a cheap flight and I would love to hit MaryJos again :)
Hmm . . . okay, Sandi, where is the link for that pattern review board? I think I need to check this out :)

I spent the afternoon working on my Trip Report! :woohoo: Woohoo :woohoo:
I did 13 new "pages" to complete Day 4 of our trip!

Pattern Review - gallery

Pattern Review Message Boards

I am going to talk to G about a quick trip to Charlotte for the meet with J and possibly C.

IT is a cheap flight and I would love to hit MaryJos again :)

I just noticed you are in Queens - do you ever go shop for fabric in the garment district of Manhatten? I went to college not far from you - Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY, but I wasn't a sewer at the time. I haven't been back to NY since 1997 and I want to take my kids sometime in the next year or two...but all I really want to do is hit the garment district (Mood...pretend I am on Project Runway, lol).

I'm working on the skirt I started last night - not sure where Daisy will end up, but isn't she cute?


I chose white interlock b/c the stuff I have is pre-shrunk, it washes well, it's lightweight enough, and I can leave a border of white (to make the colors pop) without worrying about fraying. Also, I have a lot of it I got on sale...

Ottobre is actually from Finland - I get it by subscription for about $66 US per year for 6 issues w/shipping (4 kids, 2 womens) - wonderful magazine!

I have the same screenname at Pattern Review as the Dis - and about 680 reviews I think...yay for sewing for you! Why should the kids get all the products of our sewing? After I finish G's shorts and the Animal Kingdom outfit, I plan to sew my skirt and have something new to wear to work Monday. That might be ambitious though if I don't get off the Dis and FB and actual work on test questions while I stitch out safari appliques.

I actually subscribed. So excited I can't wait for my first issue to get here :banana::banana: I think I look at the web page with the designs everyday lol. It was your breakdown of value that talked me into it lol. So thanks
I actually subscribed. So excited I can't wait for my first issue to get here :banana::banana: I think I look at the web page with the designs everyday lol. It was your breakdown of value that talked me into it lol. So thanks

He he he...enabling...I love it!

I do love these magazines, though!
I chose white interlock b/c the stuff I have is pre-shrunk, it washes well, it's lightweight enough, and I can leave a border of white (to make the colors pop) without worrying about fraying. Also, I have a lot of it I got on sale...

Ottobre is actually from Finland - I get it by subscription for about $66 US per year for 6 issues w/shipping (4 kids, 2 womens) - wonderful magazine!

I have the same screenname at Pattern Review as the Dis - and about 680 reviews I think...yay for sewing for you! Why should the kids get all the products of our sewing? After I finish G's shorts and the Animal Kingdom outfit, I plan to sew my skirt and have something new to wear to work Monday. That might be ambitious though if I don't get off the Dis and FB and actual work on test questions while I stitch out safari appliques.

I had never thought about knit for this, but you're right it would be a great base now that you've explained it. Thanks for the inspiration! I can't wait to see your Animal Kingdom outfit. :)

I'm working on the skirt I started last night - not sure where Daisy will end up, but isn't she cute?



Adorable! Are you doing Patchwork?

He he he...enabling...I love it!

I do love these magazines, though!

You have almost enabled me to get it also! LOL

Sandi, do you have any photos of the items you've made for yourself? I'd love some inspiration. :cool2:
Good morning ladies....WOW, I have not been on this thread in many, many months...I was told to stay away. :lmao: It used to be my escape, as I drooled over EVERYTHING that I WILL some day learn to make, if I am ever able to get a machine. And you should see my little fabric "stash"....someday....

My name is Judy. My friend Lisa B (mommy2mrb) and I seemed to have inspired a big trip to Charlotte for some...and I am certain there are many of you who are coming to Charlotte who are saying Judy who?, because this has grown far beyond just a DIS meet of a few friends. I was told that there was talk over here that I should know about, so I decided this morning was as good a time as any to visit and say :wave: HI :wave: and that I hope to meet all of you who make the trip. We are a wish family who was INCREDIBLY BLESSED to have been the recipients of the most amazing Big Give ever (of course, I am prejudiced, but it truly was)! Teresa Joy headed up our give and she was AMAZING. To this day we wear our outfits and on any given week at least one of us has something on we received. We will NEVER be able to Thank you all enough; however, I hope to personally hug as many of you as I can when you come to Charlotte (be forewarned :rotfl2:).

I also wanted to invite you over to our TR if you want to see some of the incredible outfits in action. I am only on day 4 and our TR is LONG. Life has definitely gotten in the way since we returned...but on the first page, post 3 there is a table of contents so that you can read and avoid the chatter...although there is a lot of funny stuff and life battles in between! :flower3:

Forgive me for crashing your thread; however, I had to see what the buzz was about and say...if you are available to come to Charlotte, I hope to meet you! I also hope you don't mind if I pop in from time to time and tell you how much I LOVE your creations! :flower3: I might even ask for prayer. Lisa (my wish princess) has been in the hospital three times since our return, twice for major things. We are looking at more surgery starting May 15 that will be approximately 7 to 9 days in length. I definitely could use some strong prayer warriors for that! Don't worry, I am more Pollyanna than Gloomy Gert, so I will try not to bring you down. :goodvibes

PS: We live VERY close to Ikea. :rolleyes1


Christopher's birthday shirt!! Thanks Andrea!! I know they are blurry...

Haven't been around much as Allison has been continuing to not feel well. They have stopped her current treatments as it has been determined it has yet again failed. She is not eating and supposed to be on a pediasure liquid diet. (although I am not always able to get her to drink it all) IF all goes well with her testing in the next week, she will be able to start a new treatment by the end of next week. Please pray for Allison!! It's terrible to see how much pain she is in. I am trying to check in and read, but not able to post as much! Thanks!!!
I commented on your ptr already, but Christopher looks so sweet in his shirt that I'll comment again!

And more :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: for Alli.
Also wanted to tell you that you inspired me and I made myself a dress. It is extremely simple, only had 3 pattern pieces. It turned out better than I thought it would. I ordered a Burda pattern to try next. It came the other day. I have to figure out how to adjust the pattern for my shape. I've only done that once before and it wasn't entirely successful. LOL! I also joined that Sewing Pattern review board so that I could read some reviews. Although I do tend to make the same patterns over and over again.
And where is the picture of the said dress??????

I spent the afternoon working on my Trip Report! :woohoo: Woohoo :woohoo:
I did 13 new "pages" to complete Day 4 of our trip!
It's about time! Every time I go look over there I still see the Happy Easter post! BTW, if I ever forget about you it's b/c I don't subscribe to threads -- clogs up my e-mail way too much.

I'm working on the skirt I started last night - not sure where Daisy will end up, but isn't she cute?


Looks super. I would have never thought about appliqueing on knit and then sewing it on. So do you just sew the applique on the border sewing the knit to the fabric? Do you secure it anywhere else?

Sandi, do you have any photos of the items you've made for yourself? I'd love some inspiration. :cool2:
Sandi has an entire blog!

Good morning ladies....WOW, I have not been on this thread in many, many months...I was told to stay away. :lmao: It used to be my escape, as I drooled over EVERYTHING that I WILL some day learn to make, if I am ever able to get a machine. And you should see my little fabric "stash"....someday....

My name is Judy. My friend Lisa B (mommy2mrb) and I seemed to have inspired a big trip to Charlotte for some...and I am certain there are many of you who are coming to Charlotte who are saying Judy who?, because this has grown far beyond just a DIS meet of a few friends. I was told that there was talk over here that I should know about, so I decided this morning was as good a time as any to visit and say :wave: HI :wave: and that I hope to meet all of you who make the trip. We are a wish family who was INCREDIBLY BLESSED to have been the recipients of the most amazing Big Give ever (of course, I am prejudiced, but it truly was)! Teresa Joy headed up our give and she was AMAZING. To this day we wear our outfits and on any given week at least one of us has something on we received. We will NEVER be able to Thank you all enough; however, I hope to personally hug as many of you as I can when you come to Charlotte (be forewarned :rotfl2:).

I also wanted to invite you over to our TR if you want to see some of the incredible outfits in action. I am only on day 4 and our TR is LONG. Life has definitely gotten in the way since we returned...but on the first page, post 3 there is a table of contents so that you can read and avoid the chatter...although there is a lot of funny stuff and life battles in between! :flower3:

Forgive me for crashing your thread; however, I had to see what the buzz was about and say...if you are available to come to Charlotte, I hope to meet you! I also hope you don't mind if I pop in from time to time and tell you how much I LOVE your creations! :flower3: I might even ask for prayer. Lisa (my wish princess) has been in the hospital three times since our return, twice for major things. We are looking at more surgery starting May 15 that will be approximately 7 to 9 days in length. I definitely could use some strong prayer warriors for that! Don't worry, I am more Pollyanna than Gloomy Gert, so I will try not to bring you down. :goodvibes

PS: We live VERY close to Ikea. :rolleyes1

I would just like to point out to everyone, since I'm really not on fb, that if I do come I have a bed reserved at Judy's (Lisa B does too). I want to make it perfectly clear to everyone that I do not have the tent in the backyard!

And Judy -- I had no clue so many people were coming or that any of these plans were going on! I can always pick a different time to visit if this ends up being too much. I did really want to meet Lisa B though. I just don't want you to feel imposed upon.
I had never thought about knit for this, but you're right it would be a great base now that you've explained it. Thanks for the inspiration! I can't wait to see your Animal Kingdom outfit. :)

Adorable! Are you doing Patchwork?

You have almost enabled me to get it also! LOL

Sandi, do you have any photos of the items you've made for yourself? I'd love some inspiration. :cool2:

Thanks - the Pink Fig Mish Mash skirt is my pattern for this and it is a patchwork/stripwork with two sections being gathered.

As Andrea pointed out, I do have a blog: http://mamamademine.blogspot.com/

I also am very active on Pattern Review and there is a link to that on my blog - shows most recent reviews, but I have made a lot of stuff for me.

This is an outfit (jacket and skirt) I made for myself in December:
I would just like to point out to everyone, since I'm really not on fb, that if I do come I have a bed reserved at Judy's (Lisa B does too). I want to make it perfectly clear to everyone that I do not have the tent in the backyard!
Andrea is referring to the fact that when this all started about us getting together I was joking when I ran out of beds, anyone else could pitch a tent in the backyard...but that wouldn't be me! Lisa pointed out the other day bathrooms/showers would be tight if people took me up on the tent offer...I told her I offered TENT facilities, NOT toilet facilities! :lmao::rotfl2: And Andrea, you DO have a bed!
And Judy -- I had no clue so many people were coming or that any of these plans were going on! I can always pick a different time to visit if this ends up being too much. I did really want to meet Lisa B though. I just don't want you to feel imposed upon.
I didn't know either! You know I don't FB and Lisa B told me last week more people were coming on our shopping trip than previously planned, but I didn't know until last Thursday night what was going on....and you KNOW what my previous 4 weeks have been like. I think that it has just grown, Marianne is a popular lady. :thumbsup2 I recognized several names on the list Lisa B sent me, they were part of our BG. Lisa had planned a big party at our house for all of us; however, that seems to have been changed...although I am still willing to have everyone visit...and Andrea, you are welcome ANYTIME, you know that!
I didn't know either! You know I don't FB and Lisa B told me last week more people were coming on our shopping trip than previously planned, but I didn't know until last Thursday night what was going on....and you KNOW what my previous 4 weeks have been like. I think that it has just grown, Marianne is a popular lady. :thumbsup2 I recognized several names on the list Lisa B sent me, they were part of our BG. Lisa had planned a big party at our house for all of us; however, that seems to have been changed...although I am still willing to have everyone visit...and Andrea, you are welcome ANYTIME, you know that!

I am thinking this may have grown into being something too big -- I'm not really sure what is going on anyway since I'm not on FB. I just e-mailed Lisa B and asked her to forward it to you (I don't have your e-mail addy). Anyway, if it's too much I will come at another time. Alexa just really wants a sleepover with Lisa and I was just hoping to meet Lisa B. You have too much in your life to worry about than having a bunch of us invade on you.:hug:



Christopher's birthday shirt!! Thanks Andrea!! I know they are blurry...

Haven't been around much as Allison has been continuing to not feel well. They have stopped her current treatments as it has been determined it has yet again failed. She is not eating and supposed to be on a pediasure liquid diet. (although I am not always able to get her to drink it all) IF all goes well with her testing in the next week, she will be able to start a new treatment by the end of next week. Please pray for Allison!! It's terrible to see how much pain she is in. I am trying to check in and read, but not able to post as much! Thanks!!!

Prayers coming your way for Allison! Christopher is adorable! and his shirt turned out cute!

I meant to say in my last post, I hate to hear about your ducklings Andrea.. That's really sad.. Did you ever tell your kiddos?

I am going to talk to G about a quick trip to Charlotte for the meet with J and possibly C.

IT is a cheap flight and I would love to hit MaryJos again :)

YAY! That would be awesome.

Good morning ladies....WOW, I have not been on this thread in many, many months...I was told to stay away. :lmao: It used to be my escape, as I drooled over EVERYTHING that I WILL some day learn to make, if I am ever able to get a machine. And you should see my little fabric "stash"....someday....
Forgive me for crashing your thread; however, I had to see what the buzz was about and say...if you are available to come to Charlotte, I hope to meet you! I also hope you don't mind if I pop in from time to time and tell you how much I LOVE your creations! :flower3: I might even ask for prayer. Lisa (my wish princess) has been in the hospital three times since our return, twice for major things. We are looking at more surgery starting May 15 that will be approximately 7 to 9 days in length. I definitely could use some strong prayer warriors for that! Don't worry, I am more Pollyanna than Gloomy Gert, so I will try not to bring you down. :goodvibes

PS: We live VERY close to Ikea. :rolleyes1

You know we have an IKEA here in ATL and I have NEVER been!

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!! You know how life goes tho, we've all made plans to come but I bet as time gets closer a lot of people will end up having to change plans. I wonder if a hotel would give us a block of rooms!:banana: I can say for me, I don't mind if we just meet out at restaurants and fabric shops and stay out of people's homes. I know everyone has families and don't want to mess up your routines. And if I get to come without my kiddos I'd be more than willing to share a hotel room to help someone save money. My nephew lives in Concord, hoping I can slip some time in with him as well.

I'm stokes to be headed to the Applique Conference this weekend so I know I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back! :)

Y'all enjoy your weekend.
Sorry that I am only quoting this one page... I don't have time to go back to read more... So sorry...

Good morning ladies....WOW, I have not been on this thread in many, many months...I was told to stay away. :lmao: It used to be my escape, as I drooled over EVERYTHING that I WILL some day learn to make, if I am ever able to get a machine. And you should see my little fabric "stash"....someday....

My name is Judy. My friend Lisa B (mommy2mrb) and I seemed to have inspired a big trip to Charlotte for some...and I am certain there are many of you who are coming to Charlotte who are saying Judy who?, because this has grown far beyond just a DIS meet of a few friends. I was told that there was talk over here that I should know about, so I decided this morning was as good a time as any to visit and say :wave: HI :wave: and that I hope to meet all of you who make the trip. We are a wish family who was INCREDIBLY BLESSED to have been the recipients of the most amazing Big Give ever (of course, I am prejudiced, but it truly was)! Teresa Joy headed up our give and she was AMAZING. To this day we wear our outfits and on any given week at least one of us has something on we received. We will NEVER be able to Thank you all enough; however, I hope to personally hug as many of you as I can when you come to Charlotte (be forewarned :rotfl2:).

I also wanted to invite you over to our TR if you want to see some of the incredible outfits in action. I am only on day 4 and our TR is LONG. Life has definitely gotten in the way since we returned...but on the first page, post 3 there is a table of contents so that you can read and avoid the chatter...although there is a lot of funny stuff and life battles in between! :flower3:

Forgive me for crashing your thread; however, I had to see what the buzz was about and say...if you are available to come to Charlotte, I hope to meet you! I also hope you don't mind if I pop in from time to time and tell you how much I LOVE your creations! :flower3: I might even ask for prayer. Lisa (my wish princess) has been in the hospital three times since our return, twice for major things. We are looking at more surgery starting May 15 that will be approximately 7 to 9 days in length. I definitely could use some strong prayer warriors for that! Don't worry, I am more Pollyanna than Gloomy Gert, so I will try not to bring you down. :goodvibes

PS: We live VERY close to Ikea. :rolleyes1

Hi Judy!!! It's so nice to meet you! :rotfl2:

I commented on your ptr already, but Christopher looks so sweet in his shirt that I'll comment again!

And where is the picture of the said dress??????

It's about time! Every time I go look over there I still see the Happy Easter post! BTW, if I ever forget about you it's b/c I don't subscribe to threads -- clogs up my e-mail way too much.

Looks super. I would have never thought about appliqueing on knit and then sewing it on. So do you just sew the applique on the border sewing the knit to the fabric? Do you secure it anywhere else?

Sandi has an entire blog!

I would just like to point out to everyone, since I'm really not on fb, that if I do come I have a bed reserved at Judy's (Lisa B does too). I want to make it perfectly clear to everyone that I do not have the tent in the backyard!

And Judy -- I had no clue so many people were coming or that any of these plans were going on! I can always pick a different time to visit if this ends up being too much. I did really want to meet Lisa B though. I just don't want you to feel imposed upon.

Judy already offered me one of her beds, and so did Marianne... I didn't want to intrude on Judy's bed (especially if it left Andrea homeless for the weekend)... So, I took Marianne up on her offer... However - that doesn't mean that I won't be spending a lot of time at Judy's, and I don't feel bad infringing on anyone's personal time... :rolleyes1 I thought you guys were inviting me strictly for entertainment purposes? :rolleyes1

Andrea... You NEED to come!!! It's imperative that you are there!!!! It won't be the same with out you!!!! :hug:

I read a quote on this page... I am so very sorry about the sweet Duckies... I've been waiting anxiously to hear about them, and I was hoping to see sweet ducky pictures... Big hugs my dear friend - I wish I could do something to ease your pain. :hug:

Thanks - the Pink Fig Mish Mash skirt is my pattern for this and it is a patchwork/stripwork with two sections being gathered.

As Andrea pointed out, I do have a blog: http://mamamademine.blogspot.com/

I also am very active on Pattern Review and there is a link to that on my blog - shows most recent reviews, but I have made a lot of stuff for me.

This is an outfit (jacket and skirt) I made for myself in December:

Sandi... I really love this outfit you made - it seems perfectly tailored to your body and it is so flattering on you (and I love your shoes - but I am a shoe freak...)! Big kudos for a job well done - I love everything about it! :thumbsup2

I didn't know either! You know I don't FB and Lisa B told me last week more people were coming on our shopping trip than previously planned, but I didn't know until last Thursday night what was going on....and you KNOW what my previous 4 weeks have been like. I think that it has just grown, Marianne is a popular lady. :thumbsup2 I recognized several names on the list Lisa B sent me, they were part of our BG. Lisa had planned a big party at our house for all of us; however, that seems to have been changed...although I am still willing to have everyone visit...and Andrea, you are welcome ANYTIME, you know that!

I am thinking this may have grown into being something too big -- I'm not really sure what is going on anyway since I'm not on FB. I just e-mailed Lisa B and asked her to forward it to you (I don't have your e-mail addy). Anyway, if it's too much I will come at another time. Alexa just really wants a sleepover with Lisa and I was just hoping to meet Lisa B. You have too much in your life to worry about than having a bunch of us invade on you.:hug:

Please come.... Just because there will be a lot of people there (people I really don't know either) doesn't mean that we can't break off into groups that of people that know eachother better... I am only going to know a handfull of people there... Judy, Lisa, Andrea (hopefully), Marianne, Beth (I think)... Did I forget anyone? But I really want to go and have a good time with some great people that I have met through this board, and who have become some of my very favorite people and best friends. :grouphug:

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!! You know how life goes tho, we've all made plans to come but I bet as time gets closer a lot of people will end up having to change plans. I wonder if a hotel would give us a block of rooms!:banana: I can say for me, I don't mind if we just meet out at restaurants and fabric shops and stay out of people's homes. I know everyone has families and don't want to mess up your routines. And if I get to come without my kiddos I'd be more than willing to share a hotel room to help someone save money. My nephew lives in Concord, hoping I can slip some time in with him as well.

This is a good idea too... If you all would rather us rent a hotel room for a few of the days (so you can get a break from us - you know you might need it - LOL) - I would totally rent a room too... :wizard:



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