Disboutiquers Part 25 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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I cannot BELIEVE you overslept on such an important day!!!! :lmao: We've all been up since the wee hours, waiting patiently for pictures, hitting refresh ... it's like ADR day :rotfl2:

Okay ... QUESTION: How do you make the pictures smaller when you quote???? I can't figure out how to do that!!!!!

I know, I know... Hanging my head in shame. :rolleyes1 They are uploading now... give me a few more minutes. LOL

All you do is find the last "/" before the file name and add "th_" directly after it... so it should look like this:
...../th_nameofphoto.jpg[/img] Make sense?

BTW... I finally opened the envelope with the princess fabric in it - and I felt so bad that you put such a nice card in it, and I didn't even know it was there. So, thank you for such a nice card... I am going to make a memory board for my sewing room (at some point) and I'll be sure to hang it there - along with the cute cards I got from Megan and Evan months ago. :wizard:

it will be....the main reason we are going is for Jim's boss! he refuses to forgive himself for sending Jim in his place....we need to make some happy memories with him and spend time healing his pain.

I will definately share some photos when we get back! looking forward to our AG visit, have a surprise for Megan....are going on a harbor tour after dinner at AG, it's a special package they are running that day! and boat full of giggly girls and their special friends!!

enjoy finishing up your sewing room, can't wait to see the photos!

Lisa, that is so sad. And so amazing that you are able to do this for him. I can't imagine how hard it still must be for everyone. I am sure that many people want to take the blame and place it on their own shoulders. Many, many hugs to you and Megan. :hug:

Lisa, that is so sad. And so amazing that you are able to do this for him. I can't imagine how hard it still must be for everyone. I am sure that many people want to take the blame and place it on their own shoulders. Many, many hugs to you and Megan. :hug:


I know, I know... Hanging my head in shame. :rolleyes1 They are uploading now... give me a few more minutes. LOL

All you do is find the last "/" before the file name and add "th_" directly after it... so it should look like this:
...../th_nameofphoto.jpg[/img] Make sense?

BTW... I finally opened the envelope with the princess fabric in it - and I felt so bad that you put such a nice card in it, and I didn't even know it was there. So, thank you for such a nice card... I am going to make a memory board for my sewing room (at some point) and I'll be sure to hang it there - along with the cute cards I got from Megan and Evan months ago. :wizard:


:rotfl: We'll forgive you :D Thanks for the instructions! Now I just have to remember them the next time I do a massive quote :thumbsup2

And you're welcome for the card :lovestruc I'm honored that it will make the memory board :cool1:
I am so excited to finally have something sewing related to share. I have been in a sewing funk for a few weeks. I love how nicely the new machine stitches. I can't believe the difference between the 2 machines.

I have one set of kids outfits done for our August Trip

Animal Kingdom outfits

Js outfit

and Cs outfit (I am going to ask her to try it on this afternoon)
OK... I really want to start off this post and thank my DH... He has put A LOT of hard work into this project for me. Endless hours, really. I may have joked around a bit the I was entitled to this space, but really my whole sewing room was created because my DH loves me and my family loves me enough to give up the precious little space we have in our house. So, really, they are the BEST! :lovestruc

I also have to post a few before pics, for those of you that are not my friends on FB - because DH tore this room down to the studs, showing the before pictures really shows just how much work DH put into it, and it's kind of cool to see the transformation.

Before (well, sort of, I didn't take any pics before he tore it apart) :

Sheetrock going up:


The only contribution I personally made to this room - besides all the "stuff" is that I painted it (and for that matter - I only painted the blue wall - DH did all the white). I guess, I have this really strange creative outlet that needs to be let out... so I can never just "paint a wall"... if you've seen my girls' rooms on FB - you know exactly what I mean. LOL

Paint progression:

Carpet and paint:

And now the part you've all been waiting for...

A photo of the whole room, from the door... it's a small room - 8" x 12" - but I am super happy to have it!

And then photos from around the room, counter-clockwise, starting behind the door.

Fabric shelf (which I plan to get a bigger one - much sooner than I'd intended - because this one is much fuller than I thought it would be).

Close-up of some of the fun fabric.

Konas & boutique:

Goodies from the antique stores yesterday...
First is the Saltine cracker tin and an old iron... the cracker tin is actually from the family lake house before we tore it down.

Old sewing box (which I was jumping up and down, elated to find)... I did a major clean up on it yesterday afternoon.

Under the tray:

Then a box of sewing machine feet ($2) and a jar of old buttons - inside the box of sewing machine feet is lined with a purple/blue velvet - but it didn't photograph well. Someday soon, I hope to buy the working machine to go with these feet.

Outside of the box:

My sewing space.

Extended counter top on the right was an after thought, and I am really glad DH did that. Then my machine and serger - right by the window - I insisted, because I am nosy.

Sewing area... Dd's machine on the left. Yes, 12 y/o dd has her own machine... it is the exact same one as mine, so she can really learn by watching me.

Cutting area and upstairs computer... which is the girls' computer, and I promised them a spot on my counter for this, because they gave up their whole office for me... besides, then while they are at school - I can read my pattern directions right there. LOL Also, DH is going to hide that big black cord for the light over the cutting mat.

And, I insisted on having a counter height portion for my "shipping area"... so this is my packing spot. We purposly left about 6" on the left side of the cupboard, so I can store my shipping boxes there. Labels and such in the drawers... and right now my interfacings are all in the cupboard - but I don't think they will stay there.

And that's all folks. There is still a lot of detail work to be done. I still need to go around and paint the posts (I chose posts instead of cupboards, because that gave me the most of my sitting space). We also need to add trim work on the bottom by the carpet, and of course - decorating.

But I love my space, and I am so thankful to my DH and girls for giving it to me.

A photo of the whole room, from the door... it's a small room - 8" x 12" - but I am super happy to have it!

And then photos from around the room, counter-clockwise, starting behind the door.

Fabric shelf (which I plan to get a bigger one - much sooner than I'd intended - because this one is much fuller than I thought it would be).

Close-up of some of the fun fabric.

Konas & boutique:


My sewing space.






That looks great. :thumbsup2 Makes me want to go in my room and redo it. You will have so much fun working in there.
Andrea - thanks for sharing your binder organization - that's exactly what I was envisioning, but I am still not sure how to divide them up. I am thinking of having 4 or 5 binders? AG outfits, Baby outfits, bags & purses... hmm... I guess that's it for now. LOL

Also, do you put one sized pattern in each clear folder? Do you have problems with the clear folders ripping?

I have the patterns in alphabetical order and labeled with those vanilla thingy's with the little tabs on them. Then comes the pattern (I also copy a lot two pages to one 8x11 sheet so i don't have some many pages to print. My Easy Fits I did 4 pages on each 8x11 which is hard to read the measurements! Might be fine I were a bit younger and had better eyes. Then come the patterns in the clear envelopes and each envelope holds just one size. So I just slide out whatever size I need. I would not recommend throwing all sizes into one envelope b/c then you'd have to filter through the pattern pieces.

And yes, I recommend more than one binder. I might even have to change up my binders a little and put dresses in one, skirts in one, shirts in one -- my kids clothes binder has no more room.

Okay ... QUESTION: How do you make the pictures smaller when you quote???? I can't figure out how to do that!!!!!
I saw you already received a reply, but I just wanted to mention this only works for photobucket. Some people post from some other site that begins with and "A" and you can not thumbnail those pics.

I am so excited to finally have something sewing related to share. I have been in a sewing funk for a few weeks. I love how nicely the new machine stitches. I can't believe the difference between the 2 machines.

I have one set of kids outfits done for our August Trip

Animal Kingdom outfits
Js outfit

and Cs outfit (I am going to ask her to try it on this afternoon)
Very cute but you of all people know we need bigger pictures!!!! I can't even see the images on the shirts to tell exactly what they are (particulary dd's). I'm almost 47 (old eyes) -- help me out here!!!!

OK... I really want to start off this post and thank my DH... He has put A LOT of hard work into this project for me. Endless hours, really. I may have joked around a bit the I was entitled to this space, but really my whole sewing room was created because my DH loves me and my family loves me enough to give up the precious little space we have in our house. So, really, they are the BEST! I also have to post a few before pics, for those of you that are not my friends on FB - because DH tore this room down to the studs, showing the before pictures really shows just how much work DH put into it, and it's kind of cool to see the transformation.

Before (well, sort of, I didn't take any pics before he tore it apart) :

Sheetrock going up:

The only contribution I personally made to this room - besides all the "stuff" is that I painted it (and for that matter - I only painted the blue wall - DH did all the white). I guess, I have this really strange creative outlet that needs to be let out... so I can never just "paint a wall"... if you've seen my girls' rooms on FB - you know exactly what I mean. LOL

Paint progression:

Carpet and paint:

And now the part you've all been waiting for...

A photo of the whole room, from the door... it's a small room - 8" x 12" - but I am super happy to have it!

And then photos from around the room, counter-clockwise, starting behind the door.

Fabric shelf (which I plan to get a bigger one - much sooner than I'd intended - because this one is much fuller than I thought it would be).

Close-up of some of the fun fabric.

Konas & boutique:

Goodies from the antique stores yesterday...
First is the Saltine cracker tin and an old iron... the cracker tin is actually from the family lake house before we tore it down.

Old sewing box (which I was jumping up and down, elated to find)... I did a major clean up on it yesterday afternoon.

Under the tray:

Then a box of sewing machine feet ($2) and a jar of old buttons - inside the box of sewing machine feet is lined with a purple/blue velvet - but it didn't photograph well. Someday soon, I hope to buy the working machine to go with these feet.

Outside of the box:

My sewing space.

Extended counter top on the right was an after thought, and I am really glad DH did that. Then my machine and serger - right by the window - I insisted, because I am nosy.

Sewing area... Dd's machine on the left. Yes, 12 y/o dd has her own machine... it is the exact same one as mine, so she can really learn by watching me.

Cutting area and upstairs computer... which is the girls' computer, and I promised them a spot on my counter for this, because they gave up their whole office for me... besides, then while they are at school - I can read my pattern directions right there. LOL Also, DH is going to hide that big black cord for the light over the cutting mat.

And, I insisted on having a counter height portion for my "shipping area"... so this is my packing spot. We purposly left about 6" on the left side of the cupboard, so I can store my shipping boxes there. Labels and such in the drawers... and right now my interfacings are all in the cupboard - but I don't think they will stay there.

And that's all folks. There is still a lot of detail work to be done. I still need to go around and paint the posts (I chose posts instead of cupboards, because that gave me the most of my sitting space). We also need to add trim work on the bottom by the carpet, and of course - decorating.

But I love my space, and I am so thankful to my DH and girls for giving it to me.

WOW!!!! AWESOME!!!! Everything looks fabulous! I would LOVE that space. My laundry room is 6x12 and I have to share it with the washer and dryer, vacuum, some cleaning supplies and laundry items. And I make due so you will love the area -- it's really spacious to me. I keep my ironing board set up all the time as well (OK, I confess, I'm an ironing freak. I iron the kids play t-shirts -- even ones they wear to just paint in ~ but I don't iron underwear so I'm not ready to be committed just yet).

I'm so excited for you!!!! I was wondering why there were two machines -- I dodn't know your dd had her own. Does she know it's going to have to get relocated when you get your embroidery machine :lmao: ?

Happy sewing!!!
Wow!! WAY TMTQ. :banana::banana::banana: everything looks fantastic! Love the up cycled shirts. I'm going to try my hand at upcycling here pretty soon.

I have shirts to make the kids July 4th shirts, but haven't had time to start anything. I have a 4H girl I'm the sewing helper for, so that has been taking my sewing time away. But, we are all done now, so back to sewing for Disney! :banana::banana::banana:

I'm going to make DS a pair of practice shorts with a new pattern I have, then I'll make a practice pair of roll up pants.

Does anyone have any tips on sewing w/knit or sewing on t-shirts? I'm a little worried that the shirt will stretch and I'll end up with a misshapen shirt. :scared1:

Well....to sew a knit garmet I like to use a ball point needle and a walking foot....or my serger w/ a ball point needle.

If you are hand appliquing a shirt you can use an embroidery needle but I highly recommend a fusible stabilizer....either dream weave fusible or iron on med wt cut away (which is cheaper but works just fine).....tear away stabilizer in my experience causes a stretched out design cause once it pulls out the knit is too flexible and the stitches come out. If you are embroiderying/ appliquing anything for a baby or person with sensory issues or sensitive skin use the floriani dream weave fusible on tshirts...they do make another product that you can place over the back of the design to soften up the back and make it less itchy....its also floriani but I forget the name of it.

I typically hoop my tshirts....some people don't but I like to. If I'm doing anything smaller than a 2T I do cut up the side seam of one side and sew it back together when I'm done. Knits don't fray so even without a serger it won't be a problem.

D~.....love your space!
D~ Your room is beautiful!!!! It is impressive that you have managed to get so much use out of a small room, I'm taking notes!
To answer your question about patterns, I hang mine with binder clips. I put up the 3M hooks and then I hung the binder clips. I will say that this isn't pretty but I didn't want to fold the patterns and it doesn't take up any floor or counter space.
I am so excited to finally have something sewing related to share. I have been in a sewing funk for a few weeks. I love how nicely the new machine stitches. I can't believe the difference between the 2 machines.

I have one set of kids outfits done for our August Trip

Animal Kingdom outfits

Js outfit

and Cs outfit (I am going to ask her to try it on this afternoon)

Chiara - these turned out so awesome!

D your new space is gorgeous. Love it.

Quick drive by post...
D~ I remember Sewing Susan....must be showing my age...love the space!

WOW!!!! AWESOME!!!! Everything looks fabulous! I would LOVE that space. My laundry room is 6x12 and I have to share it with the washer and dryer, vacuum, some cleaning supplies and laundry items. And I make due so you will love the area -- it's really spacious to me. I keep my ironing board set up all the time as well (OK, I confess, I'm an ironing freak. I iron the kids play t-shirts -- even ones they wear to just paint in ~ but I don't iron underwear so I'm not ready to be committed just yet).

I'm so excited for you!!!! I was wondering why there were two machines -- I dodn't know your dd had her own. Does she know it's going to have to get relocated when you get your embroidery machine :lmao: ?

Happy sewing!!!

D~.....love your space!

D~ Your room is beautiful!!!! It is impressive that you have managed to get so much use out of a small room, I'm taking notes!
To answer your question about patterns, I hang mine with binder clips. I put up the 3M hooks and then I hung the binder clips. I will say that this isn't pretty but I didn't want to fold the patterns and it doesn't take up any floor or counter space.

Thanks everyone for the nice comments on my sewing room. :) I have dd up there right now, cutting out elephants. :rotfl: It looks like she might actually complete the first item out of the new sewing room before I do. I've been so consumed with getting this room ready over the last few days, that I'm having a hard time figuring out what I should do next.

Andrea... LOL Dd has no idea that her machine will have to move over for the new brother. :)

I have the patterns in alphabetical order and labeled with those vanilla thingy's with the little tabs on them. Then comes the pattern (I also copy a lot two pages to one 8x11 sheet so i don't have some many pages to print. My Easy Fits I did 4 pages on each 8x11 which is hard to read the measurements! Might be fine I were a bit younger and had better eyes. Then come the patterns in the clear envelopes and each envelope holds just one size. So I just slide out whatever size I need. I would not recommend throwing all sizes into one envelope b/c then you'd have to filter through the pattern pieces.

Thanks for everyone's ideas on pattern storage. I am taking notes and when I figure out what I am going to do - I'll take pictures. LOL :laughing:

Off to stumble around in my new sewing room, looking for my first project.

Oh and on a side note... you know this cute outfit I made a few weeks ago??? And my BG outfit??? I mailed them 8 days ago, on the same day - and no word from either recipient (I was the idiot that forgot to put tracking on) but I think they both might be lost and I am just SICK. :sick: :sick: :sick: I worked so hard on both of them and I am just so sad. At least both recipients didn't know they were getting them... :sad2:

Very cute but you of all people know we need bigger pictures!!!! I can't even see the images on the shirts to tell exactly what they are (particulary dd's). I'm almost 47 (old eyes) -- help me out here!!!!

Ha Ha Ha I am going to make DD try hers on when she gets home from school so there will be more pictures and i will make it bigger.

I used the adult XXS for hers so I really want to see them on. I am so happy to want to be sewing again though I desperately need to clean my basement again though when I get a few minutes I so don't want to clean I would rather play.
I am so excited to finally have something sewing related to share. I have been in a sewing funk for a few weeks. I love how nicely the new machine stitches. I can't believe the difference between the 2 machines.

I have one set of kids outfits done for our August Trip

Cute outfits.

OK... I really want to start off this post and thank my DH... He has put A LOT of hard work into this project for me. Endless hours, really. I may have joked around a bit the I was entitled to this space, but really my whole sewing room was created because my DH loves me and my family loves me enough to give up the precious little space we have in our house. So, really, they are the BEST! :lovestruc

I also have to post a few before pics, for those of you that are not my friends on FB - because DH tore this room down to the studs, showing the before pictures really shows just how much work DH put into it, and it's kind of cool to see the transformation.

Your new sewing area looks great, enjoy.
I said the other day I was planning on making something. Well I pulled out the Duvet Cover we got from Goodwill and this is what came of it.

My youngest DD almost 7
Look Momma Nemo is looking at me.

My DD8
She was trying so hard not to squint.

Thanks For looking.

Those turned out great. I'm always keeping my eye out for repurposable linens. Great find and great execution.

These are just adorable.

Decided I needed to be creative at work so I brought some fabric to cut out at work. Hoping to cut out 3 pairs of easy fits for the boy and one for the girl.

Love that I can get them done in about 20 minutes after they are cut.

That's another pattern I have that I haven't used yet. Might be time to do the jammies for Christmas routine.

Well, I have to make dinner first - then I am moving in to my sewing room. DH :lovestruc has been working like a mad man all day, and he says I can move in whenever I am ready. :worship:

And of course - I'll share pics - but it probably won't be until tomorrow - since I need the light.


Patience is a virtue. I can wait.

How exciting! I cannot wait to see pics!!!! Have fun moving!

I just finished up outfits for a set of Swedish twins that I adore. They turn 2 July 1st.

I made my DD9 the same skirt for the 4th but have to finish her top.

They turned out super. How fun to have Swedish twins to sew for.

Men have no sense of humor. I told my 26 yr old DD and she thought Gingy and the gang was hysterical.

Your daughter sounds wise beyong her years!

I have not decided yet... I am having the same dillema. After sewing at our diningroom table for 6 months - it was a nightmare trying to organize everything. Even though I know in my head how I want it to look - I just didn't realize I had accumulated so much stuff in such a short time. I've been thinking about some sort of binder system - I just don't know.

And I promise pictures in the morning - but please don't expect wonderful things - It's barely decorated at all.


Patience is a somewhat overrated virtue, but I can wait a little longer.

we are! going to spend 3 days out on Long Island with Jim's boss and his family and another family who's dad was with Jim in Haiti....so will be hoping to make some happy memories with them..

then to NJ for 3 days visiting friends and then 7 days in NYC baby!! two shows, AG, DIS meet with some friend from the Creative boards (scrapbooking) and maybe Tim, Mel and Ana if they can make it....and the parents of Britney (our Haiti blanket project) family are planning on coming down to see us too!

If anyone else is around town and wants to come play for the day let me know! would love to meet any of our DIS friends!!

Sounds like you have an amazing trip planned.

Thanks for all the commentson the Pooh dress I previously posted. I LOVE the Nemo outfits and the outfits for the twins, they are sooo precious.

Here is the second outfit the my mom made for my DD


Thanks for welcoming my posts to your board.

I bet your Mom is enjoying sewing and obviously your daughter enjoys the results. Win, win.

I am so sorry - I overslept this morning - and I never do that. LOL The last time I remember looking at the clock - it was 4:30 and I was just considering crawling out of bed. Then I looked at the clock again and it was 7:38... OOPS!

Off to do the final organization of the sewing room - then I'll take some pics. I really wanted to have all my machine covers done and everything hung on the walls (Ummm... I have nothing to hang on the walls yet) and my chair covers done, my machine mats done. So, lets just say that my sewing room construction is finished and it's totally inhabitable - but not decorated yet.


Patience is a highly over-rated character trait.

LOVE those shirts!!!!
And as much as I loved the first stripwork jumper for Ginger, the black & white version is STUNNING!!!!

Y'all's talk of Ginger and friends ... well, I was laughing hysterically reading all of it and my Dad (who will laugh 'til he cries while watching TV and YouTube videos at the same time) kept asking what was so funny ... lol

Thanks, I'm pleased with the shirts, too, and I can't wait to make Ginger's next outfit -- any maybe accessorize it.

I know, I know... Hanging my head in shame. :rolleyes1 They are uploading now... give me a few more minutes. LOL


Patience isn't all it's cracked up to be. Where are the photos???

I am so excited to finally have something sewing related to share. I have been in a sewing funk for a few weeks. I love how nicely the new machine stitches. I can't believe the difference between the 2 machines.

I have one set of kids outfits done for our August Trip

Animal Kingdom outfits

Js outfit

and Cs outfit (I am going to ask her to try it on this afternoon)

I love they way they turned out and glad you're happy with your new machine.

we will be in the city 7/13 - 7/19....we do have some free time open!!!! if anyone would like to come and see us!

Hmmmm. Tempting. I'll be watching your posts.

OK... I really want to start off this post and thank my DH... He has put A LOT of hard work into this project for me. Endless hours, really. I may have joked around a bit the I was entitled to this space, but really my whole sewing room was created because my DH loves me and my family loves me enough to give up the precious little space we have in our house. So, really, they are the BEST! :lovestruc

I also have to post a few before pics, for those of you that are not my friends on FB - because DH tore this room down to the studs, showing the before pictures really shows just how much work DH put into it, and it's kind of cool to see the transformation.

And now the part you've all been waiting for...

A photo of the whole room, from the door... it's a small room - 8" x 12" - but I am super happy to have it!

And then photos from around the room, counter-clockwise, starting behind the door.

Fabric shelf (which I plan to get a bigger one - much sooner than I'd intended - because this one is much fuller than I thought it would be).

Close-up of some of the fun fabric.

Konas & boutique:

Goodies from the antique stores yesterday...
First is the Saltine cracker tin and an old iron... the cracker tin is actually from the family lake house before we tore it down.

Old sewing box (which I was jumping up and down, elated to find)... I did a major clean up on it yesterday afternoon.

Under the tray:

Then a box of sewing machine feet ($2) and a jar of old buttons - inside the box of sewing machine feet is lined with a purple/blue velvet - but it didn't photograph well. Someday soon, I hope to buy the working machine to go with these feet.

Outside of the box:

My sewing space.

Extended counter top on the right was an after thought, and I am really glad DH did that. Then my machine and serger - right by the window - I insisted, because I am nosy.

Sewing area... Dd's machine on the left. Yes, 12 y/o dd has her own machine... it is the exact same one as mine, so she can really learn by watching me.

Cutting area and upstairs computer... which is the girls' computer, and I promised them a spot on my counter for this, because they gave up their whole office for me... besides, then while they are at school - I can read my pattern directions right there. LOL Also, DH is going to hide that big black cord for the light over the cutting mat.

And, I insisted on having a counter height portion for my "shipping area"... so this is my packing spot. We purposly left about 6" on the left side of the cupboard, so I can store my shipping boxes there. Labels and such in the drawers... and right now my interfacings are all in the cupboard - but I don't think they will stay there.

And that's all folks. There is still a lot of detail work to be done. I still need to go around and paint the posts (I chose posts instead of cupboards, because that gave me the most of my sitting space). We also need to add trim work on the bottom by the carpet, and of course - decorating.

But I love my space, and I am so thankful to my DH and girls for giving it to me.


With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.

Sorry, I didn't have time to embroider it for you.

Your room is fabulous. First, I appreciate your commendations to your husband. They're easy to overlook sometimes.

I love how every detail has been thought out. I love that your daughter has her own dewing machine. I love all the little details you have added and are adding. I hope you have hours and hours of enjoyment in your sacred space.

Well....to sew a knit garmet I like to use a ball point needle and a walking foot....or my serger w/ a ball point needle.

If you are hand appliquing a shirt you can use an embroidery needle but I highly recommend a fusible stabilizer....either dream weave fusible or iron on med wt cut away (which is cheaper but works just fine).....tear away stabilizer in my experience causes a stretched out design cause once it pulls out the knit is too flexible and the stitches come out. If you are embroiderying/ appliquing anything for a baby or person with sensory issues or sensitive skin use the floriani dream weave fusible on tshirts...they do make another product that you can place over the back of the design to soften up the back and make it less itchy....its also floriani but I forget the name of it.

I typically hoop my tshirts....some people don't but I like to. If I'm doing anything smaller than a 2T I do cut up the side seam of one side and sew it back together when I'm done. Knits don't fray so even without a serger it won't be a problem.

D~.....love your space!
Grrr! I looked and I don't have a walking foot. I've sewn on knits before, but I find it hard to start seams and thought I'd give your tip a try -- no such luck.
Oh and on a side note... you know this cute outfit I made a few weeks ago??? And my BG outfit??? I mailed them 8 days ago, on the same day - and no word from either recipient (I was the idiot that forgot to put tracking on) but I think they both might be lost and I am just SICK. :sick: :sick: :sick: I worked so hard on both of them and I am just so sad. At least both recipients didn't know they were getting them... :sad2:


D~ As for the BG don't be alarmed -- The mom didn't post photos of my hats until 12 days after I sent them. I'm willing to bet she got your package. They have seven children and I think there was a recent illness mixed in, so give her a little more time. So far I've been really lucky and have never had a BG package get lost. I wonder if I should insure mine for Madison. I just posted photos (albeit crappy ones -- bad lighting and blurry!) and I'm really proud of these outfits. They look much cuter in person. And I should post my hats here so you can see my banister and bud globe model. Off to do that now....
Grrr! I looked and I don't have a walking foot. I've sewn on knits before, but I find it hard to start seams and thought I'd give your tip a try -- no such luck.

The main thing is the ball point needle.....you could start the seam by putting the fabric so its just past the regular foot and "backtrack" later (either use your reverse button or if your machine doesn't have one flip the seam over and sew the last inch upside down)....some machines have a bigger bottom plate hole than others....I've notice on my Bernina I have no problems with that but I did with my Singer.....ohh and you can always loosen your foot tension just a little if its super tight...that will make your machine eat the start of a seam too.
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