Disboutiquers Part 23 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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And, if you are really feeling like spreading the love, I would LOVE if someone could make some outfits for Korrissa's Give for their trip to Sea World (and Discovery Cove) and Busch Gardens. These are two big parts of their trip, and they really don't have any customs for either one. The older girls want a girlie cut t. I know some people were concerned where to buy these. I can usually always get them at Walmart or Kmart.

I've moved both of these Gives to the new board, so please post there.


Please don't make me beg![/CENTER]

I just went and signed up for a shirt for Kyra. I won't have time but for one this week, but I already have a shirt to fit her and I will happily do that one.
We're leaving in just over two weeks and this is the first trip where I'm making customs for every day! I'm cheating a bit and bringing two sets I made my girls for our last trip, but this is what I've got so far:

First, the reruns - from last trip, Simply Sweets for one of our Epcot/Flower & Garden days, the smaller one sporting a new ruffle for some needed extra length.



Also a rerun, Simply Sweets for our travel day


With Easy Fits to match for DD2


Floral patchwork twirls for the second Flower & Garden day


Monsters Inc twirl for DD2, aka Boo, for our DHS day


DD2's stripwork jumper (DD9's is still on my to-do pile), for our first park day and Mickey character breakfast. I have no idea why I let buttonholes intimidate me for so long - my machine basically does them without me!


Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.
wow...haven't been able to get on all weekend and there's a ton to catch up on.....and nope...didn't get on the bike yet.....really gonna try tomorrow....i did get a new nook color this weekend and found out i can download my patterns that i bought from youcanmakethis.com onto there.....which is sweet cause i though i was going to have to print them out cause my sewing machine is in my bedroom....hopefully it won't wake the kids from napping

loving all the new dresses/outfits....you guys are amazing

My sister had all 3 or her babies at Voorhees and my Mom has worked at the Marlton Division for over 30 years. I have long admired your appliqué work and I knew you were a Jersey girl and thought boy, one day I'll have to drive over for a lesson. I never realized we were actually so close. If you ever decide to teach a class in sewing and appliqué let me know! :rotfl:

I know many a baby that was born at virtua....my friend just had twins there in december and another friend of mine works in the NICU...small world LOL...my college roomate used to work in the ER about 10 years ago or so......and i would so love to take a class is she decided to teach one too!!!!!

Hi Everyone!!!!

Well, Kade's trip is coming soon!!! I know many of you have been following along on their PTR! http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2625020

Kade is a sweet little toddler who just turned 3!!! He has severe low muscle tone due to a mitochondrail disorder and has a hard time moving his body. Kade's wonderful grandparents are coming along to help care for Kade and enjoy both of their grandsons!!!! We do need some special items for Kade - and if anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!!!!


PS - we are now on the new site for the Big Give!!! http://disbiggive.proboards.com/index.cgi

Thanks so much everyone - I know you will LOVE this little guy!!!!:wizard:

signed up and waiting for approval for the site....can't wait to get started and try to help out where I can!!!
Ok so I can't sew at all. I am amazed at all the talent here in this thread. I was wondering where is a good place for me to start looking to purchase some custom items? Thanks for the info!:goodvibes
Hi All!

PS: Does anybody else have that Disney Rule that says you have to have Disney PJ-s at WDW? :rolleyes1

PJ's are a must....I even made my DGD's (they were only 2 and 4) wear Disney underwear :rotfl: but you may not can get away with that with yours :goodvibes

Great stuff posted lately!

Here are my latest projects. Easy-fits and a portrait peasant top for Alexa.


My first HeatherSue design! Alexa loves this shirt!


And one for Connor. Ignore his arm being up in the air, it was an idea I had for a card that didn't work too well.


I have a question about embroidering t-shirts. Do you rip out one of the side seams first? I ended up ruining one shirt because the hem got caught in the embroidery. It was hard to get it stretched over the hoop well enough.

Very cute stuff! Love the valentine shirt especially!
As for the t-shirts. I have never ripped one apart. I always just watch it very carefully to make sure nothing crawls up underneath.

So here are my streamlined Valentine's Day Vidas. No ruffles or frills, which seem almost anti-Valentine's, but I wanted to get them finished. My oldest will wear hers to school tomorrow, but the kindergardener will have a Teddy PJ party and wear jammies to school. She is going to wear her dress to a Girl Scout "Sweet Tea Party" tomorrow night.


And the backs (the poses just crack me up, whatever, they were happy:flower3:)


I think that is it. The sun is finally shining here, so it looks pretty as I sit and sew

Love the Valentine Vidas. They turned out really cute!

WARNING: Here are a bunch of pictures.

Here is a taggie blanket I made for my son.

Here is the Valentine's Day skirt I made my daughter. Some of the hearts have Mickey and Minnie in them. I made it a little bigger/longer, hoping it still fits her when we go on our trip in September.

I don't think I've shared a picture of my baby yet, so here he is. He's already 3 months old! He's laying on a beautiful afghan that my mom made for him.

You did a great job on the Valentine skirt. I love that fabric you chose.
Your little one is adorable...precious smile!

Here is my take on a wrap dress/Top but for an adult. I frankenpatterned again and put things together and just did my best. This is attempt #2 and most likely the one I will wear. It is a bit big and flounce but for a day it will be ok.


Great job April. Everyone is afraid of something. I am afraid of attempting my own pattern. I have only frankenpatterned a couple times and it was so much more work than just using the pattern straight :).

Oh, and I an uber-jealous of your scenery. I would so love to see that someday.

When I cleaned out my craft room, I found a ton of UFO's. I got 2 pair of easy fit jammies fixed, one dress that was for my youngest that needed a hem (I didn't get a picture of that one) and one Cathy dress that just needed the neckline put in. Here are the pictures:

Now I need to go make one for Bianca.

Love the fabric....so soft and feminine. And you did a great job. This is one of my favorite patterns to make.

We're leaving in just over two weeks and this is the first trip where I'm making customs for every day! I'm cheating a bit and bringing two sets I made my girls for our last trip, but this is what I've got so far:

Floral patchwork twirls for the second Flower & Garden day


Monsters Inc twirl for DD2, aka Boo, for our DHS day


DD2's stripwork jumper (DD9's is still on my to-do pile), for our first park day and Mickey character breakfast. I have no idea why I let buttonholes intimidate me for so long - my machine basically does them without me!


Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.

They all turned out so cute! Can't wait to see them on the kiddos at Disney.
My favorite is the Boo skirt. I love the colors.

On the stripwork, where did you find the Mickey fabric?

I didn't catch all of the quotes I would have liked. All of the Valentine outfits are adorable. I didn't make my DGD's anything for Valentines Day this year 'gasp'! But I took each of them (one at a time) for a day and took them to the park and did special things with each of them. I will post a couple pics tonight from home.

Tricia - the Valentines dress and skirt are so cute.

Gallafamily - I forgot to post before, but I love the flower on the hat that matches that monkey outfit. I have 2 DGDs that give me that look more than I would like too!

Clhemsath - Love the idea of the autograph quilt. I may get to use that idea soon!
We're leaving in just over two weeks and this is the first trip where I'm making customs for every day! I'm cheating a bit and bringing two sets I made my girls for our last trip, but this is what I've got so far:

First, the reruns - from last trip, Simply Sweets for one of our Epcot/Flower & Garden days, the smaller one sporting a new ruffle for some needed extra length.



Also a rerun, Simply Sweets for our travel day


With Easy Fits to match for DD2


Floral patchwork twirls for the second Flower & Garden day


Monsters Inc twirl for DD2, aka Boo, for our DHS day


DD2's stripwork jumper (DD9's is still on my to-do pile), for our first park day and Mickey character breakfast. I have no idea why I let buttonholes intimidate me for so long - my machine basically does them without me!


Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.

Everything is beautiful! I would definitely use the reruns -- they are very worth repeating. I love your Monster's Inc fabric as well -- I've never seen that before. You must post pics of the dresses in action on your trip!
We're leaving in just over two weeks and this is the first trip where I'm making customs for every day! I'm cheating a bit and bringing two sets I made my girls for our last trip, but this is what I've got so far:

First, the reruns - from last trip, Simply Sweets for one of our Epcot/Flower & Garden days, the smaller one sporting a new ruffle for some needed extra length.



Also a rerun, Simply Sweets for our travel day


With Easy Fits to match for DD2


Floral patchwork twirls for the second Flower & Garden day


Monsters Inc twirl for DD2, aka Boo, for our DHS day


DD2's stripwork jumper (DD9's is still on my to-do pile), for our first park day and Mickey character breakfast. I have no idea why I let buttonholes intimidate me for so long - my machine basically does them without me!


Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.

These are all beautiful. You are doing a great job. Your girls will look so great! I think the flowery ones are my faves. Of course, I am partial to the F&G Festival, everything looks so pretty decked out in all the flowers! It's very welcome after a Chicago winter!

I have to ask where you found the Monster's, Inc. fabric. My daughter would love a skirt or dress made with that fabric. Thanks.
On the stripwork, where did you find the Mickey fabric?

It is from Joanns but neither of the stores in my area carry it. I had to order it from the website. I just loved the print so much that I picked out the stripwork pattern and the other fabrics specifically to work with it.

Everything is beautiful! I would definitely use the reruns -- they are very worth repeating. I love your Monster's Inc fabric as well -- I've never seen that before. You must post pics of the dresses in action on your trip!

The Monsters Inc fabric was an Etsy find - the seller had two fat quarters of it and only wanted $.70 each for them, so of course I bought both. DD2 is in a Monsters Inc phase and spends half the day hiding behind things just to jump out and yell Boo! so I went searching for fabric to make her a Monsters dress. I was actually looking for a Japanese print I saw, but this worked out so much better (and cheaper! those imported Disney prints are pricey) because I had the coordinating fabrics in my stash from doing my girls' purple-and-turquoise bedroom.

I will definitely post some action shots. My girls aren't very cooperative models at home but they totally ham it up for my camera at Disney!
Tricia, how is your DH feeling? Is your life returning to normal, yet?

Thanks for asking. He went back to work this morning. It has been 3 weeks since his surgery (16 days since the second one). He has all his staples out and seems to be healing quite nicely. Still having a little pain associated with the surgery, but he does have wires running down the side of his head just under the skin, and a battery pack in his chest, so I think the tissue around those are still in the healing process.

As for his phantom and nerve pain that the surgery was done to help. It does seem to be helping already, even though the battery pack is not even on yet. There is a certain amount of 'insertion effect' just from having the wires touch the proper spot on his brain, and he is having relief just from that.

Life is back to normal.... well at our house that means crazy busy with hockey and basketball, and we are going on a little trip this weekend to visit and ski with friends. (No, the man that had brain surgery does not plan to ski just yet, he will pass this time)
Hey ladies and Tom! I am really hoping to get some help with Glo's Give. It is really filling extremely slowly. Glo is pretty good for outfits and pixie dust, but her big brothers and Mom and Aunt are really lacking. I would especially love a few more things for the brothers. They seem like such wonderful boys, I want them to know that we are thinking of them too.

Looks like you retooled the Big Give board while I was at WDW freezing my ears off. I can no longer log in. Do I need to rejoin? You probably went over all that stuff a few dozen pages back -- I've been gone over a week.



minnie dots for our trip. i still need a minnie iron on thingy if anyone sells that with cheapish postage to the uk pm me :worship:

i've fallen in love with the simply sweet pattern
i made the 2 above dresses a while before hols so they are long. she has shot up loads and is now over the 40" height restriction may need to loose some of the length though as i did them very long
Thanks for asking. He went back to work this morning. It has been 3 weeks since his surgery (16 days since the second one). He has all his staples out and seems to be healing quite nicely. Still having a little pain associated with the surgery, but he does have wires running down the side of his head just under the skin, and a battery pack in his chest, so I think the tissue around those are still in the healing process.

As for his phantom and nerve pain that the surgery was done to help. It does seem to be helping already, even though the battery pack is not even on yet. There is a certain amount of 'insertion effect' just from having the wires touch the proper spot on his brain, and he is having relief just from that.

Life is back to normal.... well at our house that means crazy busy with hockey and basketball, and we are going on a little trip this weekend to visit and ski with friends. (No, the man that had brain surgery does not plan to ski just yet, he will pass this time)

So glad to hear he's doing well! Glad to hear he's already feeling some relief, too. Have a great time on your trip. After all that, you surely deserve it!
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