Disboutiquers Part 15 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

I signed up for the free newsletters. So hopefully I will get the codes. I have bought several patterns before, but I didn't sign up for the newsletters.

Oh, I just went and did the same. I didn't know they did coupons!

I can not keep up with this thread anymore, Im lucky if I am able to find answers to the questions in my posts lol
anyone seen these before? Where can I find them in stores? Joann's? has anyone used them?


Check out this page:
I happened to be asking about them earlier, too!
I can not keep up with this thread anymore, Im lucky if I am able to find answers to the questions in my posts lol
anyone seen these before? Where can I find them in stores? Joann's? has anyone used them?


Yes Fairygoodmother made the girls overalls out of Alice ones. We got them at WalMart 2 or 3 years ago.



I am attempting to learn how to post photos, so this is a test, if a picture does not show up please do not judge or think less of me:rotfl:, really I am a college graduate, I know I can do this, I just really am not tech savvy at all. Anyway if the picture does show up this is my DD Maddie, she is 6, this was at the Ocean City boardwalk in April.
DD9 and I are taking our mother/daughter trip at the end of August and I am just about done with our matching customs. I am now going through each one to make sure I have the right shoes and accessories. Here's a few pics of our first couple. By the way, I will be wearing shorts there, just was too lazy to get them all out for pics.

Our first day we're doing the Pirate League.

Epcot day

DHS day (this was a last minute request for a Jessie outfit) Do you think it will pass as a Jessie custom?

Let's try this, anyway this is my DD Maddie, she is 6 and happy to have mommy make her beautiful dresses. This was at the Ocean City NJ Boardwalk in April.
OK, now that I got the hang of this picture thing, I will post a few of the things I have made so far, I purchased my sewing machine just about a year ago after following this thread religiously for a year prior to that. The first few pics are of my niece and daughter at MVMCP in December 2008, I did mickey heads in red and green buttons, and yes I did sew them all on by hand.




The kids loved their shirts, we saw a few customs on our trip but not many. These shirts were easy to do, and really looked great in person.
Soooooooooooo cute! Bummer about the fabric, I'd have loved some, but can't do much for 9 y/o DD w/ an xs LOL. Smart thinking!

No, best you could have done for a 9 yr old is let her wear the scrubs. :rotfl2:

Awwww your poor little guys too. I had to laugh when I read about your youngest' giving the Dr. the most evil stare possible. That is too funny and I can just picture that.

Yeah he was loving all those stickers!!! Do you have pics to share from when your DS got his hair cut there??:banana:

Awww that is adorable and so teeny tiny!!!! You did a great job!!!!

Thanks for the compliment on the dress, and I looked on my computer for pics of DSs first haircut, but could not see any. I think maybe I didn't have digital yet. :scared1:

I can not keep up with this thread anymore, Im lucky if I am able to find answers to the questions in my posts lol
anyone seen these before? Where can I find them in stores? Joann's? has anyone used them?


Very cute, I have never seen them before.

I need to start working on some customs but here's an apron skirt I just made. My DD helped pick out the fabrics :)


Cute, great fabric choices by your DD

DD9 and I are taking our mother/daughter trip at the end of August and I am just about done with our matching customs. I am now going through each one to make sure I have the right shoes and accessories. Here's a few pics of our first couple. By the way, I will be wearing shorts there, just was too lazy to get them all out for pics.

Our first day we're doing the Pirate League.

Epcot day

DHS day (this was a last minute request for a Jessie outfit) Do you think it will pass as a Jessie custom?

Good job. Of couse it will pass as a Jessie custom. I could tell right away.


Let's try this, anyway this is my DD Maddie, she is 6 and happy to have mommy make her beautiful dresses. This was at the Ocean City NJ Boardwalk in April.

Looks like you got it to work this time. :woohoo:

Hello Maddie.
OK, now that I got the hang of this picture thing, I will post a few of the things I have made so far, I purchased my sewing machine just about a year ago after following this thread religiously for a year prior to that. The first few pics are of my niece and daughter at MVMCP in December 2008, I did mickey heads in red and green buttons, and yes I did sew them all on by hand.

I really love how those button shirts look, but I could never do one. When I make something with buttons, like a bowling shirt, I get it all done in a day, then it sits in my sewing room for 2 weeks waiting for me to sew on buttons. :lmao:
These next two pics are of Maddie and my niece Victoria, at the Princess Storybook Breakfast at Epcot. Victoria wore a store bought Alice costume and Maddie wore a Provincial Belle that I purchased off of :wizard:, I believe I bought it from a fellow disboutiquer that has an :wizard:shop, MOM2TRK, I think that is her id on here. It is a beautiful creation, so professionally done and just gorgeous !!!




This is Maddie's Easter dress that I made from Carla C's A Line pattern. I did mess up a bit on the side where you have to hand sew it closed, but it was the first outfit that I ever really completed, other than easy fit pajama bottoms !!:cheer2:

This is my DD and DN after their dance recital in May. This is the charmy euro skirt from youcanmakethis. I have made a few of these, but only have pics of this one. I love those charm packs, so easy and already color coordinated !!!
Ok, this is SLIGHTLY OT (seeings how it's only July), but I am getting ready to start DD's halloween outfit. I have only one more custom to do for our WDW trip in October so Halloween is going to be my next task:cool1:. I am currently searching through the Oct Thread from 2007 but it seems that nearly all the pics have been taken down :scared1:! I would love to see pics from the past to get ideas from. I am thinking about a stripwork jumper but I've only done the simply sweet so far. . . I guess I need to at least read the instructions and see how intimidating it really is. All the strip pieces really scare me:scared1:!
There is a Walmart where I work that still has a bunch of these. They have them clearanced at (I think?) $5.00. I will check this week. If you can't find any, I can see if they have the styles you want.

Oh, I just went and did the same. I didn't know they did coupons!

Check out this page:
I happened to be asking about them earlier, too!

A-ha! Mommy Boo- I checked today and it's official- all fabric related stuff is gone from my walmart now. but I know I would have noticed these if they were there before and i never saw them. I assume they would have been in the fabric section?
I would take one of everything your store has for Disney characters, I want to make a quilt with these as my focus fabrics- and do blocks from all the disney characters....PM me if you are interested in shopping for me at your store.

Thanks for the photos of the kids clothes too!

Im still thinking of doing the castle quilt...

We went to Target today and she picked out a patchwork quilt in cottage-chic pastels- I know it will take me months to complete that castle quilt. If I find enough of these blocks then maybe I could do something simpler and faster....
I have my serger all fixed, fabric pre washed and chosen for outfits. I'm actually starting on outfits tonight. I had to post a pic of Emily in an outfit I just purchased for animal kingdom. It's so cute!


Then, these are what I have picked out for Snow White using CarlaC Simply Sweet:

And a patchwork twirl dress...there is some tink fabrics and a minnie mouse one...not sure if I'll embroider on it or not. Right now I'll just be happy to make something:

And of course a Minnie Mouse simple simple simple sundress:

And last but not least, and not a bit Disney but that's ok because I love the fabrics, a little pillowcase dress using Jham's tutorial:

Wish me LUCK! Do you think I can get all these done in less than 5 weeks?? Please, if you've gone on marathons or sewn several dresses in a short time, I'd love to know as I find it encouraging.:rotfl:
I think you can do it if you take a break from the digitizing! I just saw your new sets. I love the princess one. Emily looks adorable in her dress! I love the flower in her hair. I think you did a great job picking out fabric.. that is the hardest part for me. I hate matching up fabrics. I am a big fan of kits which include the pattern, notions, and fabrics.

OK, So I am going to put a few pics from our trip a 2 weeks ago and 1 from my baby girls B-Day. No real great outfits here so feel free to skim on by!! I will probably post a couple more as I find the pics in the other outfits.

This is my babies 1st B-Day obligatory Cake shot!!


And at some place eating, I just love the way this shows Kaylynn's red hair and blue eyes. :goodvibes
Kaylynn is beautiful! I love her name! That bug shot is too cute.

Got a little Tinkerbell dress finished last night.

Really cute!
I am laughing but only because I saw wii fit not wi fi and I was wondering why you would need a laptop to play the wii! You can tell what we play around here! I think I need more coffee!
I thought the same thing.. :rolleyes1

Okay girls and Tom... Off to Mary Jo's! Hopefully I don't spend too much...I really just need some cupcake material....but I only go there 1 or 2 times a year!
Lucky girl! I can't believe you only spent 10 dollars. Go you!
I was afraid you would say that. The odd thing is the manual says the bobbin tension is adjusted at the manufacturer and it has always had this issue. I hope it isn't expensive to fix.
My fix was only the turn of a screw. He didn't charge me for it. He just had to keep turning it until the test stitch out came out right. Hopefully yours is that easy to fix. Most people say not to mess with that screw yourself because you could end up worse off than before.

I think birthday10 expired yesterday. I see there is a code for SWAK PlanAhead10 for 10% off expires July 24
I didn't know that they came out with coupons. How do you get them? I've bought from SWAK and youcanmakethis and have never gotten coupon codes. I have a few patterns to buy, so maybe I can wait for another one.

I almost forgot to tell y'all

I was buying a little tank top yesterday at Old Navy, and I saw they had little pettiskirts.

They were in the Toddler section sizes up to 4t. If you have a little girl and want to add some poof under a skirt you may want to check Old Navy.

Oh, and they were pink.
Thanks for the tip. I'm guessing they are at least 40 bucks? Can get a Sam's petti for a little more than that, so I would be hesitant to buy. I love pink, so I will try to check it out.

I can not keep up with this thread anymore, Im lucky if I am able to find answers to the questions in my posts lol
anyone seen these before? Where can I find them in stores? Joann's? has anyone used them?

I bought one of these on ebay. There were tons of them. I don't know what to do with it. I don't like using them for overalls or anything like that. Not my style.. what were you going to do with them?

Yes Fairygoodmother made the girls overalls out of Alice ones. We got them at WalMart 2 or 3 years ago.


I know I just said I don't like overalls, but that is really cute! My DD will not wear jeans or overalls. Hopefully I will come up with some other idea to use them. I have the Alice one too.
Those girls are so cute in front of that little house.
I recognized it as Jessie right away.
Really cute idea!

OK, now that I got the hang of this picture thing, I will post a few of the things I have made so far, I purchased my sewing machine just about a year ago after following this thread religiously for a year prior to that. The first few pics are of my niece and daughter at MVMCP in December 2008, I did mickey heads in red and green buttons, and yes I did sew them all on by hand.

The kids loved their shirts, we saw a few customs on our trip but not many. These shirts were easy to do, and really looked great in person.
Love the button shirts. I have seen those before, and always thought they were such a cute idea. I love the green and red though!

These next two pics are of Maddie and my niece Victoria, at the Princess Storybook Breakfast at Epcot. Victoria wore a store bought Alice costume and Maddie wore a Provincial Belle that I purchased off of :wizard:, I believe I bought it from a fellow disboutiquer that has an :wizard:shop, MOM2TRK, I think that is her id on here. It is a beautiful creation, so professionally done and just gorgeous !!!


They are so cute. I love the Alice dress. That is a really pretty store bought!

For all you Wall-E fans!



Hubby sent me a link to this computer case this guy built. Isn't that awesome?? I want one!!!
Ok I can't wait - in an hour I'm going to Joanne's with a bunch of 40% off coupons, a gift card and no children!! I know you can only use 1 coupon at a time - i just buy something, put it in the car and then go back in!!!

I'm thinking Minnie fabric for a dress for DD7 and maybe animal print for shorts for AK, peace fabric for DD10 skirt and blue and green fabric for shorts. I'm on my way!!!:banana:

Where can I find some coupons for Joann's? My DH is taking me out for our 9 yr anniversary tomorrow and he said we could make a stop there!!!! :banana: How lucky am I? But it would be nice if I can save some money!:cutie:
Where can I find some coupons for Joann's? My DH is taking me out for our 9 yr anniversary tomorrow and he said we could make a stop there!!!! :banana: How lucky am I? But it would be nice if I can save some money!:cutie:

Happy Anniversary! My Joann usually has the coupons and flyers in a bin right as you walk in the store. You can also ask a salesperson and they usually have some behind the counter. Hope you have a good night!
Hi Everyone!

Such CUTE outfits posted!!! I love them all!!!

Thanks for your comments on Abby's crayon tote bag!! I actually just winged a totebag, and then added a panel for the crayons before I stitched up the bag so I could sew in all those dividers for the crayons/pencils. How do you all stitch them so evenly???? I just finished this little outfit to match the bag - something simple for her....


DH just told me he doesnt thing we will be going to WDW this fall - Im so bummed!! I love Night of Joy, Free Dining and MNSSHP - and will be missing it all - the only good thing, is that we may "have" to help Daniel and his family on his Make a Wish trip in Jan/Feb as soon as he is done his Chemo. Hopefully we would stay a few extra days to recoop after that!! His little brothers are WILD :banana: and difficult to control!!!:laughing::scared1:

Now I did find an OT conference about sensory diets in Boston in October - any thoughts on Boston in October??????


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