Disability seating for Fantasmic & Parades


Earning My Ears
Jul 4, 2000
Will be in Disneyland/DCA 6-13th with an autistic child that can't handle crowds. Do these parks have roped off disabled areas for Fantasmic and parades, similar to WDW parks? Thanks!
The Disabled sections I know of are right by Main street by the Showcase store for the parades and right by the Haunted mansion for Fantasmic. I also believe there is another on the opposite side by the Golden Horseshoe for Fantasmic viewing.
We have used these and they can get pretty crowded on their own. I would still recommend arriving early so you can stake out a spot at the front and sit on the ground so you have open space in front of you. They usually just keep packing in the wheelchairs until the roped off section is bursting. It will be just like staking out a spot on a curb somewhere as far as crowds behind you, in fact the CM might even try to put the wheelchairs in front of you if you don't have one (they did this to us once at WDW. I ended up standing the whole parade. Not fun!) Have a great trip!
Yes, we used the area in front of the Haunted Mansion. Be sure to get a Special Assistance Pass at the Town Hall on Main Street or at Guest Services at DCA at the beginning of your trip, You can show this to a CM and they will assist you in getting to the protected area. The earlier you get there, the better. The nice folks in wheelchairs are usually quite happy to let little kids sit in front of them, as long as the kids do NOT lean on the chairs.

There are few seats available, I sugggest taking a garden knee pad to sit upon - it is very rough concrete there.

If you have any questions about the Disneyland Special Assistance Pass (known as the GAC at WDW) or taking kids with autism or other special needs ot Disney Parks, please click on the link in my signature and you will find links to information about making your visit easier and more fun.


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