DIS Convention 2001 - Kids Events...


Aug 14, 1999
Hi Y’all

I hope some of you are planning to attend the DIS convention, here is a link to the reservations and information page http://www.wdwinfo.com/discon.htm

I have to tell you I’m very excited about the event!!! Anyways now that we have the main events planned that will be fun for the whole family I wanted to think about a couple small events for kids and was hoping some of you may have some great ideas?

Lets see? We could have a scavenger hunt? That could also be a family activity. Or how about relay races maybe something an hour into the welcome party? I’m sure we can get some Disney prizes. Kids pin trading? A mini meet at a playground maybe in AK or MGM? Mini Golf tournament? What do y’all think? I want these preferably to be no cost events – only the mini golf of the above list will have a cost of I think $7 per player if we do that. I really like the Family Scavenger hunt idea, I think I'll work on that one some more.


Family Board Host

Coordinator Dis Convention 2001
Are you talking about supervised activities in parallel with other adult events, or having parents present?


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
Mini golf is a good idea! I know that we'll have PAP's, which get us 50% off of our tickets. But they also get us some kind of discount for up to 6 friends! That means that just my little clan could get 24 other people discounts. Then you add in all of the others with AP's.....

Other ideas...well...I dunno. I'll put "Mommy's Mind" on it. She's MUCH better at those things than I am. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

How about Disney Institute classes? They used to offer one on animation that I know my DDs would enjoy but they only do classes for groups now so a convention would be the only opportunity to do something like this. Cost may be a factor, I never priced them so I'm not sure how expensive they were.

The playground sounds fun or maybe a pool party if the water is warm enough then. Tom Sawyer's island is also a place they could have a scavenger hunt.

The Tea Party, Pirates Cruise or someone was talking about a cooking class offered at GF. All of these would be something for the kids.

Campfire at FW is also something on my list of things to do with kids but haven't done yet.


WDW Offsite ? - 1976
WDW Offsite Vistana - 1988
Disneyland - 1998
WDW Vistana / Contemporary - June 2000
Just couldn't wait trip - Feb 2001 OKW
Next Trip December 2001 - BWV
I like the playground idea and the scavenger hunt, but since it IS Disney, how about a character meet and greet? I know that would please kids of all ages.

Since the adults are getting a free for all at the Tower of Terror, how about an exclusive time set aside at one of the kid's rides just for them? Can that be arranged?

A pajama party comes to mind, age appropriate though. Can't give any ideas to the teenagers... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

I'm sure there will be lots of suggestions! Next?


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

I agree with Janette, the Disney Institute classes and supervised activities, including the KidVenture-type activities, would be absolutely ideal!!!!! They only do groups now, my daughter LOVED the KidVenture/Camp Disney program when it was open to guests. Really, it would be worth it to us to pay the extra cost, this was a terrific program. Tours, activities, they even have a game room good for all ages over there. The CMs were terrific.


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
How about an ice cream social?

Or a cookie decorating party?

A convention long scavenger hunt for pressed pennies!!!

A Beach Party! (beach volleyball, swimming at Stormalong Bay, water balloon fights...etc.)

A 'Make your own Disney Souvenier' Party. Have t-shirts, mouse ears and fabric paints, keychain material, photo frames....etc. Get DIS ºoº 2001 rubber stamps made up. The kids can stamp their work!

Make your own Disney Postcards! Get all your new friends to sign them.

I've got to run....but I'll try and think of some more ideas.

<font size=4 color=red align=left face="Comic Sans MS">I'm not bad.......I'm just drawn that way.</font>
<font size=2 color=blue align=centre face="Comic Sans MS">- Jessica Rabbit</font>
Proud member of: <IMG align=center src="http://www.geocities.com/im_newhere/dps.jpg">
Something quick and easy to do during an event to keep kids interested is to play a game like Disney bingo.

How about setting up a mystery for the teens to play. Hand out a paper with a list of clues and have the teens figure out where the clues are leading them. The paper could lead them to the ice cream shop (at YC/BC)for an ice cream social.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

<img width = "100" height = "120" SRC=http://usuarios.tripod.es/montes_3/mik025.gif><font>yellowrose</font>
<font size=3 color=blue>From San Antone to Michigan I've roamed...</font>
Sort of sounds like a game we used to play. We'd give the person a piece of paper with a clue on it, and they'd go to where the clue directed them, to find another clue, and so on, and so on. Might be a bit complicated, but it was always fun!

Pirate cruise was a blast, according to my DSs - I know they'd be up for that!

As for mini golf, I thought even the adults would be able to make up teams and play - maybe it could be a mixed team, with adults and children? Or have the children play the Fantasia course, while the adults play the other course, whatever it's called. (just a thought)

An ice cream party at the Dolphin Fountain! :) Again, could be for adults...

Cookie decorating sounds fun, too (with my signon, is anyone surprised?) :D

<img width="200" SRC="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/awilliams/dalcooks.jpg"[/img]

Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."

These all sound like excellent ideas. :)

I really like the scavanger hunt and the craft ideas of making t-shirts, hats, etc. :)

Decorating cookies is always a hit with younger kids...like the 2-5 year olds. :)

Let me put on my thinking cap. :)

I Love To Say...Have A Disney Day!

M-I-C...see you at The DIS convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we love Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...
Great Ideas !

I have to tell you the event long family scavenger hunt is already in the works – it going to be a blast! Wait and see what we have planned – LOL…

The craft tables are a great idea – that will keep the little guys busy and I like the rubber stamp and postcard idea, we can cheaply do this (unfortunately I have to watch costs). I have teenagers as do some of the other moderators maybe we could get them to be in charge of this (in the same area as the reception and of course we can not take responsibility for your kids). Sorry we can’t provide child care the cost would just be too great, however the Beach Club offers childcare at the Harbor Club and I’m sure we can reserve some space.

I’ll look into Disney Institute Youth programs, maybe during a tour that is only for adults, remember things like that, programs and tours, will cost extra and only be offered if a certain number of kids want to participate. I can also get a block of reservations for the Ice Cream Social


Family Board Host

Coordinator Dis Convention 2001
I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride! :cool:

You folks have got some great ideas, and I'm getting goosebumps in anticipation! :)

I know one thing for sure though. With everything planned, we may not even get to see much of the parks during those 4+ days! :eek: So I'm glad we'll have a week of vacation to relax AFTER our DIS-CON 2001 vacation! :D

My son won a trip to WDW to celebrate Friendship Day in 1997. They had an event at Epcot where the young man (actor who played Christopher Robin) read a story to them. Perhaps one of the faced charaters could do that same type of thing. It was at an area near a gazbo and they had a scavenger hunt with it as well. The story called for baking a cake, and the scavenger itmes were ingridiants for the cake. Example, play plastic eggs, boxes that had sugar written on them and so on. You get the idea, right? He read part of the story, then they took a break and hunted for the items. They also scheduled some of the 100 acre characters to show up during the break to sign autographs. They had these foam mats that were spread out for the kids to sit indian style on as they listened to the story. Some parents sat holding their children. Another event was when they had a "Grand Premir" of the movie, Grand Adventure. I believe it was also at Epcot in an area where they had a large room with a big screen TV with popcorn and soda. We watched the movie a week before it's actual release. That was really cool!! It wouldn't have to be exactly like that, but it gives you an idea to possibly build from :) Gerri

Linda, I think they told me last summer they needed a minimum of 9 kids for a Camp Disney program to be offered to a group... you might want to poll to see how many families would be interested, and for which of the 2 age groups, elementary and young/pre teen.


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."


WDW Offsite ? - 1976
WDW Offsite Vistana - 1988
Disneyland - 1998
WDW Vistana / Contemporary - June 2000
Just couldn't wait trip - Feb 2001 OKW
DIS-CON 2001 - BWV
just a bump...
Wondering if there was any news about the possibility of arranging Disney Institute/Camp Disney activities for the school age kids.

As you know, these fantastic programs were discontinued in July 2000 for individuals, and are only open to groups now. Kind of like the Illuminations Cruises... If we can do this, it would be wonderful.


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
I'd love for my girls to do some of the Disney Institute classes. Should we maybe arrange this on our own if we get a group of 10 kids?


Offsite ? - 1976, Vistana - 1988
Vistana/Contemp - June 2000, OKW - Feb 2001
BWV - DIS Convention Nov 2001
Disneyland - 1998
Family scavenger hunt? Is that when we look for lost kids in the park? :)

No really, I like the idea of kid's events. As a single guy, I sometimes forget people bring kids. How about an emu or corn making session? :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
That may be interested in the Disney Institute program. Just depends on which on/ones and the total cost. When someone checks into this, please post and let me know. Gerri


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