Dinner with 2 teens - Pastamore or NBA City?


DIS Veteran
Sep 2, 1999
We've already decided on Hard Rock Cafe and Margaritaville for two of our 3 dinners.
My 15 year old daughter and almost 19 year old son are not big basketball fans, but NBA sounds cool and the menu seems excellent. But Pastamore also looks like it would have great food.... Does Pastamore have much "atmosphere"?

Which would you choose?‡
I haven't been yet, but I've read 2 trip reports where people didn't like NBA at all. I personally will always take Italian!!

<img height="200" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/disdebbie/Mickeyandus.jpg">
Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000
Have you considered Nascar Cafe? I've heard it is fun even if you aren't a Nascar Fan. Of course the food would be similar to Hard Rock Cafe, just different theming. You'll really enjoy Buffets!

Go to Hard Rock or Margaritaville.

Pastamore = Olive Garden Equivelent. It's good but it's standard Italian food, nothing special.

NBA City is the worst restaurant at CityWalk. Do not eat there. Bad service and poor food combine to make this place a bad choice. If you do go to NBA City, do not order anything off the menu but steak or else you will be sorry.
Geees, after that last post I felt I just needed to say that my family had an EXCELLENT meal 2 weeks ago at NBA City. The service was also excellent, as was the atmosphere. (Maybe this is a matter of taste combined w/timing)
We also hit the Hard Rock, Margaritaville's and Pastamore.
We ranked them as such:
1) Hard Rock - great food & best atmosphere
2) NBA City - best steaks & personal pizzas
3) Margaritaville's - excellent nachos
4) Pastamore's
Pastamore's was our least favorite, but it was still good.
we also had a wonderful meal at NBA city..food and service were great. The theming doesn't "scream" at you (other than the big screan TV's) so even if basketball isn't your thing it should be ok. Pastamore' was also very good. We ordered the family meal and had so much food we asked then to box the desserts. Boy were we suprised to get to large take out boxes filled with sweets. It has by far the most food for your money. If you like typical americanized Italian then it is a must do. The regular menu had a greater selection but the family menu had the better value. If you are doing hard rock I would skip NBA and do pastamore'

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color=blue font+comic sans MS>HRH/IOA/US/SW April 2001 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>
We had great food at NBA city. Our best meal at City Walk was at the Latin Quarter, my teens love it and they can't wait to go back there. Our worst meal was at Margaritaville. Now we just go to Margaritaville for the Nachos, Brain Darts and Key Lime shots. Emeril's is ok as well, we need to give this spot another try...they did not have the banana cream pie the day we went, and that was why I went there. Mythos inside IOA is very good as well, my teens were with on this day and they loved it. Have a great trip...happy eating! :)


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