Dining Reservation Swap/Trade – has anyone tried that?

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Earning My Ears
Feb 25, 2022
I was wondering about a scenario, similar to (but different than) coordinating ADR cancellations, where if two people found they had each had reservation times that they'd ideally want to swap, whether there's a way to do that besides coordinating cancellations. With coordination you're kind of rolling the dice, because there's a chance that someone else will swoop in and grab it.

A CM that I talked to on the phone said that what they've heard people do is just show up under each other's reservations, because they're basically just keeping your name on a waitlist but not checking IDs or anything. So if I were to show up for someone else's reservation and give their name they would seat me as that party no questions asked — and someone that I traded with could do the same with my reservation. That feels a little risky, but honestly not as risky as coordinating cancellations where other people are getting alerts and may go in and grab it before you've had a chance (especially if the system is being glitchy).

Has anybody every pulled off something like this? I'd have assumed that maybe this kind of thing would be frowned upon, except that it was a CM that suggested it to me as an option.
I would never take this approach..... primarily because it either is or at least feels like a rule violation. My other issue would be depending on and planning around a reservation I don't have control of. What if they get nervous about the no-show fee and cancel the ADR you want to use? What if they find a dream ADR too close time-wise and have to cancel "yours" to make theirs? What if they decide they want to use it after all? Flip it over...what if they don't show up for the ADR you made and you get stuck with the no-show fee? (Can you tell that I am a planner by nature and very risk averse? 8-) )

I would go with...
Use a reservation finder. Keep up with the Disboards cancellation thread for your month. Stalk MDE for 30 days out and week of cancellations.
I would only do the swap check in for someone I know. I wouldn’t risk the cancellation fee for someone I don’t. Too likely they no-show for it.
I would only do the swap check in for someone I know. I wouldn’t risk the cancellation fee for someone I don’t. Too likely they no-show for it.

Yeah that's mostly how I feel about it as well, but I'm trying to approach it creatively in a "what if" sort of way. One idea I had was using a site like escrow.com with "Milestone Transactions", in which you basically do something like pay a certain amount to cover being a no-show or a cancellation, but then if you produce evidence (pics/receipt/whatever) of having gone then that satisfies the requirement and you get the money paid back to you (minus a small percentage for the fee which is something like 1-2%). I haven't exactly worked out in my head how that would go, but something like that seems possible to make it that you won't get stuck paying for someone else's no-show, and also having collateral if the other party cancels it or something like that. Just thinking out loud.
Last trip my son went on I made all the reservations. Is there a way you can change a member of your party? Are you linked as friends? I had the reservation in my name but I had his family as members of the dining party. In that way, they were on the dining reservation, just not as the primary. I called dining and asked if that would be a problem and they said it wouldn't because the other party members were on it. The only snafu is the credit card, but if you know them well and trust each other to show, that shouldn't be a problem
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