Dining Central -- July


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
Hello fellow adult and solo travelers,

Breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a snack?? – Is anyone out there interested in linking up with other adult or solo travelers? Well then you’ve come to the right place.

Are you new to solo travel or a little nervous about going for a meal by yourself? This might just be a good way for some newer solo travelers to feel more comfortable going for a nice sit down dinner. This could give you one more thing to enjoy on your next trip to the world!!

Are you comfortable alone but just think you might want some company or conversation for a meal or two? Maybe you’re just interested in meeting some other vacationers like yourself that travel either solo or without the kids. This could be the “E-ticket” for you.

This isn’t just for solo travelers but for anyone on these boards, but certainly targeted for the adult couple or solo travelers. I just know that some solo travelers are a bit reluctant to dine alone so I’ve dwelled on them. I remember; I’m usually a solo and was very reluctant at first.

Let others know of your interest, right here. Post your travel dates and specifically any dates that you might want to meet to share a meal or a snack. Please specify any preference for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. Let us know if you already have a Priority Seating somewhere that you wish to share, and the time.

Maybe, if you would please, when you’ve confirmed plans with someone and are booked, edit your original reply here to let others know.

So who is up for some company for a meal in July?

Hi Bob,

I just found out about this thread and I think its a wonderful idea. I'm a female in her 40s and I'm going to be at WDW at CBR from 7/27 to 8/1 (I am then moving over to Royal Pacific at USF). I'm up for a lunch or dinner sometime, don't want to make promises for breakfast because I'm definitely trying to sleep LATE! I am going to Nine Dragons for lunch on 7/27, a late lunch (about 1:30pm or 2:00) since its the day I am arriving. I was also thinking of going to Boma for lunch or dinner one night that would be an excellent place to meet a DISer, haven't made any PS yet but would be willing to. I'm also planning on going to E-Night on July 30 if anyone cares to join me for a dinner before that, don't have any specific times yet and I'm open to suggestions. Thanks.

I'll be there from July 28 thru August 4 at OKW---Some of the time will be solo and maybe we could get together for a meal. It would be nice to meet someone from Pa where I was raised. I now live in NJ. I am a 55 year old female, married with 2 adult children.:cool:


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