Did anyone see the "Surf" extreme weekend this weekend?


Earning My Ears
Oct 7, 2000
I just got back today, i don't no about you guys but it was one of the coolest things ive seen at citywalk in a while. Tony Hawk(the world's most prestigious pro skateboarder) and a couple other top skateboarders. Quiet Flight Sponsored it, whiched really helped out with their sales. Anyways there was a big half-pipe set up right below the ampitheater. The crowds where huge, I have never seen that many people come to an un-advertised event at citywalk. I was also lucky enough to get Tony Hawk's autograph on my personal copy of "Tony Hawk's ProSkater2"(on sony playstation). Yesterday they did the same thing, but the boy band Soul Decision was playing live on the citywalk stage. And best of all, this whole thing was free. Sorry to keep on talking but it was definitely something to see! :cool:


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