December Airline Tickets


Earning My Ears
Nov 27, 2000
Does anyone know of any good airline deals right now for travel in December? We are going Dec.21-26 and can fly out of BWI or DCA. Any help is appreciated.

Not sure what dca is. We regularly fly out of BWI and I recently purchased tickets for 12/30-1/6/02. The prices from bwi were too much (250+) so I am flying out of Phila. Got those tickets for 185. Since I have to buy 4, it's worth the extra 1/2 - 1 hour drive. We stay overnite at the airport anyway. I just heard from someone yesterday who regularly flies from BWI and she started using Dulles. Says it's easy to get to, not much further than BWi and ticket prices are better. Who knows? good luck.

DCA is ronald reagen airport also known as washington national. right now no specials for that time of year yet. you have so many other things ahead of it(memorial day, 4th of july, labor day thanksgiving and other soecials in between) . last year I got my dec tkts in late october(around the 20th) for 151 each from pittsburgh. have you signed up for any fare trackers that can let you know by email when they come out? expedia has one and so does my home page on yahoo and earthlink. check and see if your isp offers one. you might want to check the transportation board often as we post lots of air fare specials and things over there.....

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<marquee> Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits!!! </marquee><font></font></font>

I'm going in December, too. Last year I got a great, great deal on USAir out of Dulles. $99 nonstop, round trip!!! Right now the lowest I've found for my dates is $177.50. I'm holding off buying until sometime in summer.
do you check rates online or do you call the different airlines?

minney + mickey=minkey

I check online most of the time-I don't call the airlines directly too much. It sounds as though I can wait a few months before purchasing these tickets. Thanks to all who replied.


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