DD restaurants

You can never go wrong with Rainforest Cafe and altho' we haven't eaten there yet, my "Cajun" hubby is excited about the Jazz Kitchen--

you will have a great time!
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=navy>We've eaten at the Naples Restaurant, La Brea Bakery (breakfast), and Rainforest Cafe. We enjoyed our eating experience at all three.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

My DL Site
My Sequoia/Yosemite Trip

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We have eaten at Yarriba Yarriba several times this week and enjoyed it. They serve tapas, so the portions are small but are meant for sharing. Order maybe 2 different tapas for each person, and then share around the table. The menu has way too many items to wade through, so I recommend just asking your server to pick some good stuff and bring it on. The steak stuffed with ham and cheese, the shrimp cocktail things in martini glasses, and the fried chicken pieces served with lime are all great choices. For a fine drink, try the mojito... it's sweet and crisp, but a little light on the hooch.
They have a great house band that plays Thursday through Sunday, with some tasty Latin music. There was a Brazilian band during the rest of the week, and they were pretty hot too.

Poly 1983
WL 1997
DI 1999
OKW 2000
California Mom,

I haven't been to DD yet, so I can't offer any suggestions. (Though I've been to different locations of Rainforest Cafe and really like the food and atmosphere there.)

If you're not familiar with the restaurants and the kind of food they serve, www.mouseplanet.com has a pretty thorough list of menus for DCA, DL, and DD. Also, someone here posted links to pictures, including pictures of quite a few menus! I found that helpful as well.
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#00009c>The Naples restaurant serves Italian food, including pasta & oven baked pizza. What I liked about it is that my dd and I split an order, and instead of getting one order divided in half, for $4 more we got served a bigger portion, split in two. We ordered the angel hair pasta w/shrimp and eggplant - my ds had pepperoni pizza, and he enjoyed it. The kids ordered biscotti (which were a little $, but to be expected at DtD). We ate downstairs, and enjoyed it. I understand that upstairs they have fine dining. Also, there is a patio with heaters for cooler evenings. The rascals & I gave it

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

My DL Site
My Sequoia/Yosemite Trip

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