DCA good for pregnant Mom, Hubby and 2 and 4 year olds?


DIS Veteran
Jul 14, 2000
I've read some pretty negative things about DCA, but we're willing to give it a try if there is enough for us to do there to justify spending a day and the $$. So, what do you all think? I'll be about 6 months pregnant and my girls are 2 and 4. Hubby likes roller coasters, but could just as easily pass on them if I don't drag him on, which I won't be able to do. Thanks. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Go to Disneyland--hubby will get plenty of roller coaster adventure with Space Mountain, etc, you will be able to ride more rides and definitiely more for the kids to do! The roller coaster and Soarin over California are awesome at DCA but not worth it for a whole day admission--sad to say! And not enough for the little ones to do--they are planning on changing this experience to make it more kid friendly but for now I would stick with the old reliable D-Land!

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#6600CC>My own opinion is to skip it. I really enjoy DCA, but I think there could be more for the little ones.

If you have an extra day, I would recommend Knotts Berry Farm. There is a Camp Snoopy there for the little ones, and some nice coasters for your dh. Their wooden one, Ghostrider, is one of my favorites - lots of fun. There are also some shows, and attractions for the whole family.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

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I think that your kids are too young to be impressed by DCA. I think they'll be bored. (We liked the park, but have no children.)

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