Day2-Every town must be a ghost town because everyone is HERE!


~*~*~*~<br><font color=blue>This TF always enjoys
Aug 18, 1999
Tuesday, April 17th: After last night's most uncomfortable arrival at The Swan, (can you say Urinary Tract Infection?) I didn't want to rush things this AM. I had originally set the alarm to get up early but turned it off after going to bed. Oddly enough, I woke up around 7:30 AM anyway! Then the other "boys" heard me making coffee and followed.

DS#2 and DH walked over to the Dolphin to get a quick breakfast bite to eat, and DS#1 and I had breakfast in the room. We had brought cereal and milk with us and stored the perishables in a collapsable cooler that we kept filled with ice from the resort's ice machines. Worked like a charm! I on the other hand have been eating Balance Bars for breakfast for the about the last two years, ever since I went on a huge diet back in May of 1999. Not that I needed to lose a huge amount of weight, it was just the real first diet I had been on in a long time. I lost almost 30 pounds, and I ain't going to gain it back now!

After everyone was fed and ready to tackle the Magic Kingdom, we set out to the front of the Swan resort to catch a bus. We must've just missed one, because we waited a good 15 minutes for one to arrive. We got a kick out of the valet park attendants/bell services people throwing a ball from where they stand, over to the swan fountain that sits in the middle of the driveway! Several towncars and a limo just missed getting a window knocked out!!

It seemed to take forever once the bus did arrive, because we had to stop at the Dolphin, The Boardwalk, and the Yacht & Beach Club before we could continue on to the Magic Kingdom!! One of the downfalls of sharing your resort's bus with other resorts. Oh well, the only other alternative is to drive yourself over.

Once we did arrive, we quickly made our way over to Space Mountain, which already had a 45 minute wait! So, we grabbed fast passes (I still think this is one of the world's greatest inventions!) and headed on over to the Haunted Mansion. No wait at all for this one! Still one of my family's favorites. From here went to Liberty Tree Tavern to make lunch reservations, and from there, on to Pirates of The Carribbean, then on to our fast pass.

I was and still am amazed at the amount of people that were here! I was warned that spring break was a busy time to go, and we were here in 1998 during the week AFTER spring break and it wasn't that bad at all. But nothing could prepare us for the masses of crowds that would be here this week. DH and I both agreed, never again during this time of year! We've been during a variety of different times of the year, and I've got to say that the last week in August was less crowded than now! Live and learn--the hard way!!

After our most tasty lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern (DH and I always get the Pilgrim's Feast, and the boys order off the kids menu) we set out on a souvie quest. The boys had spotted miniature swords at the Castle gift shop that they just had to have! Since it was just getting too darned crowded to enjoy anything, we headed back to The Swan for some quality pool time.

Only problem is, everyone else seemed to have the same great idea, because by the time we arrived at the pool (around 3:00) there wasn't an available chaise lounge chair to be found anywhere!! DH looked and looked and looked! Nothing! Finally, a woman who was roasting in the sun on her chaise told us that if we went to the Cabana (where the pool towels are) that someone there would find us chairs!

So, it was off to find the Cabana Boy who did just that! Within minutes, he was bringing over chairs for us! Voila! Thanks for the tip, lady!

One thing I want to point out, at the Swan/Dolphin, you must present your resort ID card to get towels. I think this is a great way to deter pool crashers, although I guess it wouldn't deter those who bring their own towels! But, nonetheless, it would make it harder for someone who is just visiting the parks for the day to cool off at the nearest resort pool!

We spent a good two hours at the Grotto Pool. I thought the water felt great! There has been lots of talk on these boards regarding the fact that it doesn't seem heated, etc. I don't know about you, but after sweating in the hot sun, I don't want my pool water feeling like bath water! I want it to be cool and refreshing! And it was! It did seem like most of the adults weren't going in the water, but the kids had no problem at all! The lifeguard (the same guy who helped us find chairs) got a game of water volley ball going, which DH jumped at the chance to play! Unfortunately, the only ones really interested in playing were kids and one other guy around my DH's age! All the adults were quite content to sit back, relax and watch-myself included!

My only disappointment with the Grotto Pool is there is only one lifeguard, and he/she stays by the bottom of the water slide. My kids really aren't great swimmers yet, and if one of them were to go under and nobody noticed--myself included...well you get the point! The Grotto Pool is huge! It is a free form pool that stretches out over a big area. Your child could easily end up at another section of the pool where you couldn't see him or her. The depths vary as well. From 3 feet to 4 feet to 5 feet. Word of advice, if you are worried about your child, keep him or her in the Spring Pool, which is separated from the Grotto Pool. It has a more shallow depth, and it's very easy to keep your eye on them there. It's not what we did because we never took our eyes off them. But if you're concerned about younger ones, do the Spring Pool!

After our pool time, and changing, we were all a tad hungry, and decided to head over to the Dolphin Fountain for a little something. It was around 6PM, and there were only three other people eating there. The prices here are a bit steep, a BLT was $6.95 and only came with chips and a pickle. The kids menu items were the same price. We ate and headed back out to the Magic Kingdom.

Now, why on God's green earth we decided to do this, I have no idea because it was even more crowded than during the daytime! Where do all these people come from??? One of the main reasons we returned is because I wanted to ride the Jungle Cruise at night. We've never done that, and I had heard that it was really neat at night, so that was what I wanted to do! And we did! Our skipper pointed out one of the hippos in the water missing an ear! Shame on Disney for not fixing this! How tacky! I don't think we rode much more than that, the lines were horrendously long, the fast passes were all used up, it was wall to wall people, and we just couldn't enjoy ourselves constantly dodging this way and that just to walk! I think we've been spoiled by coming at slightly off times of the year.

As we made our way out of the park, we finally got to see some of the Spectro Magic Parade. Another first for us. I still don't understand why people stake out a curbside seat an hour or more before it starts! Sorry, it's just not my cup of tea! It's a brightly lit colorful parade, but to sit that long to wait for it, NO WAY! We could see just fine crossing over the bridge from (was it Adventure land?) and we even videotaped some of it as well. Trying to leave though during this parade was another story! We felt like fish swimming upstream!

It was back to The Swan for my nightly ritual of sitting on the balcony and people watching!

We must've been the only regulars on the balcony because we rarely, if ever, saw anyone else on their balcony. Why get one if you're never going to use it?

Up next: Day3--Camp Dolphin take my kids, please!

Offsite 7/94, Offsite 9/95, Shades Of Green 4/98, Dixie Landings 11/98, Coronado Springs 8/99, Polynesian 1/00,
Thanks for posting. I was there then also at the CBR and can only say, Never again at Easter. I was warned but could not believe the crowds in the afternoon.
Sherrie the crowds seemed to be the worst at The Magic Kingdom, but they were bad everywhere. You are right, after 1PM, you can barely walk!!
It may have been crowded but I bet it still beat being at home! :)

Thanks for the information on the pool. We will be at the Swan in only 11 days and I plan on getting some pool time in each afternoon.
... although your crowd horrors are stoking my own crowd anxieties a bit!

Hope its not this bad in June!

Looking forward to pt 3!:bounce:
:D I went around the same time last year and found the crowds unbearably thick!!!

My fiance and I are going in August and I was happy to read that you thought the crowds were not as bad around that time of year.

It still sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Crowds or no crowds, you still have to make the best of it, right?!:D
Thanks for the great report. If it coming for you about the crowds. I'm sure it was very crowed.

We went to Disney some 20 years ago during Easter. It was wonderful but very crowded. I decided then to never go during their busy, busy season again.

Daughters are there now and they said there are no crowds.

Thanks for your trip report. Need your advice please...

Went last year week before Easter...NEVER again!

Also went in Sept last year...GREAT week, but guilt about taking kids out of school.

Year 2002 (how choice of end of August, possibly stay longer, no guilt OR Sept again...very low crowds, but guilt!

Is end of August good or just better than Easter.

Thanks in advance!!


Yup, New Year's Eve. It was damp and foggy, and there were over 100,000 people at the parks (only two of them way back then, MK and Epcot).

It was people everywhere--there were even lines for the bathrooms.

I walked into the Emporium on Main Street to get away from the crowd (it was parade time), and heard someone calling me by my maiden name (we had celebrated our tenth anniversary the day before, so it had been a while since anyone called me that). There, standing in front of me, was my husband's college roommate. He had no idea that I had married his roomie! But wait, it gets even stranger. He told me he wanted to introduce me to his wife, but he hadn't seen her in quite a while.

We chatted for a few minutes, and finally said goodbye. I walked out the door into the crowd, and heard someone else calling my name--the nurse from my OB-GYN's office was there! She introduced me to her three-year old son, and then to her husband--yup, you guessed it--the old roommate! I didn't have any idea that they were married to each other, since she had kept her maiden name.

We never saw them again (and now it's been another 18 1/2 years).

BTW--it was so foggy that night that we couldn't see the fireworks--we could only hear the "boom".

Well I guess I will take your advice and never go during Spring Break!!! ;)

Anyways I'll agree with you and tke off-season anyday!


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