Day Four - Animal Kingdom


"TO MILE 9!!!"
Sep 30, 2003
Day Four
Cast Members:
Me – Amanda
DH – Brian

Woke up early, as we wanted to be at the Animal Kingdom at opening. The opening show is cute and fun but I have to say I was anxious to explore the parks. On our last trip we only spent about an hour and 30 minutes inside the park – long enough to see the Festival of the Lion King show and leave. We regretted that decision.

Back to the present. We followed the crowds to Kilimanjaro Safaris and were taken on tour right away. We didn’t even have to share our bench seat with anyone, which was great because we could take pictures on both sides of the truck. The animals were really out today and we great pictures of elephants, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, and one of a female lion. The male lion and cheetah were not very social today. The ride is great but I think it would be wonderful if they got rid of the poacher part and just concentrated on the animals.

After this we did the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail – this was great! We got lots of pictures of the gorillas and bats. Now here is something you need to know about me. I hate birds – actually I hate anything that flies. I know strange phobia but I have a reason! When I was about 14 we went to the ocean and we were feeding a couple of sea gulls suddenly before I knew it we were swarmed by sea gulls and it was a very traumatic experience. Ever since then I don’t like things that can just fly at my head. I once had a panic attack in the Butterfly house here in St. Louis, MO. Anyway – at one point on the trail you walk into a birdcage. As soon as I realize it is a birdcage I am literally running towards the exit door. Thankfully it was close by because dh didn’t want to deal with me in a panic attack. They are not fun.

After that we decided to rest our feet and see “It’s tough to be a bug” . I leaned forward through the whole show. It was cute but I like Phillarmagic better. On to Dinoland – which I must say looks horrible. I just looks so cheap – I don’t know if that is the way it is suppose to look or if this is the sort of thing that Roy is talking about. Anyway we went on Dinosaur which was actually kinda scary. And we did Primevil Whirl, which is just a horrible ride.

By now it is about 11:30 and we are getting hungry so we head to Flame Tree BBQ, which had St. Louis style ribs on the menu – cool but messy so we pass. We get the coupon thing for $12 each, which gives us a meal with drink. Plus later in the day an ice cream/popcorn and another free drink. I had the BBQ beef sandwich and DH had chicken they came with corn on the cob and beans and we ordered fries, which were extra. Everything was really really good and filling. * Slight Rant* all over the park there are signs that say, “Please don’t feed the animal.” Obviously people ignore this sign and continue to feed resident birds that are not native to Florida. Come on people! Rant over. We take in Maharajah Jungle Trek (no bird cage here!) and take lots of pictures of the Tigers. Pretty kitty! Makes me miss my furbabies. We thought about doing Tarzan Rocks or Festival of the Lion King again but we are both getting warm and tired so we decided to grab our ice cream (we got the sandwiches with the chocolate chip cookies – three words Oh My Goodness!) and head back to the Lodge.

Got to the lodge and hung out in the room for a bit. Took our nap, I got up after awhile and explored the resort a bit. I loved walking over to the savannah by the pool. It had giraffes on it all the time and was fun to watch.

We had a 7:30 PS at Boma. Boma was great! The soups were fantastic! We tried a little bit of everything taking long breaks between going up to the stations. The waiter (I forgot his name) recommended one of the wines from S. Africa, which was great. I tried the Butternut Squash soup (taste like liquid pumpkin pie) and the Sea Food Delight – good and spicy. DH tried the chicken with roasted pepper soup – which they emailed me the recipe for. Main course we tried the salmon in a BBQ like seasoning that was so good it melted in your mouth and there was also chicken and beef which we tried. Now we were pretty full but there was no way I was going to pass up the dessert station. I grabbed 2 zebra domes, a chocolate mouse, and pineapple cheesecakes. Okay the cheesecakes were excellent! They were just yummy. The mousse was a bit rich for us but the Zebra Domes……I made DH be quite so I could enjoy the joy of having a Zebra Dome. YUM! They melted in your mouth and were so good they should be sinful.

We were done with dinner about 8:45 and decided to head up to the room to watch “24” which is our favorite TV show. We called it an early night.
I have a terrible fear of anything that flies at my head, too. I am terrified of bats and birds. DH always heads in to see the bats and then I cringe as we walk through the bird house. I even cringe at Lowe's when the birds are inside and flying from rafter to rafter. I share your pain :D


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