Day 7 1/28 Just me-Bonnie (and Burt)


I don't need no stinkin tag
Jul 6, 2000
We went to IHOP for breakfast. Burt had french toast that he thought was the worse he had ever had. Got to Epcot before opening so we took a round trip ride on the monorail. When we got back to Epcot we stopped for coffee at the espresso place then went to Honey I shrunk the Audience. Made a stop at the Living Seas and continued on to the World Showcase. We stopped for the movie in France, a favorite, and ate lunch at the Tangierine Cafe in Morocco. I always like to make a stop at the Japan Department store, they have such interesting candies and foods. Next stop was the China gift store. Then to the Norway and Mexico boat rides. It was now time to take Burt to the airport.
When I got back from the airport I went to MGM for a milk shake at the Sci Fi Restaurant. Relaxed a while and returned to Epcot for the evening. I found a seat to watch the Tapestry of Dreams parade and talked to some nice ladies next to me. I didn't stay to see illuminations because I had already seen it twice.


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