Day 5 - We came, we saw, we ate some more!

Beth E. (NJ)

<font color=red>Disney obsessed<br><font color=blu
Sep 27, 1999
Trip Report – Day 5, Saturday, December 9th 2000

We came, we saw, we ate some more!

The vital statistics:


Beth E. – the mom, Disney fanatic, trip planner

EE – the dad, just following mom’s obsessively planned out footsteps

Sophie – DD 5 1/2, first trip to WDW, very outgoing child, loves the princesses, has no idea that anything that happens this trip is “out of the ordinary”

Accommodations: All Star Sports Hotel

Dates of trip: Tuesday December 5th to Friday December 15th

Since our trip was lasting 11 days, but we only had park passes for 7, we decided to spend the weekend out of the parks figuring we could avoid some of the crowds this way. So today was going to be a park free day. But that doesn’t mean that I couldn’t still plan it to the hilt.

To start the day I had planned a trip to the Polynesian for breakfast at the Kona Kafe. I had heard that the Tonga Toast was to die for and I wanted to try it for myself. We drove our handy rental car to the Polynesian, parked it and went inside. Once seated at the Kona Kafe I ordered the Tonga Toast, DH got Eggs Benedict and Sophie had the Mickey Pancakes. We got pineapple juice and kona blend coffee with it. Sophie had chocolate milk. The Mickey Pancakes were very cute. It was actually three separate pancakes plated to look like Mickey and then decorated with fruit for the eyes and nose. Both the Tonga Toast and the Eggs Benedict were excellent. Full up to here with food (Ok you have to use your imagination for that one) we leave the Kona Kafe and head to the monorail. I was hoping we could get lucky and ride in the front of one of the monorails. We asked the CM if it would be possible and he told us that we would have to wait a couple of monorails, but then we could take the full circuit trip. Sure enough, about 4 monorails passed through the station before it was our turn. We hop into the front of the monorail and pull out our various cameras – video and still. None of us had ever ridden in front of the monorail and we all loved the trip. The view was amazing and the pilot was very friendly. She had a whole conversation with Eric about digital cameras. Soon enough we were back at the Polynesian where we disembarked but not before Sophie got her copilots license. :D

Since we had a little more time to kill we decided to sit in the lobby of the Polynesian and soak up the ambiance. A CM dancer came out and taught all of the children (and a few parents) in the lobby various dances. Sophie was right in the thick of it dancing away and using these “click clack” type thingies (sorry I can’t remember what they were called, but you waved them around and they clanked into each other.)

After spending some time in the Polynesian we were off to our next activity for the day. At this point in the story everyone reading should give my DH Eric a great big “poor Eric” for being our chauffeur that day. We went back to the rental car and Eric drove us to the Grand Floridian where I had booked Sophie into the Wonderland Tea Party. The lobby of the Grand Floridian was amazing. It was all decorated for Christmas with a gingerbread house large to encompass a booth selling gingerbread. We checked Sophie in for the Tea Party and she joined the other children patiently watching a Disney video. A few minutes later all of the children lined up and went inside the restaurant for the tea. This was when one of those parental kvelling moments occurred. Sophie has never been shy – she loves to make friends and talk to people. As the CM’s were getting ready to take the children in for the party they announce that the party is for children only. Parents may walk the children into the room if they wish, but they can only stay for a minute. There was another little girl who was there with her grandparents and the grandmother wasn’t planning on walking the little girl into the room. Some of the children were obviously there with siblings and they were lining up together. Sophie turned to this other girl and said, “I’m by myself too. Do you want to walk in together?” Then Sophie took the other girl’s hand and in they walked. Awwww! Eric and I followed behind so we could get a look at the table. In a minute we (and the other parents) left the room so the tea could begin.

Now I put my chauffeur to full use. While Sophie was at the tea party I had a mini DIS meet to attend. So Eric and I got back in the car and he drove me to the YC/BC. I wandered around looking for Beaches and Cream (boy the Yacht and Beach club is one big complex!) Finally I hooked up with a small but very friendly bunch of DISers and we began to do what we love best – talk Disney and (well at least for me) eat ice cream. Poor Eric couldn’t stay for the meet because his chauffeurs cap was still warm and he had to go back to the Grand Floridian to pick up Sophie. After he picked up Sophie they headed back to the YC/BC to meet me. The meet was still going on when they arrived so they sat down to join us. I loved the chocolate shake I had at Beaches and Cream – but it was a wee bit pricey for ice cream -- $5!

After we left the meet we decided to give our chauffeur a well-deserved rest. We went back to the ASSH and Eric and Sophie went swimming. Then we cleaned up and went out for dinner. Surprisingly enough I hadn’t made any Priority Seatings for dinner so we decided to head back to Cracker Barrel. This time I had the Chicken Fried Steak with sides of Fried Okra, hash brown casserole and (if I hadn’t had enough potato) mashed potatoes too. Eric had the sampler, which came with ham, chicken and dumplings, meatloaf and a side of okra. Sophie had a hamburger with carrots on the side. We had 2 sweet iced teas and Sophie had chocolate milk. For dessert we had a blackberry cobbler. All of this cost: $27!

Finally we rolled back to our room and fell fast asleep.

Still ahead: Day 6 – Another day without parks – can we survive it?

Click here to go directly to day 6.
sweet.......she will be a good grownup too........thanks for such a good report


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