Day 4 - We came, we saw, we ate some more

Beth E. (NJ)

<font color=red>Disney obsessed<br><font color=blu
Sep 27, 1999
Trip Report – Day 4 Friday, December 8th 2000

We came, we saw, we ate some more!

The vital statistics:


Beth E. – the mom, Disney fanatic, trip planner

EE – the dad, just following mom’s well planned out footsteps

Sophie – DD 5 1/2, first trip to WDW, very outgoing child, loves the princesses, has no idea that anything that happens this trip is “out of the ordinary”

Accommodations: All Star Sports Hotel

Dates of trip: Tuesday December 5th to Friday December 15th

On today’s agenda was the Animal Kingdom – a park no one in our party had been to. We got up at 6:30 AM in order to be there as early as possible. We got there shortly after opening, and were greeted by some characters out front. After Sophie said hello and gave a few hugs we were into the park. I was in a bit of a rush since I knew that the lines for the Safari get long and I wanted to beat the crowd. There was a steady flow of people heading to the safari – as expected – but luckily the line was still under 10 minutes. Since I knew the ride was bumpy I put Sophie between Dh and myself. She took out her camera and got ready for the ride. She must have used a whole roll during the trip – including one picture of a rock she thought was an animal. After disembarking from the Safari we walked through the Pang. Exp. Trail and realized that we were starting to get warm. Up until now the weather had been cool. We had been wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts and carrying jackets with us. Today the weather finally warmed up and we were getting uncomfortable in the long pants.

In order to cool off we decided to check out “It’s tough to be a bug.” The stroll around the Tree of Life was great. We identified the animals as we walked and soon we were in the theatre. Here we had what would turn out to be a bit of luck. We got seats at the end of the row close to the exit. Sophie is not a big fan of bugs by any means – although she does like the Bug’s Life movie. She sat through the first few minutes of the movie, but after Hopper came out she was a “little freaked out!” She pulled off the glasses, but was still quite nervous and so when the lights went out she announced that it was time to leave. DH told me to stay and he and Sophie snuck out of the show. The CM’s were wonderful – showing him quickly to the exit. I caught the last few minutes of the show and then found my family seated outside relaxing.

To do something a little less stressful we walked through the Safari Village Trails and then saw Tarzan Rocks. This show didn’t wow anyone in our family. I had heard that the show was surprisingly Tarzan free, but I guess I didn’t pass this info on to Sophie who did ask, “Where’s Tarzan?” Since Sophie was beginning to look a little bored after this show we decided to go to the Bone yard. Sophie had a great time here, but I found it to be a little confusing. First of all – the sand and digging area is over a river and through the woods, Ok so it’s really over a bridge, but it is not marked and I’m sure a lot of people never even see it. And second – we lost Sophie at one point when we were ready to leave and she wasn’t. She went back up the climbing thing and we couldn’t see her at all. I know she was hiding from us, but if we had climbed up to find her she could have climbed down and we would have missed each other.

We had gotten Fast passes to Dinosaur earlier in the day and now it was time to return. I wasn’t sure what to expect on this one. My biggest fear is that a ride will be a roller coaster without my knowing it. I spent half this ride worrying that Sophie was scared and half waiting to be hurtled down a hill. When we got off Sophie said that the ride was too dark for her, but she wasn’t freaked out by it.

Lion King was next on the agenda and it did not disappoint. We were seated in the Lion section – but we were too far up and inside for the CM’s to include Sophie in the show. Afterward we went on the Maharaja Jungle trek to see the tigers and bats. Sophie enjoyed this – even the bats. We had a quick snack of dumplings and Sate at a booth and then we went back to the hotel for a swim. Sophie enjoyed the pool at ASSH and she got to show off the swimming skills she had gained at camp this summer. After some quick showers we hopped into our car and took a drive to find a place for dinner.

I had heard good things about Cracker Barrel and I wanted to try it, but DH was hesitant. He decided that we could check it out and always leave if we didn’t like it. When we pulled into the parking lot it was crowded, but when we approached the podium we were seated right away. The menu looked good and there were certainly enough people eating so we decided to give it a shot. I ordered the Chicken and Dumplings. I got two sides with it so I chose Fried Okra and Fried Apples. It was yummy! The okra was not at all greasy and the fried apples weren’t really fried at all, it was more like candied apples. DH had the chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, turnip greens, and hash brown casserole. Sophie has a hamburger with macaroni and cheese on the side. We started with an order of onion rings (which we didn’t need since the entrées were certainly big and filling.) A basket of yummy corn bread and biscuits came to the table, but didn’t stay long. Being total gluttons we also ordered an apple dumpling for dessert. The check - a whopping $30 for all that food. After browsing through the store we rolled out of the Cracker Barrel vowing to return.

We were heading home when a neon sign caught our eye –Krispy Kreme. How could we resist? We pulled up to the drive through and soon were rewarded with a dozen donuts to go, which we would use for future breakfasts. Completely sated with food we rolled back to ASSH to sleep off dinner and prepare for the next day.

Coming attractions: Day 5 – Is a day without the parks a day after all?
neither were a doZen of the little ones one told me that part........


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