Day 4 1/25 Just me-Bonnie


I don't need no stinkin tag
Jul 6, 2000
I'm sitting here in the wonders of life pavillion at Epcot reflecting on my day so far. I really wish it wasn't so hot here this week. I'm not good in the heat and I'm feeling it. But I took it slow today, starting at the MK arriving shortly after 9. Took the ferry over. Got in the slowest security line of course. The check really is a sham, you could carry anything you want in your pocket. At least BGW had metal detectors along with the bag check. Went on the RR first thing to get over to Thunder Mountain that I missed the other day. Today the fast pass machines are open but there's no wait. But at Buzz the lines are looping out the door but those machines are closed. Go figure. After Big Thunder, I took the RR again back to Main Street. Checked out the Exhibition Hall then went to tomorrowland for TTA and Alien. Had lunch at Cosmic Rays. Love the chicken there. I walked through Fantasyland and caught a showing of the Lion King. I had never seen that show before and since it is leaving I though I better see what I was missing.
Well the crowd is getting thick and its getting hotter so I'll head back to Epcot. I park the car but instead of going into Epcot I decide to ride the monorail over to MK and back, didn't even get off. In Epcot I head to Ice Station Cool. Then I head to TT to catch that little cartoon show in the moving chairs (dreamchasers?). Lucky I didn't have to wait long for that cause they called for a single. It wasn't worth a very long wait. I was going into Energy but they were holding people out in line in the hot sun. I decided to head here to the wonders of life for a Root Beer Float. Stepped in to see Cranium Command. Then I headed back to Energy without the outside wait. It was only 5:30 but I'm done with the parks today. I have to pick up husband Burt at the airport tonight.
poor you, if you live near Charlottesville! My sister lives there and spends all summer telling me how hot and humid it is!!! Thanks for posting, I enjoyed your reports.
Yea, Charlottesville is hot but I don't subject myself to it if its not necessary. I go from the air conditioned house to the air conditioned car to the air conditioned stores. At least we have the mountains around here. I think it was hotter when I lived in Williamsburg VA.
A nice easy day for you - I enjoy those kind of days myself. Thanks for posting!


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