Day 2 1/23 Just me-Bonnie


I don't need no stinkin tag
Jul 6, 2000
After a fitful nights sleep, I got up at 6:45. I fixed a quick breakfast of sausage biscuits, fruit and pecan coffee cake from Publix (very good). Left for MK at 8 and was waiting in the front of the line by 8:20. I spotted a person wearing a Charlottesville Camera club T shirt. Since I live only 15 miles away I decided to talk to her and pass the time. We were allowed to board the monorail at 8:50. Arrived at MK and they opened the park at 9. I did no running to rides. My favorite Splash Mountain is down for rehab so I decide to start in Tomorrowland with Buzz. This ride is fun but I think MIB at Universal might be better. In quick succession I did Buzz, Space Mountain, Pooh, Snow White, Peter Pan, Small World, Haunted Mansion, Country Bears and Pirates. Big Thunder look a little crowded and fast pass was not open. Maybe they'll open it later.
I stopped for lunch at Pecos Bills. I had never eaten there and with the good reports decided to try it. The fixin's bar was great. While I was sitting outside eating they announced a square dance through the streets of frontierland and here they come. Almost a mini parade until they reach a spot further up and gather people to start the dance.
Head to Adventure land now, went to Jungle Cruise but there was a 25 minute wait. Instead I took a flying carpet ride, then a stop for a citrus swirl and into the TiKi Birds. I liked the old show and I like the new show. After the show I returned to Jungle Cruise that was now a walk on. As I was leaving Jungle Cruise, passing by the carpet ride, they were just starting the ride when I heard yelling from a passenger. Her child was standing outside of the ride vehicle. A cast member ran over to the child to keep him from moving in the wrong direction while they emergency stopped the ride. From what I could figure the child decided to change seats right before take off. It would have been a tragedy if he had been half way in when it started. I put the blame on Mom for that one since all the seats were checked before take off and he probably decided to change seats after that and was heading back to be with mom.
I sat for a long time on main street just people watching. I was approached by 2 CMs about a survey, which I did. A couple of the country bears were in the area and one of them came up and wanted to do the survey. The CM asked him his zip code and the bear held up 2 fingers. The CM thanked him and left. Then the bear kissed me on the hand.
Left for Epcot about 2pm. Rode in the front seat of the monorail and told the CM that I would share my space if someone else requested it. I was joined by a father with 2 sons. At Epcot I went to Spaceship Earth first with no wait of course. Stopped to send some e-mail postcards after going through ice station cool. At Test Track I used the single line with no wait. The regular line had a 30 minute wait but the fast pass return times were less than an hour away. I went to try a beaver tail after that. I had the one topped with strawberries & whip cream. It was good but very hard to eat while sitting on a bench. I spend some time on the bench but left after a lady at the next bench lit up a cigarette. It was not the smoking section. Went to HISTA and walked right into the preshow. After that it was time to leave and get some supper. I had a $5 off coupon at Bennigans so I decided to stop there. Tomorrow I'll have to wear my sneakers & socks. My well worn Tevas have let me down.
My daughter and I were behind a man who's small son (maybe 3?) absolutley lost it on this ride. He was doing everything he could to get OUT of that carpet. It was the scariest two minutes of my life (well, almost). There were a couple times that I was sure the kid was going over the edge, even though the dad was trying like heck to hold onto him. When the ride finally ended, the guy was white as a ghost and his son was almost purple!!! Further proof that you never know what will set off a toddler!
I am glad to hear that the child wasn't injured. Other than that - sounds like an almost perfect WDW day to me. Thanks for posting!


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