Day 1 "Christmas at WDW"


<font color=green>It is a small world as they say!
Feb 26, 2001
The cast: Myself,41, the Disney nut of the family, DH,44,likes Disney as much as me but won't admit it! and DS,17, would be insulted if we thought about going without him because we have always gone as a family.

December 19,2002
We left for WDW at about noon from AVP(Scranton,Wilkes Barre,Pennsylvania) and after a delay in Cincinnati(breach of security by a British passenger causing an hour delay, you know who you are,LOL!) we arrived at MCO at about 7pm. Upon going to collect our luggage,we saw that Tom from Your Ride was waiting for us, holding the pink sign with our name on it. Tom was great. He took us for our grocery stop at Kash and Karry and gave us his discount card. I told him we would only be a few minutes, asI felt bad about out delayed flight and was worried about holding him up. He said no problem. We picked up some water, soda, chips and snacks and were soon on our way to All Star Music where we spent our first night before transfering to Wilderness Lodge the next morning.We were in Country Music. I had previously requested something closer to the front but nothing else was available that was non-smoking. That was ok because it is only for one night but I would not want to walk from back there if we were there for the entire trip. After going to our room and settling in we took a bus to Coronado Springs to eat at the Pepper Market and use some of our Connection Vouchers. We were the only ones on the bus to Downtown Disney where we were going to transfer so the bus driver just dropped us off right at CS. Wow, what a nice start for our trip. After some looking around, my Dh and myself decided on some Chineese. Ihad a pork and chicken sampler dish with some rice and an egg roll and Dh had the beef and chicken with noodles and an egg roll. DS had the rib eye steak, baked potato and grilled vegetables. Add in some strawberry shortcake, ice cream and soft drinks and we were all set. Everything was very good but I thought mine was a little salty. No problem using the vouchers at all and felt they were a good value here. Bill would have been about $60. After dinner we took the bus to DD and looked around briefly before heading back to ASMu. Turned in. Tommorow transfer to Wilderness Lodge.
That's a LONG plane ride! But glad to hear you got there safe and sound. Looking forward to reading more about your trip.
The hour delay was in addition to the two hour layover we had before our flight to MCO. We had some lunch and looked around to kill time. I was concerned though because I knew Your Ride was going to be waiting on us,but I guess they are used to flights being delayed so everything still went smoothly.


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