"Danger is my cup of tea." Sep 1-5 TR! Update: Day two complete, with MSEP pictures!


I break for the Nautilus
Jul 4, 2008
Update, 10/27: We are now halfway through our trip, so sad! But you can make it better by subscribing! :cutie:

Helllooooo humans!
My sister and I had a lovely trip to WDW from September 1-5, and if you care at all, I’d love to tell you about it!
First, some introductions are probably in order.


My name’s Rachel. I’m 23 and live in Tampa. I was born in Schenectady, NY, and lived there until a year ago when I got a job at a college down here. Of course the first thing I thought when I got the job offer was, “DISNEY!!!” I picked myself up an AP a few months after moving down, and have made pretty good use of it ever since. I go at least once a month and can usually find someone to spend time with while I’m there (have discovered solo days are not really my thing). Although I’m not even close to it right now, I hope to one day have my own DS or DD to take to the world. By then I actually hope to not be living in FL. Close to the magic, but way too far from family :guilty:

Before I moved to Florida, I went to Disney seven times. My favorite resort by far is WL, but that was a little out of budget for this trip. I got a great AP rate at my second favorite, POFQ. I do hope to stay at a monorail resort some day, but that’ll be a when-I-get-rich-and-famous goal. :goodvibes It’s safe to say that I’m a certified Disney freak. I’ve got an HM tattoo, have made more than one Kingdom Hearts costume in my anime convention days, and I’m pretty sure all my friends are just plain sick of hearing about Disney by now.

Aside from Disney, my time is mostly spent either at my job or working on my grad school homework (I’m doing a low-residency MFA). I try to have a social life, but it doesn’t usually work out.

The second player in this fabulous adventure is my younger sister Rebekah.


She’s 19 and still lives in NY with our parents. She’s only been to Disney three times before. Twice we went as a family, but her health was not as good those days and she was sick for much of it (and remembers almost nothing). She went again two years ago with a camp group, and while her health was much better, she didn’t really enjoy herself. During the trip they had to wear the same shirts, and since the group paying for the trip was an Orthodox Jewish group, the shirts were long-sleeved and dark colors. Which is AWFUL, considering all the kids on the trip had various illnesses of one kind or another, most of which made the Florida heat even more unbearable (in August no less!). They also could only eat the certified kosher meals provided by the group, which were a step down quality-wise from Disney fare (we’re Jewish, but we don’t keep kosher). They also separated into groups of kids plus a couple of counselors, but if one member of the group couldn’t/wouldn’t go on a ride, nobody could. So in the end, she got to do very little.

Even though her health is iffy at times, with the wheelchair and frequent stops for cold drinks she was actually able to do quite a bit. Her health has dramatically improved since her first Disney trip, to the point where she had no trouble traveling on an airplane by herself, or changing the battery on her oxygen concentrator. So proud!

A little background on how this trip came about: I usually don’t stay at a hotel when I go. I either stay with a friend who lives in the area or just do a day trip. Since moving here, I only stayed at the world once, when my mom came to visit last year and we did a weekend at WL. She rekindled her love of Disney and booked a week at POFQ for her honeymoon in December of this year. It was meant to be more of a family vacation than a honeymoon, with not just her partner but myself and my sister as well. Unfortunately, unexpected expenses (like the wedding itself) kept getting in the way and she ultimately had to cancel.

Not long after that I was on the phone with her and lamenting about how sad I was that we wouldn’t get to have our Disney holiday, and she said, “Well, it was more of something we were doing so that Rebekah could go.”
To which I jokingly replied, “Well, just put her on a plane and I’ll take her.” Jokingly because I didn’t think it was a possibility for her to travel alone, not because I didn’t want to do it :rolleyes1

There was a pause on the other end, and my mom said, “That’s actually a great idea.”

So, at the tail end of July 4th weekend, I made a call to Disney and got some quotes for a four night stay over Labor Day weekend with an AP room only discount. It was between SSR (we got a flex deal for a studio - $800 for four nights!), POFQ, and POP. Ultimately, we nixed SSR because my family lives pretty close to the real Saratoga Springs, it’s a HUGE resort, and we didn’t want one of us to be stuck with a pullout couch. My mother told me to go with POFQ, which was about $40 more a night than POP, but small, familiar, and she was sure we’d like the theming better. She was absolutely right.

I also booked us some ADR, found Becky airline flights and discount tickets, and made arrangements for time off work. WDW trip 2011 was a go!
Overall, this was a great chance for us to bond and spend time together. Living so far away from home, I don’t get a lot of chances to see family members, especially Rebekah, who is usually busy with schoolwork whenever I come home for a visit. It was also a chance to celebrate her high school graduation!

So, what sort of shenanigans did we get into on our trip? Well, if you want to find out, please keep your hands, arms and legs inside the thread at all times, and no flash pictures, please! popcorn::
Thanks! I'll try not to disappoint. Look for updates today or tomorrow :)
Great start! Look forward to reading more.

I am a "local" too who was transplanted from north. Are you part of the Central Florida DISboarders?
Great start! Look forward to reading more.

I am a "local" too who was transplanted from north. Are you part of the Central Florida DISboarders?

:eek: I wasn't aware that such a thing existed! Seems I only explore the top of the forum pages. I shall certainly get on that, or is it on another website altogether?
:eek: I wasn't aware that such a thing existed! Seems I only explore the top of the forum pages. I shall certainly get on that, or is it on another website altogether?

Oh yes! We try to arrange one official meet a month, but lots of us go once a week or more. So there are many impromtu meets too. Next official meet is Oct 1st.


We were at CSR the weekend before you, Aug 26 to 29th. My TR starts on page 48 of the Disney Done Differently thread.
Signing on! I am a WL lover too, so curious to see how POFQ compares for you. I can't wait to hear all about your"sisters" trip!
Can't wait to read your report. We love POFQ-our favorite moderate. And love those beignets. :cloud9:
Yesterday when I posted, I had skimmed through your opening post. With more time on my hands, I went back and re-read it.

You are an amazing big sister! So wonderful of you to arrange everything for your sister! Sorry it didn't work out for the whole family, but that's wonderful that your sister still got to go!

I'm sorry she didn't get to experience much with her tour group and it's too bad she didn't remember anything from her first trip. I look forward to reading how you made it all up to her. I bet you both had a fabulous time. I hope her health did well while she was here, and her solo flights went well?! Oh, and congratulations to her on her high school graduation!

I understand what it's like being away from family. Mine are all in PA and my dh's are all in OH. We find we have more family visiting us since we moved than we did when we lived 30 minutes away from everyone.

I look forward to your review of POFQ. We are staying there for the first time in Dec, though I've walked the ground and ate beignets when we use to stay at POR.

If you are ever looking for good kosher food in FL, I am told that this place http://www.cohensdeli.com/ is very good.
Rebekah was due to arrive August 31st, a little before 10 AM. A couple of days before, I picked up snacks and breakfast foods from the grocery store that we could keep in our fridge and hotel room, as well as food for her to eat during the two days she’d be at my house while I had to go to work. I made sure the house and my car were both clean, packed up my stuff as best I could, and felt pretty darn proud of myself for being so prepared. :lmao:

Until I realized, the night of the 30th, that I hadn’t bought salad. :headache:

Rebekah LOVES salad. If you gave her the option, she would eat nothing but salad, all day, every day. And I forgot to get some for her. I am a bad sister.

After admitting this to my roommate, I said the only recourse to make sure that she’d have salad during the day while I was at work would be to pick some up on my way to the airport. My roommate gave me a few bucks and asked if I could pick her up a salad too, as well as some granulated sugar for coffee.

I said, “Sure!” Because I’m a nice person like that.

Fast forward to about seven AM on the 31st, shortly after Rebekah’s plane has taken off. I receive a phone call from my mother, who sounded a bit out of sorts. She tells me that it turns out an escort pass will let you go past security, but they will NOT allow you on the plane without a ticket.
She was rather perturbed by this, but honestly, that’s what I suspected the whole time. So, how did it go? Just fine! Becky got on the plane, set up the oxygen concentrator on her own, and called Mom just before takeoff.
So proud! :goodvibes

So I got ready, got in the car, and stopped at Sweetbay on the way over. Picked myself up two bags of romaine and a bag of granulated sugar.

Or so I thought. More on that later!

Anyway, traffic on I-275 was horrible. Rebekah’s plane was scheduled to land at Tampa International a little after 9:30, and there I was close to 9 and STILL stuck on the highway. Can I just say how much I hate traffic? I mean, really, REALLY hate traffic. And I still had to park, stand in line to get an escort pass, go on the monorail to the airside terminal, AND go through security. Panic time! :eek:

FINALLY I arrived and parked, with a good fifteen minutes or so to spare. And lo and behold, the line at the Southwest counter was very long.

I thought that the lady behind the counter would ask a lot of scrutinizing questions, but she just asked if the passenger was a child or adult needed assistance, and a photo ID. Not even Rebekah’s name! That seems weird. Does it mean that ANYONE can get through security if they say they’re picking someone up? Or did they cross-check my name with the system to see if an escort pass had been requested for me? Either way, the pass also had just my name on it, along with “Escort Pass” and “Security Document” and “Not a valid ticket.”

But I digress.

I headed up the escalator and showed my pass and ID to the security people in front of the monorail. For those of you unfamiliar with the Tampa Airport, it’s sort of the opposite of the Orlando Airport. While at MCO, you go through the security check and THEN go on the monorail, at TIA, first you show your boarding pass and ID to a security person at a little podium, then go on the monorail to the terminal, THEN go through security.

So I went on the monorail and stood in line at security. The lady who checked my pass kind of balked, like she’d never seen anything so ridiculous in her life. I was already nervous about making it through before the plane landed, so I kind of thought, “Oh, awesome, what now?”

She narrowed her eyes at me and said, “Are you escorting a disabled passenger?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Ok.” She handed me back my ID, but sort of held the escort pass to herself and said, “I’m keeping this. You won’t need it anymore.”

Oh, no, ma’am. Please don’t take it. There are so many fine restaurants and shops here, and I was REALLLLLY hoping I could return after work to partake in them.

Seriously, she said it like the bullies on the playground who take your toys. Like it should be such a huge loss. I dunno, maybe I’m just a wee bit peeved at all this security theater.

Rant over!

I go through, no worries, and wait at the gate. For at least ten minutes. Go figure, right? She wasn’t even the first one off the plane. A flight attendant wheeled her out. And she looked great! She was bright and chipper and ready to go. After a quick stop at Starbucks for a hazelnut latte, that is.

So we got in the car, called mom and dad to tell them we landed safely, and went back to my house. We unloaded her stuff from the car. I showed her where everything was, got her set up on the TV, and told her I’d be home around 6.

Then, as I was back in the car on the way to work, I thought, “Crap. Where’s the sugar?” :headache:

I didn’t remember taking it out of the car, but I remembered taking out the romaine. Later that day, I searched the car, no luck. Searched the kitchen, no luck. I forgot the sugar! I’m a bad roommate.

So of course, the only way to remedy this was to pick her up a new bag. Luckily, for reasons unknown, I woke up at 5 AM the next day and couldn't fall back sleep. Must be the pre-Disney excitement! Sweetbay didn’t open until 7, so I did some homework, got dressed, and went to pick up the sugar.

This time I took a picture so I had proof that I actually put it in my car!


Ta da! :wizard:

Then to CVS to pick up goggles and eyedrops for Becky, Red Bull for me (because I sure as heck needed it after waking up at 5 AM), another day at work, and out by 3:30.

…Or not. Turns out a meeting I was supposed to have at 3 got postponed to about 3:45, so I didn’t get out until close to 4:30. Ouch!

So, I raced home, got gas, loaded up the car, sprayed some Oust after a burnt bacon incident (don’t ask!), and after about 10 minutes waiting at traffic at the corner light (did I mention how much I hate traffic?) we were on I-4 to Disney!

Up next: Chronicles of our I-4 Journey
Signing on! I am a WL lover too, so curious to see how POFQ compares for you. I can't wait to hear all about your"sisters" trip!


Can't wait to read your report. We love POFQ-our favorite moderate. And love those beignets. :cloud9:

They are yummy, aren't they?

Cant wait to read more!

I'm on it!



Subbing! I can't wait to hear about your trip together.

Thank you!

subbing :) we are booked for pofq in Nov cant wait to see your pics!

It's a gorgeous resort. They'll be up soon!

Subbing! Found your report from the POFQ thread. I'm looking forward to reading about your trip! :)


Yesterday when I posted, I had skimmed through your opening post. With more time on my hands, I went back and re-read it.

You are an amazing big sister! So wonderful of you to arrange everything for your sister! Sorry it didn't work out for the whole family, but that's wonderful that your sister still got to go!

I'm sorry she didn't get to experience much with her tour group and it's too bad she didn't remember anything from her first trip. I look forward to reading how you made it all up to her. I bet you both had a fabulous time. I hope her health did well while she was here, and her solo flights went well?! Oh, and congratulations to her on her high school graduation!

I understand what it's like being away from family. Mine are all in PA and my dh's are all in OH. We find we have more family visiting us since we moved than we did when we lived 30 minutes away from everyone.

I look forward to your review of POFQ. We are staying there for the first time in Dec, though I've walked the ground and ate beignets when we use to stay at POR.

If you are ever looking for good kosher food in FL, I am told that this place http://www.cohensdeli.com/ is very good.

Oh, thank you so much. Sometimes I didn't feel like such an amazing big sister, but I definitely tried my best to make sure she had a magical time, and she kept saying how much she enjoyed it, so I guess I did ok. Have a great time in December!
YAY!!! So far she has made it there safely! I can't wait to read more...:surfweb:


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