Current national car coupons or discounts

JandD Mom

Striving for a magical life!
Aug 15, 2000
Hi everyone,

i may be an idiot, but National revamped its site and now I can't figure out what code to put where. As an EC member there is now a code that comes up automatically, but it won't accept the 5007125. Anyone mastered this?

Also, anyone have new promo or coupon codes? Anyone get this year's entertaiment coupons? Are they good through Nov 2001? Thanks!
5007125 should work in the contract number box. I used it the other day and it worked fine.
I have a current National rental and I was hoping to get a free upgrade. Does anyone know where I can get a coupon?
Actually I sort of answered my own question. THanks everyone. I even got a better discount than the EA discount with DC.

The coupon code someone gave me today from the Entertainment book is 10003424 for a 2 car class upgrade. Remember, you technically need to present the coupon when you pick up the car, so if you use the code without the coupon, you are at your own risk. The entertainment book contract number is 5190257.


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