Crulety to an animal - sad and sick recent event UPDATE!


DIS Veteran
Jan 2, 2003
This happened Saturday at 2:30 a.m. in a rural area about 10 miles from where we live. 3 teenage girls were on an old dirt road doing who knows what and the neighbor's dachsund was outside. They took it, poured lighter fluid all over it and tried to light it with a cigarette lighter. When the lighter didn't spark, one of the teenagers retrieved another lighter which did work. The fire died quickly so they put more lighter fluid on the dog and lit it again, this time the dog was on fire and they left it alive in the heavily wooded area. There have been many volunteers who are still looking for the dog but they don't think the chances of survival are good since an animal will go into shock within 24 hours of an injury like that (according to the vet they interviewed) and the cold and wet condition we have had would be hard for it to survive not to mention the area has lots of coyotes and they fear that is why they haven't found the dog. Now how sick is that?
The 18 year old is in jail on counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Her sister is the 14 year old involved and she and the 13 year old girl have been charged with cruelty to animals but both of them are back in school already. The police say that there may be 2 more arrests. The girl's mother is quoted in today's paper as saying,"As parents we are trying to figure out what happened. What people don't know is that my 14 year old tried to stop them. I've always had an open relationship with ...... I do realize what happened was wrong. For everyone pointing a finger, the case is still being investigated and not everything has come out about it. I think she has just got caught up in a bad crowd." Then she goes on and on about how they've been getting harrassing phone calls and she will seek charges against the people calling.
I don't agree with harrassing phone calls but she seems more concerned about that than she is that her daughter(s) obviously are EXTREMELY troubled. I say get her phone number changed and unlisted and worry about your daughter!!!
How in the world could someone do that an animal? I get so angry when I hear of cases like this <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Pissed' border=0></a>

I just don't get it - and I hope the girls are punished for what they did. And while I can see the animal not surviving that type of injury, I still hope they find it and are able to treat it (even though the chance is slim, I still have that hope).
Oh how I wish we had equal punishment for cruelty to animals as we do toward cruelty to humans!
How sad and twisted! :(

I wonder how the kids got caught? Maybe the one child did raise the alarm.
I truly believe there is a special place in hell for people who abuse animals and children.

Those girls are monsters. The mother should be more concerned with getting them serious psychological help and assessing where she might have failed them as a parent instead of pointing fingers at the callers.
The poor doggie :(
chadfromdallas said:
Oh how I wish we had equal punishment for cruelty to animals as we do toward cruelty to humans!

:mad: You and me both!

This is beyond sick. What could they have possibly enjoyed or gotten from such a horrible act. Poor little dog. I hope he died quickly. I can't think of a punishment that would fit these girls - it's simply patheitc!

The poor owner of this dog! Knowing that your fur baby was killed on purpose and in such a horrible way. :sad2:
Wow . . . that is truly disgusting. I cannot believe what some people will do to animals. I would hope that if my kids ever found themselves in a similar situation they would have the sense to stop it and turn their "friends" in instead of getting caught up in it as the mom claims. However, if my kids did do something like that I hope I would have the courage as a mom to get them psychological help and deal with whatever punishment they received. I don't know how anyone could let that poor animal suffer like that and not put a stop to it. There is always that one moment in any situation where they could have stopped what was going on and in this case saved that poor dog. I tell my kids to listen to that "little voice" because it is your conscience and it is usually right. :guilty:
A similar thing happened with my cat. I know darn well who did it, but they were never punished.

How could someone do that to a poor helpless creature?

Denae :flower1:
There was a case here a year or so ago where 3 late teen boys broke into a local zoo and bludgeoned a bunch of animals. The animals -- I mean, the boys -- all got probation. A condition of their probation was that if they were picked up for anything, they'd go directly to jail. Two of the 3 are currently back in jail. What a surprise that they'd break probation.

One was beat up pretty badly while he was incarcerated awaiting trial. Gee, poor kid, huh?

I have NO tolerance for people like that.
I will never understand this type of behavior :(
This is so sad. These girls do need help. There is definitely a problem if they feel the need to treat animals like this. It makes me so sad for the owners of the dog, I would be devastated if anything like this happened to any of my "zoo".
chadfromdallas said:
Oh how I wish we had equal punishment for cruelty to animals as we do toward cruelty to humans!

I agree completely. People who harm or torture animals simply get a slap on the wrists (if that). They should have a punishment that suits the crime, no matter if the victim is animal or human.
I agree with all your posts. This has just bothered me to no end. I will keep you updated on what happens and if they find Coco. His owners are handling it a lot better than I would. They are very sad (made me cry when they said how friendly a dog he is) but said that they are also worried about the girls that did it and hope they get the help they need. I think I'd want to take the 18 year old and make her stay a couple of nights in the woods and see how bad she is when the coyotes come along. (That specific area is known for the coyotes because there it is in the middle of hunting land and deer hunters, etc. leave carcasses out there and that is what draws the coyotes.) Of course I wouldn't do that but the thought would cross my mind. I don't know what kind of punishment the juveniles will get. I think they should have to do a LOT of community service including working at the animal shelter!!!! As far as the mother goes, I know all moms want to protect their children but she is acting like the kids broke a window or something! How can she NOT expect phone calls from people upset?
I swear that makes me want to vomit. Sick Sick people!
I have been taught that violent "career" criminals started out by abusing/torturing/mutilating/killing helpless animals. Guess these girls are in training. Watch out, mom.
LindaR said:
I have been taught that violent "career" criminals started out by abusing/torturing/mutilating/killing helpless animals.

Yup, they move up, starting at small animals, moving to larger and larger. Usually its seen in boys/men though.
sweet angel said:
There was a case here a year or so ago where 3 late teen boys broke into a local zoo and bludgeoned a bunch of animals. The animals -- I mean, the boys -- all got probation. A condition of their probation was that if they were picked up for anything, they'd go directly to jail. Two of the 3 are currently back in jail. What a surprise that they'd break probation.

One was beat up pretty badly while he was incarcerated awaiting trial. Gee, poor kid, huh?

I have NO tolerance for people like that.

Wow, when I started reading your post, I had to look to see if you were from my town. (You are not.) The same thing happened here about 8-10 years ago..Teen boys broke into our beautiful little zoo and bludgeoned our wallabies. Of all the sweet animals in the world..I don't know what happened to those boys, but I hope they got some serious psychological help before they were placed back into society...That is a very sad coincidence for us.

The mother of this girl from the OP is obviously in denial, and will probably do nothing in the way of voluntary psych help for the girl. Our only hope is that the authorities mandate it..I hope all their friends found out about what they did...


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