Crowds Mardi Gras week?


DIS Veteran
Aug 22, 1999
What are the crowds like on Mardi Gras week (this year, the week of 3/3/03)?
The past couple of years MG was close to Pres. Day and the crowds reflected that...This year may be different but don't count on it... Also, you'll run into a bunch of folks from N.O. escaping MG.

Oh yeah, some advice ... BYOB ( bring your own beads) ... WDW beads are a lil' pricey!

Hey... throw me something mister!!!

You can count me in on those New Orleaneans crowding Disney to get away from Mardi Gras. I'm bringing some beads for myself and some of my homesick CM friends.
We were there 2 years ago over MG - stayed at Port Orleans (at that time). Crowds didn't seem bad. And unless they do this all of the time PO had special MG parades and activities (with free beads) that made it fun.

My husband still recalls the dancing girl on stilts (I think he secretly keeps the picture in his wallet!)


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