Crowds in March


DVC Silver
Aug 19, 1999
We will in WDW from March 4 to 12. Does anybody know how crowded we can expected to be. We usually go in October, but decided to change it this year.
I'm taking a friend who has never been (how exciting is that?!?!) during the last week of March. If anyone has any input as to what the crowds are going to be like, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Not that it will change our minds; I'm just curious.
The later in March you go,the more crowded it gets with Spring Breakers. But I don't know HOW crowded.
We have been twice the first half of March and we think it's very crowded.

But since EE is back, it should be better. Use EE and FP and you're waits won't be too long.
we've been the first week of march for several years and it has been manageable. MK of course gets busy around noon so we go to EPCOT. last year, EPCOT was completely empty when we went during the day--it was wonderful!
AK gets a little more packed but it was still tolerable. we'll be there again the first week of march, too! have fun


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