Cross Stitch/Sewing question


Christmas at the Fort
Jul 26, 2000
I bought a new jean jacket the other day and was thinking of ways to embellish it. At first I thought I would just do an iron-on on the back of it. But then yesterday I was at Hobby Lobby and I stumbled upon a beautiful dolphin cross stitch kit. It's one of those no count cross stitch kits where the image is printed on the cloth. It's fairly large 12 X 16. So there would be about an inch all the way around it on the big portion on the back of the jacket. Here is my question to all the experts. Is there a way to put the finished cross stitch design on my jacket? Can it just be sewn on or can I use a fusable web and iron it on? And if I fuse it on, don't I have to fuse it on first and then stitch on it? I know it can be done, an acquaintence of mine did one a number of years ago. I just don't recall how she did it. (I have since lost touch with said acquaintence so I can't ask her.) Any help would be appreciated. :D
Hmmmmm, good question!! I'm not sure, I haven't ever attached cross stitch to anything but a frame.
Don't know if this would work but this is what I would do. First do the cross stitch just like it is. Then I would put it on fusable interfacing or something similar. Cut around the design and the interfacing leaving at least an inch around the whole picture. Then fuse it to the jacket where you want it. Then get someone who is good with a sewing machine and have them do a close zigzag or other fancy stitch all around the edges. The interfacing would give it a little extra body and the stitching would make sure it stayed on. I think this would work. Have fun!:)

As I was reading the question, the first thing that popped into my mind was fusable interfacing. Great minds think alike.

Also instead of just a zigzag stitch, you could cover the raw edges of the crosstitch with a nice braid. It will frame the artwork.
Boots that sounds like a great idea. See, I knew someone would know. Thanks!! ;)
Great ideas! You might also try a fusible interfacing in the back after it's stitched to hold the stitching and then using a glue that is made for putting patches on clothing. JoAnns carries it. I might also use fray check on the edges before I attach it to the jacket just to make sure it is secure.

If you are going to use a satin stitch to sew around the edge make sure you use a fusible web that is designed for sewing. The other kind can really gum up your machine!

Let us know how it works.


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