Cost of fast food in Disney parks?


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2002
I have read that the full service restaurants naturally charge more for dinner than for lunch. Do the fast food, counter service types do the same or are their prices also rise with dinner? Just trying to plan our food budget and am willing to eat ff at night and have a nicer meal during the day if it will save $$. (Not planning to eat dinner every night in the park, but on the days that we go to MK, I want to have as much time as possible.)

This board/forum is so great, I have learned so much from all the threads!
The menu prices at the fast food counter restaurants stay the same day or night. The only exception to that would be in the food courts in the hotels - often their menus change between lunch and dinner -- I know that is the case at All Stars.

Hope that helps.

I will concur with Traveliz, the prices at counter service restaurants (parks) do not change at night. I thought that you would be interested in knowing that our family of 3 (me, DH, 10yr old DD) usually spends between $18-22 for a counter service meal (DD does not get kids meal and DH & I usually share their biggest size soda)
Try this site:

It has all the menues and prices from each restaurant in all 4 parks and most resort's restaurant.

Maybe it'll give you an idea now to say "Whoa, that place is way more than I want to pay "
or " I've never tried that before" or " My son can't go a week without chicken nuggets and there are 6 places in the park for them".

Have fun!
We have found that at sit down places, the amount of food is enough to split between 2 adults. We find the cost close to counter service this way, and on a hot summer day, to sit in a cool place and be waited on is a great break.
Last trip we ate at CHH and Pinocchino's counter service and were pleasantly surprised at the nice meals. We had lunch at CHH ( 2 adults, 1 child and a baby who nibbled our meals) and dinner at Pinocchino's, both meals cost about $18.00 USF total each, very good for a Disney meal and we were FULL! Like a previous poster mentioned is a great site for menus. Check out the menu at MK Plaza Pavillion, I can't wait to have dinner there. The pirces are great and menu looks good! GOOD LUCK! S
Just in case that you did not know - the DIS has a menu database too! :) You can find it RIGHT HERE .

Good Luck! :)


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