Coronado Springs for $ 93.24 nt.


Earning My Ears
Mar 13, 2001
Thanks to this forum I was able to save gobs of money on our next trip to Disney. Only 1 person in your group/family needs an AP (Annual Pass) to recieve the tremendous discount. Also, you don't need the AP to make the reservation and get the rate. I priced out the Resort Magic plan thru Disneys website.....9 nites w/ length of stay passes $ 3,100. I will now be spending 2,800 for
9 nites, One Annual Pass for my 6 year old, and 3
5 day/2 ultimate Hopper passes for my 9 year old,my husband and myself....Plus this includes
AIRFARE !!!!!, I saved roughly 1,300. and I thank
all of you for your input. I am a researcher/bargain hunter at heart...I knew there had to be a better way!!

Old Key West 5/97
Coronado Springs 5/01
I just wanted to add....
You don't need the AP to make the reservation but you will need it when you check in at the hotel...

Best Bet.....get your AP rate, then buy a DC (Disney Card)to get a discount on the AP, Both the AP and DC offer really nice discounts for food and purchases at and around the parks......

anyone with stories to share on coronado Springs?? :rolleyes:
We're doing AP's this year and saving a bundle over the package. One note though - the AP holder has to be an adult for the room discount.

Have a great vacation!
Well that rule must be new, because I daughter went last year and got a great AP rate at the Movies, and my 5 year old grandson is the one with the AP and it wasn't a problem. She told the CM that when making the reservation. An AP holder is an AP holder no matter what age--and the perks are the same.


<font color=3300ff>PO/Riverside 5/01
Dixie Landing 11/00, 9/00, 8/00, 1/00, 10/99, 10/98, 6/94
All Star Sport 10/01,5/00, 12/99
All Star Music 7/01, 4/01, 4/00, 5/99, 5/97, 5/96, 4/95
All Star Movie 11/00, 4/99
Caribbean Beach 5/96, 11/90, 5/89
Coronado Spring 5/98
Wilderness Lodge 7/99, 11/95
WDW Hotel Village 10/87
Disneyland 5/86
n2mm....boy you have quite an impressive disney do you find the time?? How did you like Coronado Springs??

I did ask specifically if a child was the only holder of an AP....they said that was didn't matter who the holder was....

Thanks.... :D


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