cool way to spend a chilly day-kids loved it!


Earning My Ears
Jan 25, 2001
Allright, what do you do when you have a chilly or rainy day in Orlando? Well, I don't have the the time to look through the discussion boards, but we spent a day at the Orlando Flea Markets! They were great! I love those kind of places-had them in Dallas when I lived there so I couldn't wait to check it out..the kids had their money to spend and we all had a ball! I tell you one thing, souvenirs are cheaper there then at the parks-the kids didn't seem to mind unless of course, my thrifty ways have rubbed off on them-that can be good or bad I guess, but we had a great time and really didn't mind the weather. One can find malls and shopping areas in every town, but flea markets are few and far between.
Another great place to spend a chilly (or rainy) day with kids is the Orlando Science Center. A bit of a drive from WDW, though.


Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"‡


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