convert childs ticket to adult

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Earning My Ears
Mar 22, 2001
Will disney allow you to convert a childs ticket to an adult ticket? The ticket is a world hopper from the early 90's? Thank you
That's a very good question - assuming the 'adult' in question was the child in the early 90's - then it would still be that person's pass - and makes an interesting dilema. I know that I once ended up with one extra child's ticket to MVMCP and one too few adult tickets. That night of MVMCP was sold out - and Disney would not allow me to exchange the child's ticket for an adult ticket. So...I would suspect you won't be able to convert the child to an adult ticket, but I've learned not to be surprised by anything Disney does.
Hi, sadiemae! Welcome to the DIS! :) This is a great question for the Theme Park Attractions and Strategies board, so I transferred it over there. To view further replies, click here.

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