Contemporary Resort?


<font color=purple>A smart man who realizes that p
Apr 5, 2002
I am planning a surprise trip to WDW for my DW for her 50th birthday. Normally, we stay at WL. We've never stayed at the Contemporary, but visited there on every trip. My DW commented on how Jetson-iny-ish it looks, but she's hinted at some interest in maybe staying there.

We love all the things there -- shopping, Concourse, Chef Mickey, monorail.

We are not big fans on what the view is from the room -- usually we aren't in the room that much to look out the window!

I just wanted to surprise her with a wonderful trip. So my question is this: what makes the Contemporary special for you or why do you choose to stay there instead of another resort property?

I just want to be sure she is VERY happy with this present. (Also a little worried about making the "wrong" choice and maybe having her disappointed.) :eek:

I am planning to go during the Value season -- more to avoid big crowds and also to save a few $$ on the trip!

Thanks for your help, DIS-ers!
We've stayed there two time, both in the tower over looking the MK. We like the rooms since they are larger then the new deluxe resorts (BC/YC/AKL/WL) and it's nice overlooking the MK at night. It's also kind of 'neat' to take an elevator to the monorail stop. If my choice was a garden view room I think I'd pass and stay with the WL.

However, since this is a special trip for DW why not try the Poly of GF, I think the wife might like those two resorts better, especially the GF.
RAD, thanks for the info. We've looked at the Poly, and ate at the restaurant there several years ago. DW was not happy with the restaurant, but did like the theming. I know she'd love the GF -- she's always talked about staying there, too. It's a tough choice to make.

BTW -- Mundelein, huh -- I used to work at Kemper in Long Grove. Co-workers and I would head to lunch at Quig's occasionally. Loved their BBQ chicken sandwich.

Thanks again for the info -- neighbor (well, kinda stretching the neighbor thing!).


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