cont. room choice


<font color=990099>San Antonio brings out the roma
Jan 4, 2002
Just got our ressies for May 14-19 at the CR!!!! We are so excited! We have a 3 y.o. and 1 y.o. any suggestions for a room location? Never stayed here or at any Deluxe can't wait to go!!! Booked a standard room, hope someone has an answer for a room choice!:D
Are you staying in the tower or garden wing?

We stayed in North Garden Wing. We loved our location. We were only about 1 minute away from the Food n Fun Center.

You will LOVE the Contemporary!!!:bounce: :bounce:
We book a standard garden view. Any room #'s will help!
We, too, stayed in the North wing and liked the location.

I asked to be as close as possible to the Main bldg (the wing is VERY long and you can be much further from the Main bldg) and we weren't too far from the elevator/entrance to the North Wing and we were close to the laundry room. We were on the second floor.

I can't remember our room number, sorry; I think it was an odd number like 7209. If I can find it, I'll post it. Our view wasn't great, though...the parking lot, but we could see the fireworks at night. I would have prefered being on the other side, it would have been a view of the playground or lagoon or pool depending on how far down the wing you are.

Look here:
If reports here on the Boards are correct, it appears that the Shades of Green relocation will occupy all of the North Garden Wing starting in April.
So if SoG is going to occupy the north garden wing, where are those people that book a standard garden view at CR going to stay?? Is there a South wing?? Or an east or west wing?? What are the views like in each of these wings??
I just looked at the resort map of the CR. It looks to me as if there will be a long hike to anywhere when staying in the South Wing. Is it a really long way to the bus stop, playground, and tennis courts?? Also is there a boat that runs from the CR to MK??
I thought the smoking rooms were in the South Garden wing. I will be really unhappy if I get a smoky room, not to mention that I have stayed in the North Wing and prefer that location. I am hoping that the shades of green people won't take the whole wing.
We've stayed in the tower and the North Garden Wing in Standard rooms in the past. Requesting a room as close to the Main building is a good idea.

The distance to the playground shouldn't be too bad from the South Wing but the tennis courts are a hike. Then again, the tennis courts are a hike even if you are in the tower.

There is water taxi service to the MK from the CR dock. Of course, you can also take the monorail. There is no direct bus service from the Contemporary to the MK.
The reports have said that the SoG relocation will take 300 rooms at the CR. From the map on, it looks like the North Wing has just over 300 rooms, so it looks like all of the North Wing will be taken up with SoG relocation.

It looks like the pools are closer to the South Wing and both are about the same distance to the Tower. North Wing is a somewhat shorter walk to MK.
This can't be far as i know. The entire North Wing is non smoking...and a good chunk of the South Wing is smoking (somthing like 50%..) they HAVE to accomadate regular full paying guests as well. They simply can not give 1/5 (if not more)of the resort away... Don't get me wrong here, I love the military and everything they do for us... I just think Disney is making a misake by setting aside an entire wing of a hotel, if this is true. They should give them a choice, if anything...or would'nt it make sense if they just reopened part of POFq for them? Then all that worked there could get their jobs back and they could sell all of the higher priced rooms (at the CR)... We will have to see what happens.
I am concerned about the SoG relocation as well. We have reservations at the CR April 18-23, right smack in the time frame that the SoG relocation will take place.
When we called to get ressies at the CR, no mention was made of this whatsoever. We had originally booked the WL, but changed to the CR because of the kids and the convienence to the MK and the monorail. Now I am wondering if this was a wise choice....

The first I have heard about this relocation was on these boards, and I'm worried. We have booked a garden room, and I DO NOT want a smoking or smoking optinal room. If SoG takes up the North Wing ( non smoking) what options does that leave the rest of us with? Will they upgrade to a tower room (non smoking) if all of the non smoking rooms in the North and South Wings are unavailable? Has anyone heard anything on this?

Does anyone know if Disney has posted any information on this whole subject?

Thanks to all have been posting on this thread!! I am curious about the smoking rooms in the south wing!! I HATE the smell of smoke! I always request a non smoking room. Even if the room as a faint smell of smoke, I request a new room! I can't believe that WDW is giving the whole north wing to SoG guests. It would be nice if it was split between the north and south wings! I will be VERY disappointed if I end up with a smokers room!!:(
I will look our room # when I get home...I'm at work now.

Don't let the map fool you. It looks like a long way, but it really isn't as far as it looks.

You will love it. The rooms are huge and the bathrooms are large. The potty is enclosed separately, so someone can be taking a shower and someone else can take care of their business!
I wouldn't worry - I'm a newly (May of 2000) non-smoker and when we were in the South Wing (room 5111 - a fantastic room), I didn't smell any smoke whatsoever. We loved our stay there - we were on the 1st floor so we got to feed the ducks, we could walk out our patio door and be within 20 steps of the pool, we were so close to the Tower and all the goodies there, and the room was huge. They are big enough that, if Disney wanted, they could fit another Queen size bed in there. I think you will love your stay there, especially with your kids. Enjoy.
I don't think that the room we stayed in was a standard garden view---it was one step above, I believe... it was a garden/variable view. We had a great view of Bay Lake---beautiful...we could lie in bed and watch the Electrical Light Pageant at night. Our room was in the South Wing, facing Bay Lake, and the number was 6317.

As for smoking... I believe the 1st floor of the South Wing is smoking, we were on the 3rd floor, and smelled nothing... I would have known as I am extremely sensitive and allergic.


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