Connections vouchers How many?


Jan 17, 2002
This will be our first and probally only trip to Disney. We want the children to have a great time without breaking the bank. Is there a limit in the amount of vouchers you can purchase?
I assume you are referring to the Quick and Casual certificates. When I ordered mine, there was a limit of 10. However, later in the month I was able to order another 10. They ship them quickly so if you have time, 2 weeks or more before your trip you could easily place 2 orders. I assume the limit is 10 per order.

Hope this helps!
WELCOME TO THE DIS, tina95!!! I hope that this WON'T be your ONLY trip to WDW, but if it IS, I hope that we can help you have the best trip possible. Be sure to visit all of the rest of our boards too.
Now I will let the Connections experts to get back to you! :)

Again - WELCOME! :)


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