Confused: FOTL for hotel guests and Express Tickets...


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2000
are express tickets for those staying outside the parks at other hotels? Does this work like fast pass at disney? Do I have this right? What are the rules associated with Express Tickets.
And FOTL - you just have to show your room card to go to the head of the line - correct? Is this a separate entrance?
Sorry for all the questions.
Universal Express gives you 3 Express passes if you have a multiday ticket. One day ticketholders get one pass. You can get a new pass within two hours of your first, when you use an Express pass, or when your time period expires.

FOTL is for onsite guests only. Just show your key and you get to go through the Universal Express line.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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