comments on disneyland hotel concierge?/


May 17, 2000
Everyone is talking about the grand Californian hotle , did we make a mistake booking in to the disneyland hotel concierge?/ it is our 1st time gooing , des any body have any comments about the disneyland Hotel?/ Thanks.
The Disneyland Hotel is still a very good hotel. We have been there several times and it has been remodiled (I hear) recently.

The GrandCalifornian is a brand new hotel and the first hotel ever in Disney history to be located in a theme park and a lot of people are very curious about the new kid on the block.

We are personally going this time to the Grand Californian Hotel Concierge due to we have never been to that hotel and we want to see how it is like.

Which ever hotel you pick (DL or GC) you will not do wrong. Both hotels are great. The DL Hotel is of course a little less expensive then the GC.

Have a GREAT trip.


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In the Disneyland Hotel concierge rooms, they have special wallpaper that "sparkles" with "pixie dust" after you turn off the lights :D. (Or so I've been told.) I've been trying to book one of those rooms, but so far, no luck.

I've been trying to pursuade my wife to "settle" for the Grand Californian on our next trip next month, but she's still hoping we can nab a room at the DL. Why? She finds dark wood sort of dreary. (That's why she doesn't really like the Wilderness Lodge at WDW, but LOVES the Grand Floridian. Go figure.)

And the DL has its own distinct charms -- the cool pool area, the ponds full of exotic fish, really great gift shops, and one of my favorite Disney restaurants, Hook's Pointe.

<font color=blue>
<font face="Alaska">"It's the time of your life, so live it well..."

Greg K.
Forest Hills, NY
<font color=maroon>
Grand Floridian: '96,'97,'99
Disneyland Hotel: '00
Grand Californian: '01
so is it true that only the concierge rooms at the Disneyland Hotel have the special "pixie dust" effect? I was thinking that was a standard feature.
Originally posted by JC Butterfly
so is it true that only the concierge rooms at the Disneyland Hotel have the special "pixie dust" effect? I was thinking that was a standard feature.

It is a standard feature of the rooms at the DLH, not just concierge. Some hotels have certain rooms set aside for concierge - not DLR. Concierge rooms are no different than other rooms - they have different views, are in different towers, and have different bed arrangements. When you book, you tell them what view - DTD, Theme Park, Pool or standard view - you want, and the room cost varies according to what you picked. You also tell them whether you want 2 queens, one king or 2 queens & a daybed. You then can "add concierge". It is an additional cost (not sure exactly but probably $100 - $150/night). This gives you the priviledge of using the concierge lounge, turn down, etc. If you decide to book concierge, I would suggest requesting the Sierra Tower. The concierge lounge is on the 11th floor of the Sierra Tower. They can't guarantee it but I would push it. When we checked in once at DLH with concierge, they had us in the Bonita Tower. I said that I would not pay the extra for concierge unless we were in the Sierra Tower and they were able to find us a room there.


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