Comfort Inn LBV


DIS Veteran
Oct 30, 1999
We just got a reservation at the Comfort Inn on Palm Pwy for 11/30/02 for $31.00! We needed somewhere to stay for one night , for our ressies at OKW started on Dec 1 and we could not obtain a reasonable cost flight on the 1st.
Congratulations on your great rate! Where did you find it? We too are interested in a hotel for just a night, but during the summer. I hope we can get the same rate as you!!
I have stayed at this hotel a few times in the past. It is a clean hotel, it has two pools and a security guard watching the parking lot entrance. The last time I was there was 1998, but I stayed there before that and was very pleased considering the amount the room cost (29.95)

We received this rate on their own website. Their larger suites were only $45/night.


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