Club 33


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
Tell me how we can get into Club 33. My husband and I will be visiting DL, alone no kids, in May for our anniversary. He would be in absolute heaven if I could surprise him with the opportunity to dine in Club 33 for our anniversary. Is there any hope?
Unfortunately no, not unless you know a member. There is no way to get into Club 33 without having a member connection.

Maybe you could try Napa Rose for your anniversary? :) Hope you have a great trip!

Assistant Webmaster
Cruise & Inspiration Board Co-Host
Disneyland Board Co-Host
It took me three years to get into Club 33. Start asking anyone you know with Disney connections. You may know a friend of a friend of a member. Good luck in your Club 33 quest. It is quite an experience. ;)

Corporate Membership

This membership is designed for organizations to make Club 33 available to a number of their executives, and has a membership fee of $20,000. This entitles the corporate member to designate up to nine associate members. Dues for associate members are $2,250 per year. All memberships are transferable to other executives in the corporation.

Members no longer in the employment of the corporate member's company must surrender the membership cards to Club 33. The corporate member may then designate another member of his company.

Limited Corporate Membership

This membership is designed for organizations wishing to make Club 33 available to one of their executives, and has a membership fee of $10,000. This entitles the corporation to transfer the membership to another employee whenever necessary. For individual members, credit is extended based upon the membership fee initially paid if a transfer of membership is desired. Dues are $2,250 per year.

Individual Membership

This particular membership is for individuals and is available at $7,500 membership fee and $2,250 annual dues. These memberships are nontransferable.


All members must have a valid membership card to gain entrance to Club 33. Additional utilization of the card is to spouse only, with reservations accepted only from the cardholder, the spouse or the cardholder's assistant. Use of the membership card is subject to the terms covering membership agreed to by the member in the membership application. We reserve the right to approve or disapprove any membership to assure that our high standards are maintained.

The membership card entitles the member and a party of nine to free parking and admission through the Main Entrance of DISNEYLAND® (except when special tickets are the only admission to a special event or private party). This privilege is applicable when the member plans to dine at Club 33. If the card is used for admission but the member decides not to dine at the club, the member will be billed for the regular price of admission. If the member is unable to accompany the guests to Club 33, the Club will arrange admission for them at no charge. Members may purchase DISNEYLAND® passports through Club 33 for pick-up at the Guest Relations Booth.

To remain a member in good standing, dues must be paid annually within thirty (30) days following receipt of invoice.

Usage of Club 33 is by reservation only. It is advisable to call for reservations well in advance.

Private parties utilizing the entire Club facilities are available upon member's request with the required minimum number of guests.

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