

<font color=blue>Is a BIG TIME believer!!<br><font
Apr 22, 2000
How do I get clipart into my posts?
i found a great clipart pic of drum major mickey that I really like since I am in my HS marching band.

I'd like to know too! Are the instructions the same as the old board? Does the clipart have to be linked from a DIS webpage? I've linked from another web-site and it's not working. Unless I'm doing something else wrong too! :rolleyes:
Just follow the clipart links in my signature.

No, clipart does not have to be on the DIS websites. More and more though, other sites are not allowing direct linking. If you put your clipart on a DIS site, we can be relatively certain it's going to continure working. There is also a link in my signature with detailed instructions for DIS websites.

Good luck and let us know if you need more help. :D
Thanks, LisaTX! What a fast response (especially with the busy day you are probably having today due to the new boards!) You guys are awesome!

(P.S. I'm still having problems, so I had to e-mail you!)


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