cirque du soleil


Earning My Ears
Mar 9, 2001
How long are the shows...can a toddler be brought in, or should I make alternative arrangements? Thanks!
There is ticket and other information about cirque du soleil performances on the website There was also a phone number listed for them also which is 407-939-7600 inside the Orlando Official Visitors Guide. I hope this helps you out.
We have been 3 times and in all honesty I think a toddler could be a problem....the show is terrific with lot of action on the stage in front of you...
The theater is relatively small and the performers do some very precarious and difficult stunts....if your toddler can sit for 90 minutes and not move around, talk loudly, and disrupt others who have paid 65 dollars, then I think he or she could go....I don't mean to be to firm, but this is a trememdous show, and I think you could enjoy the show much more if little one was with a good sitter....grandpa Ted
I've seen Cirque for free and I've paid for it both in Vegas and Orlando. It is a "must-see" for anyone.

Knowing that, I can tell you that I would not bring my kids, almost 7, 5, and 3, to see Cirque yet in Vegas or Orlando. They absolutely wouldn't appreciate it to it's fullest, and I would never want to interfere with someone else's enjoyment of an adult entertainment product.



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