Cinderalla's breakfast


DIS Veteran
Jul 3, 2000
Just a question for the experts. I was wondering when to make a breakfast reservation for Cinderalla's breakfast or the Castle breakfast or whatever it is called now? Is it 60 days out or 90 days out? Please help as I have not gone in a while, but we are taking friends in June, and they have a 4 year old, and would love to go to this for her. THANKS!
You have to call 60 days in advance and at EXACTLY 7:00 ET. Cinderella's breakfast is the hardest PS to obtain in WDW, it usually fills up in mere minutes every day. There is a new Cinderella dinner at 1900 Park Fare at the GF, and that is a 120 day PS. Until people really hear about it, it should be an easier PS to get than Cindy's breakfast. There also is another Princess Breakfast located in Norway in Epcot. It's also a 120 day PS, and isn't as hard to get as Cindy's, but Cinderella usually doesn't appear there. Also, just so you know that you have to give a credit card deposit to book Cindy's breakfast. The deposit must be given at time of booking and the person whose credit card is used must show up for the ressie. So, if you want to make ressies for your friends, either get their information, or plan on going with them. They won't be able to check-in for Cindy's if the ressie is in your name, and you'd have to use a credit card in their name. If you're used, you have to show up, since they verify who you are by which credit card was charged.
Thanks for the great info!
I will try to talk to my friends and book the 1900 Park Fare one, that sounds easier to get!!!



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