Christmas Cards


DIS Veteran
Aug 1, 2021
How many of you send Christmas cards and how many? I'm in my 40s and send about 30 cards each year. I have several elderly aunts/widows who enjoy the mail. And I love seeing the photo cards as we don't live close to family. I just finished writing out mine tonight. I usually do them earlier, but my mom picked them up from a fundraiser in her community for us so we saw her Friday night to take her to Elf the musical (which was fun and festive by the way).

ETA: Sorry @slo maybe I should have waited for this to be a poll!
Early 40s here and I don’t send any, never have. We receive 2-3 every year from one of my SILs, a cousin, and a friend, although I can’t recall if the friend has still been sending them the past couple of years. Her divorce may have put an end to that. :laughing:
How many of you send Christmas cards and how many? I'm in my 40s and send about 30 cards each year. I have several elderly aunts/widows who enjoy the mail. And I love seeing the photo cards as we don't live close to family. I just finished writing out mine tonight. I usually do them earlier, but my mom picked them up from a fundraiser in her community for us so we saw her Friday night to take her to Elf the musical (which was fun and festive by the way).

ETA: Sorry @slo maybe I should have waited for this to be a poll!
Thanks for thinking of me and it’s all good - I love seeing people start new threads.

Normally I send between 20-30 cards 🎅🏼🎄
I used to do well over 40 through the years it’s dropped I mail about six this year and then I hand-delivered about 10
Myself find it sad not sending or receiving Christmas cards - I liked receiving the cards with the letters the pictures family updates etc. As a person who doesn’t do Facebook it was always nice corresponding with family - before FB my friends & family wrote letters back & forth - especially my older relatives- they have all passed and I miss that ! ❤️
I send two actual cards to family and a few Judith Lawson cards via email to friends overseas.
We use MoonPig to send real cards over seas. It’s pretty reasonable. My mother in law and sister in law enjoy getting a real card. We also discovered you can change country on Amazon and have presents delivered from local Amazon uk . My credit card doesn’t have exchange fee so I simply picked items from nephews wish list and sent to them wrapped. Then switched back to USA.


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