Chili anyone?


<font color=green>Okay, I already am 40, but if I
Jul 1, 2003
My idea is to make a pot of chili for dinner. I have a pound of ground buffalo, several cans of Chili Hot Beans, some onions, green peppers and a cupboard full of spices. I do not have a chili mix or kit.

What would you put in your chili if you did not have a mix?

I'd throw in everything you mentioned, plus a couple of cans of diced or stewed tomatoes. For spices, cayenne pepper and some garlic salt.

Then I'd put in about 1/2 a bottle of beer, and let it all simmer.
To what you have, I would add in 1 can of 28 oz tomatoes (blended up in the blender), maybe a smaller can of tomato sauce, and most of a bottle of beer.
Oh, chili shounds SO good - I may need to make a batch this weekend.

I just use hamburger, tomato juice, beans in chili sauce, chili seasoning and dried red pepper flakes (do sometimes add some elbow macaroni). DH hates anything else in chili, but it is still very good.
Hey! I'm making White Chili for dinner tonight! Crock Pot recipe...throw in Great White Northern beans, Monterey Jack Cheese, a jar of medium Salsa, cumin, salt and pepper, chicken if you like, and you're good to go! Good meal for a cold night.
I use chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and garlic. I also use condensed tomato soup in place of tomatoes. (Can't stand to watch the rest of the family pick out the tomatoes...)
I like to eat mine over Fritos Scoops with sprinkled cheese and a big glob of sour cream. :teeth:
I would take what you have, add a jar of salsa, some beer (or water or beef stock), chili powder and then see how it tastes - maybe add a little more garlic or onion if needed?
I just made a big crock pot of chili last night mmmm. I used cumin, chili powder, garlic, onions, chicken stock, crushed tomatoes and a can of kidney beans. It came out soooo good. :wave:
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I like the beer idea and I have canned tomatoes. I would not have thought of cumin. I hope I have some! Can't wait to start cooking.
we had chili for dinner last night :) I make mine with ground beef, onions, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, seasoned kidney beans, chili powder, and a seasoning mix I have from a local BBQ joint, it is soooooo good! We eat our chili with shredded cheese on top and by scooping it with tortilla chips. YUM!
I put browned hamburger, Tomato sauce , can of diced tomatoes, a can of mushrooms, can of kidney beans, bits of green peppers, chil'o mix.
or i go to gold star, or skyline when i don't want to cook.
Yea, thown in a bottle of beer. I'm not sure why, but it makes chili taste incredible. I'm also a big fan of serving with fritos and cheese. And another bottle of beer for me :drinking1


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