childrens menus at city walk


Earning My Ears
Dec 30, 2000
Are there childrens menus at the city walk
restaraunts. the menus I have located on line
just list adult size meals. any info helpful.
My kids had a chicken fingers meal & a hamburger meal at Nascar (Citywalk). Both were good and they were happy. I don't remember how much the meals cost, but it was reasonable.

It's been my experience that most restaurants at Citywalk and at the Portofino (with exception of prob Emerils and Delphio's (sp?) at the Portofino offer kids menus. Most restaurants consider kids to be kids until the age of 12.

Hope this helps some.

They all had kids menu's and some even had kid packs with crayons and coloring books. I think Emeril's is the only place that didnt offer a special menu for kids.We found at most places they all offered chicken fingers, mac and cheese and PB&J (triple deckers) along with other favorites. My one son is very picky and we never had a problem! Margarittaville had great choices for kids.



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