Children's Meal Prices


<font color=red>DIS Veteran<br><font color=blue>Dr
May 31, 2002
We are trying to plan a budget for a trip to WDW in the springor summer. My daughter will be between 1 1/2 to 2 depending on when we end up going. We were planning on doing a lot of the character meals. I was looking up information on and I was able to find prices for character meals for adults and for children aged 3-10, but nothing for the toddler crowd. Does anyone know what the prices are for a 1 1/2 or two year old to eat at the character meals? :confused: Thanks in advance!
i believe the under 3 crowd eats free. but dont quote me on that. you may want to email disney directly and ask or call wdw-dine.
if you need their email go to and go to their restaurant/dining section and their should be a link at the bottom.
The under 3 crowd are FREE!!!!!! :) :) :)

It doesn't get much better than that does it?!

We went when DS was 2.5 and at every buffet and character meal we went he was free. Counter service you do need to pay for.
The under 3 crowd are FREE!!!!!!

WAHOO!!!! It doesn't get much better than that! I think that will definitely help sway DH to go this year! We won't pay for her park tickets and when we are there we tend to eat at at least one character meal per day. That is great news. Thanks so much!!!
PS- Still fainting over the thought that something at Disney could be free!!!! Although, we probably have a harder time saying "NO" to her souvenir demands as we would for an older child. Aha, I KNEW there was a catch somwhere ;)
Children under 3 are indeed free at buffets and all-you-can eat meals. That is one of the main reasons, along with the free park admission, that we are returning for a trip this year before our dd turns 3. I have tried and tried to convince friends and family to plan a trip to WDW for their kids right before they turn 3 but no one seems to think their kids will be old enough to enjoy it. Since my dd enjoyed it last year at barely 2 I KNOW she will enjoy it immensely this year.

We are doing a character meal just about every day during our trip to take advantage of the free meal for dd - got to get every advantage out of going before she turns 3!!

Good luck and start planning that trip!!!!!!
Yes, the kids under 3 eat free at family style and buffet restaurants, however you will have to pay for those ala carte things you order.

Most of the kids meals range from $3.99 to $8.99 depending on what it is!


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