Childcare Options for 13 year old???


Oct 8, 1999
Does anyone have any ideas for childcare options for our 13 yr old? We have always used the kids clubs, but this year DS will be too old; kidsniteout also ends at 12 years of age... OR ... Does anyone have any insight or advice on leaving a 13 yr old alone at Disney Quest while adults go to Adventurer's Club? We're going again in December and would love to do the Adventurer's Club, but do not feel it's appropriate for DS.
If there were 2 13yr olds I wouldn't have a problem leaving them at Disney Quest....but I would be a little more concerned with one. It all depends on the childs level of comfort with this idea...Good luck...
It would be alright to leave a 13 year old by himself at Disney Quest, but I'm not sure how fun it would be for your son...I myself am 14 and I hate having to go places by myself...but then again your son could be different...

Have you ever thought of maybe leaving him in the hotel room? The rooms have a television and that can keep a kid occupied for hours. You may want to see if he wants to see a movie. Disney has a movie theatre right by Disney the choice is yours...but it really all depends on how much you trust your son...I will say this though...Disney is more protective then anything is better than that...


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