Child care/ Babysitting services?


Earning My Ears
Mar 20, 2001
I was wondering if anyone has any info on child care centers and or babysitting services in the Universal area. Just incase the grown ups need a time out.....
The Portifino has Campo Portifino and the HRH has the Little Rock Club. I haven't heard of any babysitting services for offsite guests.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I think you can use either one of these and everyone says they're really good. I do not have the numbers but I'm sure someone can get them for you. We plan on using one of them for a 3 year old when we go in Oct.
I heard about them on 2 of our visits to DW. I was on those boards alot and someone was always talking about them. You have to call them and they send a girl or lady over and they bring alot of books, ect. to entertain your child with. Maybe if you ask on these boards someone will answer that has used them. We will use them this year but I don't know if I'll call them ahead of time. I think since we won't need them until the second or third day, I'll just wait. I'm sure they're in the phonebook and they probably even have their number at the hotels.
Thank you! That is just the kind of service I was looking for.... I think I will try the on line yellow pages to look them up since we will be leaving this Sat. :)


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